JavaScript, often abbreviated as ‘JS’ is the world’s most recognized language of programming. It is a lightweight and interpreted programming language of the web which is used by various websites for scripting webpages. JavaScript frameworks are the most preferable in the process of developing a web application, e-commerce website, stock, real-time chat, etc. The JS frameworks & libraries which are most popular for front-end development include AngularJS, MeteorJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, VueJS, etc.
Most web developers prefer frameworks and libraries for designing websites. Javascript framework or a library is similarly an application framework written in JavaScript which is more adaptable in order to code the application. Responsiveness is another reason why JS frameworks and libraries play an important role while using a high-level machine language.
When it comes to web development services, choosing a JavaScript framework or a library is very difficult because JavaScript has 24 frameworks and about 83 libraries, each having distinct and diverse features.
In this post, I would compare three JS frameworks/library i.e. NodeJS, ReactJS, and VueJS in terms of best development services from a business point of view.
1. NodeJS
This JavaScript is open-source which works on cross platforms for developing server-side and networking applications. NodeJS development services run in the JavaScript Runtime environment. NodeJS acts as a server in itself rather than a framework that works with the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.
This framework has the capacity to drive non-sequential I/O with its event-driven architecture. Below are some of its strong features:
- Very Fast & Open-Source: As NodeJS is built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine, it is very fast in code execution. Also being an open-source framework, NodeJS development services aim at various wonderful models that can be used to add better capabilities to its applications.
- Asynchronous and Event-Driven: All APIs of the NodeJS framework is asynchronous, that is, non-blocking which means that its server does not wait for the API to come back with data. In this, the server calls the APIs turn by turn and keeps heading towards the next one and a notification mechanism of Events of NodeJS helps the server to get a response from the previous API call.
- Single-Threaded: Along with the event looping, NodeJS follows a single-threaded structure which simplifies the development of complicated web applications.
- Extremely Scalable: This framework follows an event mechanism that helps the server respond in a non-blocking way, making it extremely scalable.
- Zero Buffering: NodeJS decreases the processing time while uploading any audio or video files. These applications don’t buffer any of the data & get out the data in bulk.
- License: NodeJS is released under the license of MIT.
2. ReactJS
This JavaScript library was created by Facebook so as to build quick and interactive user interfaces for web and mobile applications that target more audiences. ReactJS development services target being an open-source, front-end library. It focuses on the simplicity factor and user experience. Below are some of the great characteristics:
- Performance: ReactJS offers controlling power to the users, it also uses virtual DOM which helps in creating faster web applications. ReactJS development services can be easily tested and monitored which enables high performance of even complex apps.
- SEO Friendly: ReactJS allows both servers as well as customer-side rendering. As it involves simple coding, the loading time of a website page is almost zero, that’s why it is able to create strong online visibility.
- Component-Based: Every component of the web page in ReactJS is divided into small components to create a view. The components of ReactJS are highly reusable and enable the use of JS to write native IOS applications.
- Learning Curve: ReactJS is very easy to learn in comparison with other JS frameworks or libraries. It combines basic HTML and JavaScript concepts to become a beneficial addition in order to get a proper understanding of this library.
- React Native: A quick migration of the components from ReactJS to React Native decreases the time to market the cross-platform mobile app development services.
- Easy Debugging: A Chrome extension has been introduced by Facebook which can be used to debug React applications. This makes the procedure of debugging the react web applications faster and simpler.
3. VueJS
This framework is an ideal choice in order to build a single-page application. VueJS is mostly utilized for creating user interfaces. VueJS development services provide developers the capabilities to build up simpler applications with modern and innovative technologies. These are becoming popular in the market because of their gentle learning curves and easy adaptability which can be integrated with heavy projects for front-end development without many difficulties. Below are some of its wonderful qualities:
- Easy to Learn: Due to its very simple coding, it is not complex in terms of API and design. VueJS development services assure better maintainability of codes that diminishes the bugs and eventually saves the developer’s time. A web developer can build applications in a single day.
- Small Size: This size of this framework is 21KB, so the process of downloading and installing it takes minimum time. Even the coding is not complex which enables optimum efficiency while developing the applications.
- Virtual DOM: VueJS assures updation of the elements in a webpage without delivering the whole DOM as it is virtual. In this way, the performance of the application improves as it makes page rendering very quick.
- Components: The essential feature of VueJS is a component that assists in creating customized elements that can further be reused in HTML. Here, components are self-sufficient elements with their own view and data logic.
- Flexibility: VueJS can be easily merged with any other big projects without any complications unlike NodeJS or ReactJS as it does not restrict access to its advanced feature set like hot module reloading, CSS extraction, linting, etc.
- Computed Properties: VueJS allows changes required in the making of the UI elements and performs the mandatory calculations so that there is no space for additional coding in the future.
All three JS frameworks have distinctive features and with the right choice of tool, one can take any business to the next level. All of them are highly advanced, excellent performing, and are widely used. It solely depends upon one’s business needs and customized app development goals that which framework would suit in order to step ahead in your vision.