4 Technical Web Design Aspects that are Hampering your Leads and Conversions
Web Design Aspects that are Hampering

Several websites get high traffic, and this is no issue in this concern. With a great design, theme, and layout it gets visitors throughout the year. But when it comes to the conversion rate and how much leads they are generating, many websites lag in this concern. This is one reason why businesses must look into the insights as to why this is happening and what can be done to make the situation in their favor.
A great design may not be a guarantee that visitors will stay on your website and will convert into a lead. Some technical aspects like the location of CTA buttons can make a huge difference.
Businesses in a big city like Dubai have the extra burden of coming up with sound strategies to convert their visitors into quality leads.
Please go through this blog as I discuss four technical web design aspects that are responsible for this mishap that businesses face.
1. Less Prominent or Hidden CTAs
Any company looking to attract its target audience on its website has just a few seconds to do this. And here I am not just talking about the web design but also some other aspects like the call to action buttons. Although they are part of the web design but must be treated as a different element on the website as websites can immensely benefit from it.
Headings and bullet points matter a lot but when it comes to CTAs, they must be prominently displayed. Even if they are on the website but want to be able to get the attention of the visitors, they can be termed as hidden.
And certainly won’t benefit the website in attracting visitors towards their product page, blog, etc. Creating a simple animation or a graphic that can lead the visitor to the CTA can be the catalyst businesses look for, as it is based on a tried and tested formula.
Place your contact information in the header, and also in the footer. Furthermore, you can display it in any other place, especially in blogs to ensure that your visitor is aware of how to get in touch with you.
The hero image is another location where a CTA can be prominent and anyone even skimming through your website will not be able to ignore it.
2. Complicated Headlines and Taglines
Any visitor lines on your website, you must ensure that they will find all the information they are looking for. Think hard about what strategy you can apply here, and the use of headlines and smart taglines fit the bill perfectly. Anticipate what your visitor might be looking for and have the answers to the questions.
The headline is probably the first thing any visitor will look at apart from the hero image. As I have mentioned above, your CTA can be placed on that image but after that, headlines could make the difference in getting the attention.
The design of headlines and how you present them on-screen matters a lot. Some of my readers may be wondering how a headline can be designed but it is all about putting it in the right place. Just like a CTA, the headings and smart tag lines can make a real difference for a person to make a positive decision in your favor.
A vague headline will only confuse the visitor, and this may be the end of his journey on your website. Don’t let that happen and make full use of clever copy to make him stay and explore other pages on your website.
Concentrate on which information your visitors like to know immediately so that you can offer them. The FAQs page must also be full of information, even minute ones so that you leave no stone unturned in facilitating your visitor. Furthermore, taglines complementing the CTAs guiding visitors towards a particular section of the website may be the key to making all the difference.
3. Contact Form Design
Another glaring mistake by e-commerce websites and online shopping portals is that they don’t put much emphasis on the contact forms. These forms provide your visitors the opportunity to contact you with any query they have.
But above all, through these forms, they can contact you and provide all the information that is valuable for a company. For example, the contact details of a person along with information like email and residential address can be used in multiple ways by any company.
Companies are tempted to get all the information they can get from the visitors but filling out a long-form is the last thing visitors look forward to. Not many people like to fill out lengthy forms before anything happens. That is the reason why businesses need to think clearly about what to include and what to exclude from the form.
Much creativity can be put into designing the form. A rectangular form is the most common sight but here you can show what can be done to make it attractive.
The borders of the form can be taken, and the input area can also be designed to give a refreshing feel to it other than the same old boring design. It is all about experimenting so that the web design Dubai company you have hired must know what to do to make contact forms a visual treat.
4. Special Offers in a Really Special Way
The holiday season is just around the corner and many shoppers have big plans for it. In the US and other Western countries, Halloween is widely celebrated and is the start of the holiday season. You can cash in with great seasonal offers and special discounts to lure your target audience.
And all these discount offers must be prominently displayed. The use of CTAs and headings can be one of the elements that can make it happen, but the positing of them is also critical.
Let me offer you an example so that you can understand my viewpoint easily.
Prominently displaying your promo code offering for a whopping 25% discount can be the difference in making a visitor aware of this offer. Never assume that every visitor on your website will automatically look at the CTA because many people are in a hurry and will only look at CTAs and taglines if they are displayed at the right place.
Over to you
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