7 Bed SEO Practices You Need To Stop Doing Now

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results, is the most basic and indispensable tool of online marketing.
Reaching out to search engine, especially Google, it can ensure a greater number of customers for the business as well as better top-of-mind recall value. As such, there are many experts that are willing to guide you on the topic.
However, SEO is a delicate field that needs special attention. As with any field of a delicate nature, there are various myths and damaging practices that surround it, which are extremely widespread.
These are propagated by false experts, who are ill-advised and spread this amongst businesses, especially offline businesses that are uninformed about the world of internet marketing strategies.
However, companies like the Austin SEO Company will make sure that you follow the right path towards effective SEO.
1. Website Content
Content on your website should be of a substantial amount. Experts say that it is not enough to simply have some written material on each page of your website, the material should be detailed enough.
In fact, having just a little content on a website is as bad as having none at all, since your web rankings depend largely on your website content.
Besides this, it is also important to remember to post original web content on each page.
Copying even a little content from similar websites is never a good idea. In fact, one should also always avoid duplicating content even within the website. It is worth investing in a good content creator for this.
Search engines always detect content to a website.
If it detects similar content it will skip the page entirely, irrespective of the quality or nature of the content, thus removing you from search engine visibility Computer Company Names Ideas.
2. Copying Your Competitors’ Strategies
Any marketing expert will tell you that aping the strategies of one’s competitors is not advisable.
Each business is unique and has unique requirements. Often, the business will request the SEO company to “just do what their competitors are doing”.
However, this will lead to a lack of visibility for you, since your competitors are already indulging in SEO and have high search engine rankings.
You will also never know all the details of their strategy as that is classified information.
This may even mean that you are making the same mistakes as your competitor.
Although you can take inspiration from and keep track of what your closest competition is doing,
it is better to find a new niche for yourself or exploit a loophole that will give you a quicker and better ranking than your competitor.
3. Multiple Pages for Each Search Term
It is important to understand that the World Wide Web is a huge network and any usual search made by a user can yield millions of results.
However, the user is looking for quick and easy answers and will not even look beyond the first page of search results.
Creating a cluster of links on the search engine by having a multitude of pages, each for a separate keyword, might cause you to lose places in the search engine rankings.
Having the correct keywords and ready links is a good idea, but each of these should be justifiable and required and not just for the sake of increasing size and content.
4. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging or guest posting is creating content and publishing it on another person’s website.
This is accepted as being an excellent win-win situation strategy,
where the other website gains content and you gain a lot of visibility. However, this needs to be handled with moderation.
Using only guest blogging to build your links makes your links one-dimensional.
This will work for a while but is not a good long-term strategy as
Google will soon detect that your content is repetitive and redundant.
Google always wants to keep itself fresh and upgraded and will soon begin to
ignore your website and links, no matter how good they are.
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5. Metatag Keywords
A metatag is, simply put, a tag in the link itself or in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that describes some aspect of the contents of a Web page. Until a few years back,
Google used to use these links to detect keywords and present the search results.
Thus, a lot of older companies have passed down the tradition of paying close attention to inserting keywords in metatags.
However, not many are aware that Google no longer uses these metatags and now presents its search results based on website content.
Metatags are still very useful because they lend clarity and credibility to your web content when a person views them on the search engine, but they will not help you with any SEO efforts whatsoever.
6. Links
There are a lot of illegal and shady practices with links that are basically a shortcut to getting high rankings on search engines.
Google and other search engines are working constantly to detect these links and flag or remove them.
One of these practices is purchasing links. Purchased links always work; your SEO rankings will shoot up almost overnight.
However, this is considered unfair and illegal and Google is likely to
detect your deception soon enough and flag your link as being purchased.
There are other practices that are not necessarily entirely illegal
but should be avoided at all costs, as they are not encouraged by Google and will not improve your search engine rankings.
These are swapping links and link cloaking.
Swapping links is when a link takes on a look like an endorsement to gain higher ratings. Google’s algorithm can detect true endorsements.
It will not flag your link or remove it but it will make your efforts in swapping links for nothing because your search engine ratings would not increase.
Link cloaking is using a different sounding link for your website. Although one may have valid reasons for privacy for doing this
it is misleading and seems very fishy and faces the risk of being banned by the search engine.
7. Unresponsive Websites
At the end of it all, it comes down to your website. Anyone using the internet today to search for businesses has a multitude of options and no time or patience.
Therefore, it is important to hire a good web designer and content writer and make sure that your website is optimized to the most user-friendly interface possible.
Links should download quickly, and content should be strategically placed to get the most out of each visitor.
Interestingly, in a time that is switching to mobile, it becomes very important to have a mobile-friendly interface, even if your business is something that will more likely be viewed on a laptop.
This is because Google gives a lot of importance to customer satisfaction and it prefers to feature
mobile-friendly sites as the top results on any device. Mobile-friendly sites are known to load faster and be easier to use.
Search engine optimization, if done right, can take your business to its maximum potential. However, it is a separate field of marketing that requires much knowledge and practice.
Therefore, it is best to avoid doing anything beyond basic SEO dos and don’ts without professional help.