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Take Instagram Selfies With These Tricks

Instagram Selfies have become something of a synonym for social media and this is especially true on Instagram. We have seen it in influencers, common users and even celebrities. Everyone enjoys taking selfies, not to mention the interactions that selfies can generate for accounts.

Surely when checking your Instagram feed you will find several and perhaps you have been encouraged to try to take one, but for some reason it does not convince you and you even end up wondering: Why don’t my selfies look as perfect as those of the users I follow?

The good news is that you don’t need much to take the perfect selfie, you just have to know a few tricks to do it and you will see how the quality of your photos improves considerably.

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A good selfie, beyond the number of likes it can generate, can help you get Instagram followers, especially if you are showing the best version of yourself. That’s why we’ve compiled 17 tips to help you improve the way you take selfies and capture your best angles.

1. Relax

Taking a selfie should be a fun and spontaneous process and it will be difficult to be satisfied with the result if you are stressed during the process. Try to have a bit of fun with the poses and expressions, this will help you not to analyze too much and be more natural.

2. Find your angles for Instagram

We all have angles that favor us more than others. To take the perfect selfie, all you have to do is find the right angle. Perhaps turning your head a little to the right, to the left, even up or down, until you find the angle that you like best.

3. Take advantage of natural light

Natural lighting is perfect for selfies. It can make you shine even more, even if you don’t have any makeup on when you take it.

4. Avoid strong light

Even natural light can be too strong, especially in the middle of the day. Strong lighting will add too much brightness to your photo. You can try to blur it or avoid exposing yourself to the sun directly. This will create shadows that will add a bit of depth to your face.

5. Try a mirror to post on Instagram

There are specific days when we may not like a selfie, but you can use the rear camera of your mobile to take a selfie in front of the mirror. Make sure to pose and show confidence.

6. Flash Vs. No Flash

Using the flash is not a bad idea, as long as we do it in the right way. While the flash is not usually as flattering as natural light, it is worth trying it. You can control its intensity using Snapchat filters.

7. If you have doubts about your expression: Smile

No matter how many selfies you’ve taken, sometimes even your favorite poses and expressions don’t work on selfies. When this happens the best thing you can do is smile. You just have to make sure that your smile looks and feels natural.

8. Play with the angle of your chin

Not all faces are the same, but there is something that works for everyone: take care of the angle of the chin. You just have to stick your chin out a little and turn your head a little. This pose has been made popular by Kylie Jenner, a queen of Selfies, and it will make your face pop.

After you manage to take the perfect selfie, you will see how the likes and followers rain for your account. You can also take advantage of the services we offer you to achieve this.

9. Take lots of selfies!

When trying to take a good selfie, don’t settle for taking a couple of photos. Experiment with different poses and expressions so you have a choice. Also, the more you experiment you will have a better idea of ​​your angles and poses.

Read More: 6 Instagram Secrets You Never Heard Before

10. Don’t be afraid to use Instagram filters

If you want to add a finishing touch that makes your selfie stand out even more, add some Instagram filters. You can even experiment with filters from VSCO, Snapchat, or photo editing apps. Take a look at these 10 Instagram filters to make you look more beautiful in photos.

11. Take out the model that is in you

If you want to achieve a perfect selfie, you must feel confident. Work on the expression of your eyes, raise your eyebrows or you can even play with your lips to get the perfect photo.

12. Take some photos in the morning

The best time to take photos is during the morning. Your hair and makeup will last longer, so it’s the perfect time to take some selfies.

13. Find the correct camera angle of Instagram

As with the face, camera angles play an important role. Move the phone at different angles until you find one that works for you. One of the best angles is to hold the phone overhead for a flattering selfie.

14. Don’t edit too much

We all want to look good in our selfies, but editing them too much is often a mistake. Find a filter that you like and correct only some details to keep your photography natural. You can also encourage yourself to try some editing apps to give your selfies a special touch.

15. Sunglasses are a good accessory

Sunglasses make everyone look cool and interesting. When you don’t want to take too many photos, just put on your favourite sunglasses. So you just have to play with your lips to achieve the perfect expression for your selfie.

16. Take care of the background

A sloppy background will detract from your selfie and cause fewer people to interact with your post. Make sure to choose a background that is simple, neat, or amazing, depending on what you want to achieve with your selfie.


Use these tips and some tips for Instagram photographers to take the perfect shot. Now, SuperViral has become the best site to buy Instagram Followers Canada due to the quality of their top-notch services. Achieving good selfies requires some practice to discover what are the elements that favour you and make you feel comfortable with the result, but once you discover these details, you can experiment and make the most of them. Keep taking selfies and keep your personal feed always up to date.

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