The Best Procedure To Sell Your Gold Jewellery

It is our dream of all of us to get the best price for our investment. But we need to take care of so many factors that most of the time we get confused. This is the biggest hurdle that people face when they go out to sell their Gold Jewellery. Hence we decided to write down this article so that we can solve all your major problems. After reading this article you will find that selling your gold at the highest price will be very easy for you. We will tell you all the methods that you can use to get the best price in the market. At the same time, we will tell you all the precautions that you must take and things that you must avoid.
Where Can I Sell My Gold Jewellery
Knowing all the methods that you can use to sell your investment is very important. At the same time, you should have the freedom to choose from a pool of methods. When you go out to sell other investments people generally don’t get this freedom. But the best part about selling your jewellery is that you get a lot of options. But each option has its own pros and cons. What you need to do is scrutinize them carefully and see which one would suit you the best. Let us try to find out some good and bad methods that people use to sell their gold.
Jeweller Near Your Home
Many people believe that if they simply sell their gold from where they have bought it will be a good deal. This is one of those methods which has a success ratio of 50%. What we mean by this is that there is a chance that a jeweler might actually refuse from purchasing your gold. It is because the primary function of a jeweler is to Sell Gold Delhi NCR. This means that most of the time they actually are not interested in purchasing old jewelry. There is also a very high chance that they will force you to exchange your old jewelry for a new one. This might be a good situation for some people but not for most.
A Pawn Shop
Pawn shops are actually considered one of the quickest ways to get money. You simply visit them and give them your gold and they will pay you the money instantly. But the only disadvantage of contacting them is that most of the time they like proper equipment. Which means that they will not be able to determine the exact worth of your jewellery. Therefore the chances are very high that you will not get a sufficient or genuine amount of your gold. Which is why those people were looking to make high profits by selling their jewellery to avoid visiting these shops.
Contacting The Best Dealer
This is considered the best method because it always gives the highest return. Genuine Gold Buyer Delhi NCR will always have all the right machines to accurately measure the exact value of your jewellery. And the biggest advantage of contacting them is that the procedure is very simple and fast. Which means that in this fast-moving world you do not have to waste your time to get Cash Against Your Jewellery. But you must make sure that the jewellery dealer that you are visiting should always genuine and trustworthy.
Determining The Value
When you go out to sell your investment, determining its exact work is the most important step. Because based on this only your dealer will give you the price for it. Which is why there is a specific method that the dealers use to determine how much money they have to give you against your gold.
Generally, your dealer melts the gold that you give to them and gives you around 3/4 of its worth. This money is generally determined after deducting the procedure cost and the commission of your jeweller. But if you have a piece of jewellery with you which has been designed in a specific way you will get more than this price. Having designer jewellery will be that your share of the price will increase up to ⅘ of its worth.
Knowing The Purity
When you go out to Sell Gold Near Me the jeweller will always first determine the purity of your gold. Based on this purity they will decide how much money to have to give you for your jewellery. This is why it becomes important for you to understand what this purity is and how it is calculated.
The Carat Price
Any 100% pure gold is always too fragile to make anything. Which is why some amount of impurity is always added to it so that it can be moulded to form beautiful designs. The purity of your gold is nothing but the calculation of this impurity.
The purest form of jewellery is 24 carat. Generally, this carat value is always an even number. And before you decide to Sell Your Jewellery you must know how to calculate this value to determine the money that you will get from your dealer.
How Pure Is Your Gold Jewellery
We have already told you how important it is to find out the purity of your jewellery. If someone has gold which is 16 carat, it will mean that it is around 67 percent pure. And if your gold is 20 carat, it is 83 percent pure.
If you want to determine the purity of your jewellery all you need to do is divide it by 24. And then you need to multiply the quotient by 100. We are dividing it by 24 because the purest form of jewellery is 24 carat. Now you need to multiply this purity with the current selling prices of jewellery in the market. It is because the advertised price of your gold is always 24 carats. This will give you enough idea of how much money you should expect against your jewellery.
