Ultimate Tips for Photographing Milky Way

Have you ever seen pictures of the starry sky that show entire lines of light that form a path and then wondered how they were made? This is something that we often wonder when we observe this kind of photo and many photographers turn their gaze to the starry sky because it must be said that night photography can give great results. But to do this, you need accessories for photographing the Milky Way which are essential to triumph in this field.
If you are a night owl and you love photography, photographing the Milky Way might just become your new challenge. It is often believed that night photography requires specific and very expensive equipment, but this is not true. Read on to find out which Milky Way photography accessories are essential in your gear.
Accessories for photographing the Milky Way
1. Photo device
You can use any camera as one of the accessories to photograph the Milky Way that will be essential but know that there are some features that will give you better results than others. Which doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to photograph the Milky Way with a more basic camera. You can still get there. But if you are planning to acquire a new device, there are a few things that you will need to consider.
You can thus use an APS-C device as Full Frame, but a Full Frame device will avoid the reduction factor in favor of a larger image of the Milky Way. will bring the stars a little closer, which will make their movement more noticeable. You should also pay attention to the ISO of the camera. It would be best if it had a high ISO because we will be shooting in the middle of the night, so we will need to capture as much light as possible.
2. Lens
To choose the lens to use for photographing the Milky Way, the ideal would be to opt for a wide angle lens. Avoid fisheye lenses as much as possible as they produce distortion that will not be suitable for representing the Milky Way. In addition to being wide angle, the ideal lens such as Dzofilm or Meike lens will also be very bright, with a large diaphragm opening. Keep in mind that you are going to be photographing in the middle of the night, so you will need equipment that captures as much light as possible.
3. Tripod
The tripod is one of the most important accessories for many disciplines and photographing the Milky Way is one of them. A tripod will allow you to maintain longer exposure times for crisp images. We advise you to choose an all-terrain tripod, strong enough but also compact and light, if only to transport it to the place where you want to photograph the Milky Way. And the mobility in the feet to adapt to different terrains, is a plus point for a tripod that you will be using in very different places.
4. Accessories for photographing the Milky Way: remote control
Another essential accessory that must absolutely be included in your equipment for photographing the Milky Way is the remote control. You will need to trigger your camera without touching it to avoid vibrations that could be seen in the image. This is why the remote control will be essential in producing sharp images, even if you are standing very close to your device.
With an intervalometer remote control, you can take several photos in a row, which also makes it the ideal tool for photo time-lapses and many other photo disciplines such as lightpainting, for example.
5. Backpack
You will surely have to transport your equipment in the middle of the countryside to find a place far enough from the city, far from light pollution, street lights and the like. You will therefore need to carry a good camera bag, it is essential. You’ll be able to carry your gear for longer without getting tired and you’ll have enough energy to pull off that Milky Way photo you’ve been dreaming of for so long. There are backpacks for all styles, with a greater or lesser capacity, and which can also be used in everyday life. But the important thing is that the backpack properly protects your equipment.
Tips for photographing the Milky Way
We give you just here some little tips to start putting them into practice and making the most beautiful photos of the Milky Way.
Find a place without light pollution
It is not enough to wait for nightfall, to take your camera and place it on a tripod to photograph the sky. Above all, you need to find a place far from the city. You will need to have a clear view of the sky, with no lights coming from homes, streetlights, car headlights, etc. And the further away you are from the city, the cleaner the sky will be, so the starry sky will be sharper.
Trigger a New Moon Night
If you like night photography, you probably need to photograph the moon in addition to the Milky Way. But since we’re dealing with the Milky Way here, looking for that photo of a full moon night isn’t a good idea. Much like city lights, the light intensity of a full moon will interfere with good visibility of the Milky Way. So it is better to photograph on a new moon night, when the sky is very dark and you can clearly appreciate the atmosphere. Also make sure that there are no clouds in the sky to block your view.
Learn more about the starry sky
Don’t imagine that just aiming at the sky with your device will give you the perfect picture of the Milky Way. Why not learn a bit about the movement of the stars? This will tell you when the Milky Way is most visible, depending on where you are on Earth. And so you can choose the ideal time to go and photograph it.
Have fun photographing the starry night
It looks obvious and it is also the most important: whether you want to get the perfect Milky Way image or not, you have to know how to have fun with night photography. If you don’t have a perfect view of the Milky Way, you can have fun photographing the moon, constellations, or any other subject that catches your eye. The main thing is to always enjoy the photo.
As we have seen, having the right accessories to photograph the Milky Way is neither expensive nor complicated. All you need to do is get a few basic items that you can use for other photography disciplines as well.