Principles and applications of electromagnetic waves

An electromagnetic wave is an oscillating particle-wave. In space, we can emit electromagnetic waves. Electric and magnetic fields that are in phase and perpendicular to each other cause electromagnetic waves.
It is a wave-particle duality electromagnetic field and propagates in the form of waves. Waves in space propagate in the form of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate in phase and are perpendicular to each other. And their propagation path is perpendicular to the plane produced by the electric and magnetic fields. In a vacuum, the speed of electromagnetic waves is constant, and it is equal to the speed of light.
These antennas that generate radio waves have evolved over the last 20 to 30 years into numerous antennas, or flat-panel antennas. It is similar to 4G and 5G signal towers, and there are even more wireless gadgets. The antennae are all built within the fuselage, so you can’t see them all. The phased array antenna (“Phased Array Antenna”), massive multi-input multi-output (“Massive MIMO”), and beam forming (“Beamforming”) are just a few examples. Why is this the case?
Everyone was still listening to the radio in the 1990s at the time. The frequency of radio FM and AM ranges from a few kilohertz to a few megahertz, which we discussed earlier in the lower frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The broadcasting towers of the time were all omnidirectional antennas that sent radio signals in all directions. It reminds me of a light bulb. The same brightness is seen by those facing various directions. Home wireless routers operate at a significantly higher frequency, in the 2.4GHz range. They’re also home broadband, with single-antenna Omni-directional transmission with bandwidths ranging from a few megabytes to many tens of megabytes. They’re capable of carrying services like web pages, movies, and music.
Later, as more high-definition video and networking equipment became available, the need for wireless communication grew, as did the amount of data carried by the carrier wave. A gigabit network is a network that transmits data at a high rate. To convey these rising volumes of data, the carrier frequency must be high enough. The home wireless WiFi network has evolved from the 2.4G Hz frequency band to 5G Hz as the electromagnetic wave frequency of communication continues to rise.
Mobile phone cellular networks have progressed from a few hundred MHz frequency bands to higher frequency channel resources and more diverse high-frequency bands. We use A 24 GHz high-frequency band even in the 5G millimeter-wave frequency band. The wavelength is proportional to the frequency. We have shortened the wavelength of electromagnetic waves from a few hundred meters or even a few kilometers during the broadcast period to the centimeter and millimeter frequencies in the 5G cellular network.
High also poses another issue, namely, that the propagation distance is shrinking. Because the propagation medium absorbs less energy, low-frequency electromagnetic waves travel a great distance. The air is the medium via which information travels through the atmosphere. In the air, high-frequency radio waves travel relatively quickly. The reason is that the air absorbs this energy. Imagine throwing a stone into a lake; Water waves travel a long distance. but if the frequency is high, the water will absorb most of the energy, thereby changing the propagation.
As a result, high-frequency water waves have an extremely short transmission distance. To tackle the problem of high-frequency radio transmission distance, the only way to boost power is to increase the power of directional transmission. It can only compensate for the shortboard of transmission distance to a certain amount. Since the air medium absorbs the omnidirectional electromagnetic wave energy transmitted through the air, the electromagnetic wave attenuates. If the threshold is still clearly broken, the energy usage will be high and meaningless.
This type of exchange is not cost-effective because you are increasing the transmission distance a tiny bit with high excessive transmission power. At this point, it appears to be a pot cover or the rowing of such antenna arrays. Antennas can help with transmission distance issues. This is why ultra-long-distance electromagnetic wave communications, such as satellite communications, utilize directional antennas. However, as home radio technology has progressed, directional antennas have run into issues. Because they are unable to quickly and efficiently steer the antenna. Of course, you can add a motor to turn the directional antenna through a mechanical structure. However, this is not realistic in this scenario of a home router.
The mechanical structure limits the steering’s rotation speed, thus it can’t accommodate numerous users at the same time. We solved this challenge by using scene array antennas at the same time. Many radiating elements called “radiating elements” make up each radiating element in the array antenna.
These small radiating elements constitute an antenna, in which many small radiating elements are physically built on the circuit board. This is why inside the fuselage buried antennas of many wireless gadgets. Due to the mutual interference between several radiating components, electromagnetic waves can have a high degree of directivity.
