9 most common mistakes made on Instagram

1. Setting the account as a private profile.
Setting up your Instagram account’s privacy account is the fastest way to get rid of new potential Instagram followers UK. This is definitely a cardinal Common mistakes made on Instagram by both influencers and companies. Don’t get me wrong – in the case of a personal account, this is a privacy issue that you can protect, but when it comes to a business account – as long as the user sees the privacy icon, they will stay away from that profile.
There are 2 main reasons for this: The
follower request must be approved by the profile handler – which can take anywhere from 1 hour to a full day depending on when the company can do so.
You cannot see any content in your account – the potential observer has no idea what type of content or information the company is publishing.
To make sure the company profile is not private, go to the profile page and click the ellipses next to the name. Then scroll down and check if the slider next to “private account” is inactive.
Because the badge that blocks access to the content is the last one your client wants to see:
2. Sharing the same content.
What’s too much is not healthy – the saying also applies to posts you put on Instagram. Users will quickly unfollow your account if you keep sharing the same content. There is nothing wrong with using “selfie” for social media marketing, moreover, several brands have taken advantage of this trend very positively – Donkin Donats created a “Fan of the Week” window where they posted photos of fans who took a selfie with their product every week and # HashTag, but posting the same photos over and over will leave users bored with the same product.
To avoid this, make sure you host a diverse range of content that affects fan engagement. Not only does this mean mixing quotes with business tips, but it also means experimenting with colors or branding.
3. Share multiple posts in a short period of time
If you have interesting content and you have a lot of it, plan your publications for a few days to post a maximum of 3-4 posts a day at similar intervals. Don’t post after post because it’s the easiest way to discourage and scare your followers. In addition, if fans scroll through their feed and only see posts from your profile, there is a good chance they will unfollow them to stop receiving spam. Remember also that such action kills engagement, and thus algorithms stop promoting your profile as interesting.
A good tool for planning posts is, for example: a buffer.
4. Not responding to comments.
Social Media is built on ties with fans and communicating together – that’s why it is very important to respond to comments that they post under your content. Thanks to this, you will build greater engagement – which should be your main goal as a brand. Ignoring comments shows that you underestimate your fans and it is the first red light for future customers not to use your services. Plus – to make sure you are reaching your fans @tag them as a reply. They will then receive notifications and will likely start further discussions. RANGE!
@Tagging people can be an interesting booster – when you tag people who can drive traffic to your website.
5. Not using Hashtags
Not using hashtags on Instagram – your brand loses a huge chance of new users/fans on your profile. The optimal number of hashtags in a post is 15-30 characters. Remember that there is also a long list of banned hashtags on Instagram – there are currently over 100,000 of them.
Let me explain – in order for your content to interact with your target audience as much as possible, to get noticed, you must include as many hashtags related to your topic, industry, or niche as possible.
This helps in discovering your content by users searching for keywords. If you do not want to mark them in the content – you can also do it in the comment below your photo – the effect will be the same.
6. Failure to optimize Instagram Bio
It is one of the most clickable places on any Instagram account where followers can click on the URL – that is your Bio – profile info! Yes, you can paste the URL in the comments, but since the link is inactive, very few people will click on it, let alone remember it.
To make good use of this, make sure that the most important link is placed in Instagram Bio. Then, in the comment, encourage your followers to click on the link in the bio.
7. No videos
You’ve heard about 15 minutes of fame, right? Well, Instagram gives you 15 seconds, so make good use of them! This is a perfect chance for your company to show its human face or highlight the most important content or events. Involvement in video depends on the area you cover and how well you prepare the material. You should test this option with your fans.
8. No profile picture
Users choose not to follow an Instagram profile if they cannot see the person or brand they want to follow. The first thing we do when we meet someone in real life is saying hello. We do the same on social media – especially on Instagram.
Without “eye contact” it is harder to build relationships that we care about. So if there’s no face to look at where your profile picture is, it’s likely that most of your fans will give up clicking on “follow”. Commenting without a photo doesn’t look professional either, as a blank profile picture appears with every comment you post – as with all FAKE or GHOST accounts.
9. Not watching other profiles
Only engaging in your own content is not a 2019 strategy :). The Conversation Commerce trend is currently developing – you MUST engage with other users’ content if you want to expand your community and build a relationship with your customers/fans. Follow – is an ennoblement for your clients. This does not mean that you are following every user who follows your profile. Take the time to find the right profiles for your industry area. Look at this as an opportunity to expand your network of contacts and build relationships. It can even provide great opportunities for cooperation that will help you reach a wider audience.
Taking care of your profile – avoid the mistakes that you could read above, and you will gain engaged users and increase the recognition of your brand. Upgrade your profile by at least 1% every day