10 tips and tricks to avoid anger

Anger is simply a way to show the world that you are frustrated with something around you. The issue with anger is that it clouds your judgment. Anger can control you if you let it. You can either fight anger or continue to live in a state of constant fear and helplessness. The choice is simply yours.
Anger adds to anxiety, too, because when you are angry you focus on the source of your anger rather than the solution to your problem. Not only will this focus not solve your problem, it adds to your anxiety further. You tend to find yourself depleted of energy when you are anxious. So it is extremely important that you learn to control your anger before it can control
Here are a few tips to allow you control your anger better.
Deep breaths
Our body uses deep breaths as a trigger to relax. So, the next time you find yourself angry, step back for a minute and take deep breaths to begin to calm down.
Think before you speak
This is extremely hard to do for many of us under normal circumstances, and when we are angry it can be almost impossible. But if you practice control over your emotions, it is possible to speak thoughtfully even when you are angry.
Your brain will fight you at first by focusing only on the source of your anger, but you need to and you can take control of your thoughts with regular and dedicated effort.
Do not bottle up your feelings
Anger is a feeling like any other feeling. You cannot bottle up your anger once you have calmed down. Anger has a way of multiplying, and the next time you are angry with the same person you are bound to react more aggressively than you should.
So once you have calmed down, make sure that you let the person know, in a calm and nonaggressive way, why and what it was that made you angry in the first place. People understand things better and are less defensive if you can explain yourself in a less confrontational way. So do not yell but tell.
Remember the timeouts you were punished with as a child? Timeouts were given to us whenever we behaved erratically. Timeouts were supposed to help us reflect on our thoughts and thus learn from the whole experience, and they do the same for adults. Next time you feel angry, take a timeout to help yourself calm down and understand your anger.
No grudges
Grudges help no one, not even yourself. If they make anyone happy, it is the people who want to see you fall. Avoid holding grudges as much as possible. Resolve issues immediately.
Forgive people for their flaws. We are not as perfect as we like to believe we are, and nobody else is perfect, either. Everyone is bound to make mistakes. Forgive them as you would like to be forgiven. It will help you to live at peace with yourself and that person too.This is a step that works best if you can control your thought process.
When you are angry you are usually most concerned with the cause of the anger. Instead, try focusing on the solution rather than the problem. As you find a solution, you will realize that your anger has dissipated too. We get angry when we feel that we are not in control of the situation, but if we take the control back we will find no need to be angry at all.
Laugh it off
Humor is ill-defined in the modern world. Sarcasm is considered funny by some but not by others. Avoid sarcasm, but find a way to laugh off the cause of your anger. You will diffuse the situation better and find a solution to the problem at hand faster.
Exercise regularly
Exercise lets you release your everyday tensions. More often than not, we are angry for some other, underlying reason, but we let our anger manifest itself for whatever little straw has broken the camel. This reaction is especially strong when your body and your brain are stressed. So relieve your stress regularly through scheduled exercise every day.
Meditate regularly so that you are in control of your feelings and not the other way around. Never let your feelings define who you are. Don’t give people around you a reason to see you as grumpy or grouchy. They will come to expect those feelings and those feelings alone when they describe you. So stay on top of your feelings and emotions and use meditation to keep yourself thinking positively.
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About author
I am certified in addiction counseling, public health, health education, mental health and I am also an AIDS-certified registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience and founder of Hindi health point