When a single radiating component with a reflective panel emitted electromagnetic wave passes through two radiating components side by side, we can use same energy to double the electromagnetic waves transmitted in one direction while reducing the emission of electromagnetic waves on both sides. 4 stacked on top of each other The radiating component can increase the energy of the electromagnetic wave transmitted forward by four times, improve the directionality of the electromagnetic wave, and reduce sidelobe leakage. The term “electromagnetic wave” can define the transmission direction of electromagnetic waves. “Main Lobe,” is the major electromagnetic wave propagation range, while “Side Lobe,” is the surrounding electromagnetic waves.
And the side lobe covered the regionions, which also has signal, although the range and intensity of the main lobe are considerably smaller.
Array Gain is that many radiating elements forms the antenna array, which improves the propagation direction of electromagnetic waves. Because of their slightly varying positions in space, the many radiating components are coordinated through multiple radiating components. The emission angle of the primary lobe of the electromagnetic wave might shift and deflect due to the delay of the emitted electromagnetic wave, or the phase of the electromagnetic wave. In this way, electromagnetic wave steering can be realized. For example, the present 5G base station’s phased array antenna can simultaneously transmit several electromagnetic waves and actively send the strongest main lobe of the signal to our mobile phone antenna to various terminals.
Radiation can have a lot of radiating components. The components’ cooperation can result in the narrowing of a single electromagnetic beam, resulting in a very long transmission distance. It may also transmit several electromagnetic wave beams in opposite directions at the same time to accommodate many users. This is known as “Massive MIMO,” which stands for “massively multi-in, multi-out.”
The phased array antenna uses digital signals to control distinct radiating components. In order to determine the direction of electromagnetic waves, it does not need to travel through a mechanical construction. The motor’s spinning antenna vibrator can vary the direction of electromagnetic wave emission while simultaneously emitting various electromagnetic wave beams. The mechanical construction of the directional antenna cannot be used to send electromagnetic waves in numerous directions simultaneously. So this solves the problem of communicating with several devices simultaneously. The phase control antenna is a type of antenna.
Antenna array Beamforming is a technique for turning electromagnetic wave output and boosting propagation in a specific direction. These are the primary reasons why the current antenna form differs from the traditional single omnidirectional radio frequency antenna. Because the current volume of business data is too large. And the frequency of electromagnetic waves is increasing, omnidirectional electromagnetic waves’ power consumption is too high and so on. So the current directional antennas are all through the array antenna. The signal enhancement device collects and broadcasts all-direction radiofrequency electromagnetic waves in one direction.
Give a few real-life instances. Current home wireless router antennas, for example, are all of this type of panel, or several antennas, to generate a narrower beam of electromagnetic wave beams for longer distances and more accurate signal transmission. We utilized millimeter wave radar to detects narrow beam electromagnetic waves in driving cars as well. This narrowband electromagnetic wave is transmitted at a high rate in order to detect information from nearby automobiles. The HDMI signal line is equivalent to the millimeter wave wireless HDMI image transmission device. We should employ a higher frequency carrier to convey the electromagnetic wave energy more concentratedly in a narrow beam, and the transmission volume must send roughly 500 megabytes of data per second in the air medium. In all of these practical applications, we use arrays. An antenna is a technique that creates a concentrated electromagnetic wave beam.
Because electromagnetic waves are invisible, if these abstract notions are difficult for you to grasp, you can use the electromagnetic spectrum to help you understand them. The properties of electromagnetic waves are closer to light the higher the frequency of electromagnetic waves. In reality, light plays a role in the end result. When the frequency is higher, it enters the 5G millimeter wave frequency band, which is responsible for the work of the wireless HDMI picture transmitter. You can see how the array antenna concentrates electromagnetic waves in the 60G Hz carrier frequency region.It hits from the sending end to the receiving end in a very narrow beam, such as a laser beam. High-frequency electromagnetic waves are, in reality, getting closer to the nature of light. The penetrating ability, for example, is poor, but the energy is concentrated.
I hope that, even though you can’t see electromagnetic waves in these wireless gadgets at home in the future, such as wireless routers, mobile phones, tablets, and smart TVs, you can compensate for them by reading this post. The workings of wireless devices and how they communicate.