Weight Matters
If you want to earn high Cash For Gold Delhi NCR then determining the exact weight of your jewellery is very important. But determining this exact weight is not very easy. You have to be very careful because an error of even one decimal will result in a loss of hundreds of rupees. Which is why every expert in the market uses the weighing machine which is very accurate and precise.
A genuine dealer will even close all doors and windows of the road where the weight is calculated. This is done so that the pressure created by the wind does not affect the weight of your gold. Generally, the price that you see in the advertisement for your gold is 10 grams of it. Which means that to calculate how much money you will get against your jewellery you need to divide its weight by 10. Then you need to multiply the resultant number by the current selling price of the jewellery.
Precious Stones
When you go out to Sell My Gold there are some precautions that you must take. Knowing how to calculate the exact value of your jewellery is one of those precautions. Many people want their jewellery to look beautiful and different. This is why they add these precious stones to it. Most of the time the price of these precious stones is very high. The weight of these stones is also relatively higher than your gold.
It means that when the dealer is calculating the weight of your jewellery they need to take out these stones. Now the dealer can either purchase that stone or give it back to you. But in both these conditions the Jewellery Dealer Delhi NCR will have to calculate the price of those stones separately.
Call Multiple Jewellery Dealers
Purchasing and Salim jewellery is considered one of the most profitable businesses. Which is why if you go to the market you will find that there are various dealers for them. This also means that you can easily get the opportunity to Sell Your Gold near your home without wasting your time. But this also means that you cannot send your gold to the first dealer that you get in touch with. Which simply means that you must get the prices of different dealers before you decide to Sell Your Jewellery to any particular buyer. You can take extra precautions by following a three-step procedure.
- Always ask for the final price that they are willing to give you.
- If you find that they are not giving you the answer to your questions then they must be hiding something.
- Always tell them that other dealers are giving them higher crisis so they should increase their prices also.
How To Talk To The Jewellery Dealer
When you approach the gold buyer near your home there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. Things will obviously help you in getting the highest Cash Against Gold Delhi NCR. When you go to the market the first thing that you will notice is that the dealers will ask you various questions. You don’t need to panic and always stay focused keeping your calm.
There is a very high probability that the dealer will ask you how much you are expecting. The best thing that you can do is tell them the purity and weight of your jewellery and then ask them how much they are willing to give you. If you don’t give yourself any straight answer the chances are very high that these years are not genuine. While talking to your dealer make sure that you take care of the following points.
- Never let them take your jewellery out of your side as they can do anything with it. Tell them that they need to evaluate the final value of your gold in front of your eyes only.
- Calculating the exact price of your jewellery is a very complex process. Doing that we need to use the latest machines to determine the exact purity and weight. Your dealer must have these machines so that they can quickly tell you how much money they will give you.
- You must make sure that your dealer is offering you the highest price in the market. Which can be done only after knowing the prices that other dealers are getting to offer you.
Do Not Waste Your Time
Many people say that they like selling their gold over other investments because they know that it is the easiest process to do. Which means that if you get in touch with any dealer who is taking up a lot of your time it means that they are probably fake.
Sunny jewellery is considered the easiest procedure because it does not require any paperwork. All you need to do is show your original identity card and the dealer will ask you for nothing else. Which is one of the biggest reasons why people prefer to sell their gold over other investments.
You can also choose from some of the best methods to get the highest price for your jewellery.
- First, you can get all the information regarding your jewellery dealer by visiting their online portal.. this is how you don’t even need to go to their physical stores to know about them. There you will get all the information such as their prices and procedure.
- After you have got all the information that you need you can simply give them a call. They will visit your home and purchase your jewellery without wasting your time.
- This is how you can send your gold even without going anywhere. People say that when they Sell Gold From Home they save a lot of their money and time.
Sell Gold Jewellery
As we finished this article we would like to tell you that knowing the name of the best dealer in the market is the most important thing. Which is why we advise you to get in touch with Cashfor Gold And Silverkings. Being the best dealer in the market they have the best services and offers for you. Which means that you can increase your profit by a very huge margin by simply visiting them or giving them a call. They provide you with all the services and always make sure that their price is at least 15% higher than other dealers in the market. Visit our website and give us a call whenever you want as our services are available 24/7.