Check CA Foundation Result Latest Updates and Other Details

Are you curious to know what ICAI has made announcements about the CA Foundation Results? Know about the CA Foundation Result Date, what all facilities are provided for students by ICAI to check the results, the merit list, and the updates regarding verification results. All the details mentioned here are given as per the latest announcements from ICAI.
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CA Foundation Result Date Announcement
ICAI has mentioned earlier that the Results of the CA Foundation will be released within 1 month after exams. But due to the circumstances, ICAI postponed the CA Foundation exams and results. However, in the past attempts of CA Foundation, ICAI has released the results within 50 days after the last exam.
Where to check CA Foundation Result?
The CA Foundation Result is released by ICAI on their official pages only. You won’t find your CA Foundation Result on any other website besides ICAI. If you cannot see your result on the ICAI website, you can check them through the other facilities provided by ICAI.
The facilities provided by ICAI to check CA Foundation Results
- ICAI websites
- Email registration
- E-Sahayata portal
- ICAI helpline numbers (if you forget your login id and password)
CA Foundation Merit List and Toppers
ICAI gives names of the top 50 performers on the Merit List. The merit list and toppers will be announced with the results. If you want to check the merit list when released, you can visit the ICAI website. The merit list tab and links will be available with the results. CA wizard personally analyses the CA foundation result and reverts with some breakthrough reports. With the help of past analysis of Ca foundation results, we can make certain assumptions regarding this year’s results.
CA Foundation Previous Toppers
Particulars | AIR – 1 | AIR – 2 | AIR – 3 |
Name | Saina Agrawal | Sameer,
Aksha Mohammad.Faruk Memon |
Shubham Bhagwan Taparia |
City | Kalahandi | Rohtak, Ahmedabad | Satara |
Marks | 365 | 362 | 361 |
Percentage | 91.25 % | 90.50% | 90.25% |
Pass Percentage CA Foundation
The pass percentage of CA Foundation for the last attempt, i.e., Nov 2019 was 35.10%. ICAI usually moderates the result and pass percentage. So for this year, the pass percentage will depend on ICAI’s decision. Though the May 2020 exams were canceled, you can expect ICAI to keep to the pass percentage above 30%, allowing more students to clear the CA Foundation.
The pass percentage of Nov 2019 CA Foundation Exam
Number of students appeared (male): 48,959
Number of students passed (male): 16,300
Pass Percentage of male students: 33.29%
Number of students appeared (female): 38,125
Number of students passed (female): 14,263
Pass Percentage of female students: 37.41%
Number of students appeared (total): 81,084
Number of students passed (total): 30,563
Total Pass Percentage: 35.01%
CA Foundation Verification Result
Once the results are out, and if you believe that the marks are very less than what you expected, then you can apply for the verification of their marks. If you wish to apply for it, you can submit a scanned copy of a handwritten application and fees on the ICAI exam website.
The result after verification is released within 6-8 weeks. If your marks are changed in the verification result, ICAI will automatically refund your fees.
Please note that ICAI does not re-evaluate your answers. They only check for an error in totaling and match the marks carried forward to the front page are correct. If any answer is left unchecked, only that answer is evaluated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the other queries you might have regarding CA Foundation Results
When will CA Foundation Result come?
As explained above, CA Foundation Results are declared within a month of exams..
What is a good score in CA Foundation?
The minimum marks you need for passing CA Foundation exams are 40% marks on each paper and 50% aggregate marks. So ideally above 50% of marks in all papers is a good score.
What is the application fee for CA Foundation Result Verification?
ICAI charges Rs. 100 for the fees for verification of answer copies.
Keep checking the news on ca wizard for CA Foundation Result Date. If you have any other queries, you can visit CA Wizard for more details and the latest information on Foundation 2020. You can also check the complete process to see the results and information on applying for verification of your answer copies on the CA Wizard website. Get updates on CA Foundation Result Date, facilities provided for students to check the results, the merit list, information on the verification result.