
How to Extend the Life of Your Furry Best Friend

Losing your dog is one of the most heartbreaking experiences you can go through. People who aren’t dog lovers will never understand the pain and heartache that comes with this massive loss. They’re not just another pet, but they’re a member of your family. The good news is that you can help extend their lives by doing a few simple things like frequent exercise, raw dog food and more. 

Giving Your Dog More Time

If it were up to you, your dog would live forever. While you can’t control some things, there are things you can do to give them a few more quality years. Here are some things that many pet owners don’t know that will help increase the quality and longevity of life.

Get Regular Dental Care

It’s not enough to take your dog to the vet twice a year, as you must also ensure that their teeth are taken care of. It would help if you were brushing your dogs’ teeth once a day, and it doesn’t hurt to add bones that help remove plaque and tarter to their diet.

Rotten teeth are a common occurrence, and they can have a direct impact on their quality of life. The toxins from rotten teeth are notorious for causing heart problems, so when you brush your teeth, make sure to brush Fido’s.

Don’t Just Buy Any Dog Food

Many people just go to the grocery store and pick up any food on the shelf based on price. Sure, everyone’s on a budget these days, but you can’t just serve anything to your dog. Many of these store-bought varieties have all kinds of preservatives and additives that aren’t healthy.

There’s some legislation on dog food, but it’s not nearly as stringent as it is for human food. It’s always best to consider a raw food diet packed full of nutrients that is suitable for them. Do some research and find a good raw dog food company that you can trust in the quality of their food.

Watch their Waist

While 5-10 pounds of extra weight might not seem too bad to you, it can be devastating for a small pup like a chihuahua. You want to make sure your dog maintains a good, healthy diet so that they don’t become obese. Your vet will tell you what your dog should weigh. When your animal is too heavy, it will develop conditions like diabetes, congestive heart failure, collapsed trachea, and other serious issues.

If your dog wants bites of food from the table, you need to learn how to say no. This food might be delicious to them, but human foods have things that are not suitable for dogs. While that garlic tastes appetizing to you, it can be toxic for them. Additionally, things like raisins can kill them. Stick to their raw dog food diet and don’t feed them from the table. 

Take them to the Vet

It would shock you how many people try to treat their animals for medical emergencies. If your dog has an emergency and needs vet care, don’t give them over-the-counter medications. You have no clue what they need. People who take on the responsibility of a pet should be able to afford their care. A vet can discover conditions and get them under control before they become a significant issue.

Stay Prepared

If you’re a parent, you probably have a first-aid kit in your home. You always want to be prepared for the worst, including things with your fur friend. A first-aid kit might not help with Fido, but learning things like the doggie Heimlich maneuver can undoubtedly make a difference. Dogs have things that happen to them too and know how to take care of these situations is imperative.

Treat Fleas and Ticks

The amount of people that think that dish detergent is an effective way to treat fleas and ticks is remarkable. Your dog needs something to protect them from these pests, as tick bites can cause lime disease and heartworms. While many folks feel that they only need to treat in the summer months, year-round care is essential. These pests are still present in colder months. Your pets are counting on you, and when they’re in liver failure from a tick bite that destroyed their kidneys, there’s little you can do. The best thing you can do is prevent this. 

Extending the Life of a Friend

So many people get caught up by the big picture that they forget that it’s the little things that you do every day that counts. If you want your dog to live a long and healthy life, then each day, you must make good decisions, like not feeding them table scraps.

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