Things You Should Know About Eye Floaters

Ever experienced a kind of web or small thread-like structures in your field of vision. The spots that don’t go away as much as you try to rub or clean your eyes are still there. Sometimes, when these spots and webs are transparent you see them floating either towards the sky or the floor. However, the transparent plants often disappear and wild ones that seem dark in colour and shape stay there. There is a medical term for these entities and doctors like to call them floaters or rather eye floaters. And if you notice closely these are the floating objects that keep moving in your field of vision then you must go to the ayurveda hospital for ayurvedic treatment for eye floaters.
Floaters can vary in size and shape and colour depending on the underlying problem that caused their appearance. More often than not, these floating objects are a matter of annoyance and are a part of the natural ageing process. Sometimes they even appear as a sign of physical weakness after a long illness. They disappear within a few days as the body recovers from its deficiencies and weakness. Floaters are a matter of concern when they appear for no reason. The sudden appearance of eye floaters indicates some serious underlying disease or retinal tearing that may lead to permanent loss of vision. Under such conditions, the patient needs medical attention without any delay.
If you are suffering from eye floaters problem then you must visit the best hospital for ayurvedic treatment for eye floaters.
Why Eye Floaters Appear?
Our eyes are filled with a transparent gel-like substance known as vitreous humour. Its primary job is to keep the eyeball in shape and allow light to pass through the eye and reach its rear side known as the retina. If the composition of this vitreous is changed due to any reason floaters start appearing as a sign of this change. Usually, eye floaters occur when the vitreous starts shrinking or getting thicker than its usual state. These changes lead to the formation of particles in the form of threads, clots, or webs that block the light and form shadows over the retina. these shadows are seen in form of floaters that can be created due to the below-given reasons:
Formation of Protein Clumps in the Vitreous Humour
these kinds of floaters look more like circles, tadpoles, cow webs, or squiggles. Protein floaters tend to stay in the vitreous humour forever and normally they are ignored by their bearers.
Rupturing of Retinal Blood Vessels Due to Shrinking Vitreous Humour
Eye floaters formed by this type of small haemorrhages often create little black coloured dots in the patient’s field of vision. This type of eye floaters mostly looks like clouds of gnats or smoke. Typically these floaters get absorbed in the blood all by themselves as the natural recovery mechanism kicks in. However, they may last for months and sometimes need medication or medical attention depending on the severity.
PVD or Posterior Vitreous Detachment
When the vitreous gel shrinks and pulls away from the retinal wall the condition is known as posterior vitreous detachment. Debris formed at the location of this detachment then gets mix with the vitreous gel and forms cow webs, threads, black spots, mist-like floaters. Under normal conditions, the detachment takes place in a very clean manner and the floaters become less and less visible within a few months.
What is the Best Treatment For Eye Floaters?
Floaters do not need any kind of treatment unless they are form due to any underlying serious problem. However, in the latter case you need to consult with your doctor and begin treatment without any delay. Ayurveda offers a holistic and natural treatment for this condition and can help cure it permanently. The Ayurvedic treatment for eye floaters varies from one person to another depending on their clinical condition, systemic diseases, and pre-existing ocular pathology.
The treatment will begin with a detailed check-up of the patient where the doctor will try to assess the underlying disease that lead to the formation of eye floaters. the focus of this treatment remains on the condition that leads to the formation of floaters. unlike modern medicine, Ayurveda takes a very Holistic approach which means it will bring the underlying disease under control and improve the overall health of the patient. The treatment process includes detoxification processes, medication, and some diet. And lifestyle modifications that ensure that the effect of the treatment last longers.