
25 ways to grow your cannabis business social network

One of the best things you can do for your cannabis career is build your social network. Building your cannabis social network is an investment in yourself, your business, and your future. The key to social media is to put the needs of others before your own. As they say, “the motto of true networks is not greed, but generosity”.

Lucky for you, there are plenty of online cannabis trading platforms popping up all the time. By building your personal brand online and moving your conversations and relationships offline, you can build relationships that will last a lifetime and guide you to career success.

Are you ready to become the level of cannabis pro you always should be?

These 25 tips below were designed for everyone from the biggest branded producer to the newbie in the industry.

Plan the network

Sounds pretty obvious, right? I mean this is a blog on how to build your cannabis business social network. But when we say plan for networking, we really mean researching and creating a plan of action.

For starters, a great networking exercise is to first write down all of the connections you currently have with the cannabis industry. Below, write down all the people you want to contact.

On your first list, you can use social media to identify if your network is related to your wishlist. If you identify any opportunities, just contact your mutual contacts to see if they will be happy to introduce you. But, as always, remember to have a goal handy. Make sure you know your strengths and weaknesses, then start small. See if you can start with a call or meeting over coffee and continue from there.

Once you’ve gone through your mutual relationships, there will likely be a lot of gaps. This is where creating an action plan will come into play on how you will strengthen existing relationships and forge new ones.

It’s okay to be persistent (as long as you’re respectful) and remember that first impressions are very important. If it’s not a good time for someone to log in, be respectful of their decision and at the very least, you will know their name in the future.

You know what you are looking for

You would be surprised how many people start networking in the cannabis industry but have no idea what they want to do! Don’t be that person. Before you exhaust your network, you need to know what you want. Do you want to be a cannabis grower, work for a dispensary, or get involved in a rapidly changing government and regulatory landscape?

In addition, if you are looking for new customers for your business, your outreach must be targeted and respectful of your customers’ needs. Once you’ve found what you want to do, add it to your list of potential contacts. Choose people who match your interests.

As your action plan continues to develop, you will find that it becomes more deliberate over time. By being deliberate with your reach, you can increase your chances of success in networking.

Attend trade shows for the cannabis industry

Trade shows are a great place to network and meet many industry contacts in one day. Although in 2020 the Covid pandemic has slowed down face-to-face meetings in the cannabis Business industry, you can still attend digital trade shows to make your face known.

The good news is that because fewer people walk into shows, exhibiting companies have more time and are likely to be more willing to help you. Keep in mind that in the marijuana industry, fairs tend to be regional. So focus on trade shows in your country of interest. MJBizDaily hosts a number of North American trade shows, and for Canadian cannabis professionals, you might want to consider Lift Expo and O’Cannabiz, to name a few.

Get help from a recruiter

Cannabis recruiters are available to help you find your dream job. Cannabis companies struggle to find skilled talent, so if you have something to offer, make sure you can prove it!

At GroAdvisor, we work with various industry partners and offer full-time and part-time positions for producer companies. However, our partners focus on candidates with many years of experience. If you are a professional in the cannabis industry, please do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking to hire someone or find a job.

If you are new and want to get started, we recommend that you research cannabis recruiting companies and schedule calls directly for advice on how to find a job that matches your skills and interests.

Join Cannabis Business Social Media Platforms

These digital communities are the perfect place to go out and connect in the industry.

As with any networking, etiquette is important. Make sure to research your target contacts. Start a conversation by being friendly, but don’t be afraid to be direct when asking for what you want, either. You will be amazed at how many people online are ready to help.

Also, it is normal to have personality and to show enthusiasm. No one wants to talk to a cyborg (although that sounds good). Just make sure to show off in a professional and friendly manner by updating your social media profile with a photo, description, and any experiences you bring easily accessible. Our following tips will show you our recommendations for some of the best online cannabis social media sites.

Source taken@ Major Techo

Connect with cannabis professionals on LinkedIn

Yes, you read that right. Many professionals across industries now use LinkedIn to connect with professionals, newcomers, and companies that can help them.

When optimizing your LinkedIn profile, be sure to tell a story. Where do you come from? What skills do you have? What are your ambitions?

If you do not currently have a job, indicate what you are looking for in the title of your profile.

Be sure to complete your profile to the best of your ability with all accomplishments, past experience, education, and affiliations. Also visit LinkedIn groups to find cannabis-related groups that can help you identify like-minded hiring managers and job applicants.

Grow your cannabis business network on Leaf Wire

The platform is like other commercial social networks unrelated to cannabis, but it will be more specific to your search.

Leaf Wire’s mission is to connect investors and entrepreneurs looking to do business and grow the industry together. The same rules of participation apply, but you may want to demonstrate your cannabis expertise with photos of yourself in the environment.

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