What are the major Ear Infections and their treatments? Best ENT Surgeon
What are the major Ear Infections and their treatments?

Otitis Media According to Best ENT Surgeon
Sometimes the eardrum can burst, which causes pus in the ear canal, but usually, the eardrum heal by itself. Following are some of the treatment options for Otitis media:
- Antibiotics – the origin of this infection is bacterial
- Pain-relieving medications
- Eardrops – pus in the ear canal
Frequent bouts of acute otitis media and lingering attacks lead to chronic otitis media. Without medical intervention, the chronic infection can burst the eardrum or damage the delicate structures within the middle ear.
One must consult the best ent surgeon at the earliest because complications of untreated chronic otitis media include:
- Labyrinthitis: Its the infection of the balance organs within the ear :
- Meningitis.
- Sensorineural deafness (permanent hearing loss).
- Paralysis of the face
Treatment Options for Otitis Media:
- Medication to treat the infection
- Thorough cleaning of the ear under supervision of otolaryngologist
- Use of topical antibiotic drops: with or without steroids
- Prevention strategies under the supervision of experienced ENT physicians reduce the risk of another infection
- Surgical repair of the perforated eardrum
Serous Otitis Media :
Serous otitis media is also calling glue ear. Children aged between six months to two years are more prone to Serous otitis media: ear infection. The glue ear commonly develops after a middle ear infection and is characterize by the pus in the middle ear and build-up fluids in this part of the ear.
It is primarily treated with antibiotics.
If the antibiotics suggested by the ENT physician do not work, it may need repeated attacks of glue ear plague the child, and the patient might require surgery. Small drainage tubes (grommets) might be insert.
Infectious Myringitis:
Infectious myringitis is also known as an inflammation of the eardrum. It is caused either by viruses or bacteria. As a result of inflammation, the eardrum forms small blisters along the ear canal. This is quite painful for the patient. If fever is persistent, the infectious agent is certainly the bacteria.
What are the Treatment Options for Serous Otitis Media?
Treatment options for serous otitis media include but are not restricted to the following:
- Professional rupturing of the blisters
- Pain-relieving medications
- Antibiotics
Acute Mastoiditis
Mastoid is the delicate bone that is located behind the ear. Acute mastoiditis is an infection that occurs in mastoid by existing acute otitis media. The symptoms of acute mastoiditis include
- Persistent Fever
- Reddened and swollen skin over the mastoid
- Intense pain in the ear and discharge from the ear
This is a serious condition. Untreated, acute mastoiditis leads to deafness, blood poisoning, meningitis, and paralysis of the face. Treatment options include:
- intravenous antibiotics
- Surgical drainage of the infected bone.
Vestibular Neuronitis
The inner ear consists of the organs that are responsible for balance in the vestibular system. It includes three fluid-filled loops that are called semicircular canals. These semicircular canals respond to the movement of the head. The utricle and saccule that are located near the semicircular canals detect gravity and the back-and-forth motion. When the head moves, signals from these organs are sent via the vestibular nerve to the brain and processed later.
Vestibular neuronitis is also calling the inflammation of the vestibular nerve, which is probably caused by a viral infection. The main symptom is sudden and dramatic vertigo, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The eyes may also involuntarily flutter towards the affected side of the head.
Treatment Options for Vestibular Neuronitis are as Follows:
- Anti-nausea medications
- Medications, including antihistamines
- Vestibular physiotherapy helps the brain to compensate or retrain
Herpes Zoster of the Ear by Best ENT Surgeon
The cochlear nerve is one of the primary nerves that transmit sound to the brain in electrical impulses. Herpes zoster is an infection of this auditory nerve that is caused by the herpes zoster virus. Symptoms for Herpes zoster of the ear are:
- Vertigo
- Ear pain
- Small blisters on the face and neck, outer ear, and ear canal
The primary nerve that runs across the facial muscles may also get infect, which causes swelling and partial paralysis. Treatment options for Herpes zoster are as follows:
- Pain-relieving medications
- Antiviral medications such as steroids and acyclovir
Prof Dr. Rashid Zia is the best ENT Surgeon in Lahore.
Their list of treatments includes
- Cleft palate treatment
- Adenoidectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Turbinate reduction
- Mastoidectomy
- tympanoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Micro laryngeal surgery
- Thyroid surgery
Cosmetic surgeries for ear, nose, throat,
Moreover, you can avail of complete audiological services in Lahore, Pakistan, including adult hearing testing (pure tone audiogram), neonatal screening, and tympanogram. Professor Doctor Rashid Zia is the best specialist for treating ENT diseases in Lahore, Pakistan.