Computers and Technology

Plus Points of Led Custom Neon Signs Over Traditional Neon Lights?

Custom neon signs are becoming more popular among businesses who want their brand to stand out more creatively than traditional neon signs. Learn why businesses are switching to custom neon signs and how it is a positive step toward a brighter future.

What is the Difference between Traditional neon lights and LED custom Neon Signs?

In terms of mechanics, custom neon signs and light sources are made up of a string of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) spaced far enough apart so the light sources overlap, resulting in a steady glow as opposed to the ‘flicker’ of neon lights.

Neon LEDs are often encased in a protective polymer, making them lighter and more flexible than neon glass tubes. Not to mention, it’s a lot less brittle! Custom Neon signs from the past are often broader and taller than their LED successors.

When compared to neon, which requires the glass tubing to protrude away from the backing, an LED custom neon sign can be as thin as 1 inch thick.

For the following reasons, LED technology is widely considered as a better, cheaper, and more ecologically friendly approach to drawing attention:

Using Less Electricity

Saving money on electricity costs is critical because energy consumption is a major corporate expense. Compared to typical neon signs, Custom neon signs consume around 15 times less electricity.

Signage is measured in units of straighten tubes. A foot of antique neon signs typically consumes roughly 20 watts of electricity each hour. However, an LED neon light with the same length and thickness as a neon tube would use only 1.2 watts of electricity per hour.

Furthermore, our neon signs are less expensive than traditional neon and will save you money over time, so you’ll start saving money as soon as you choose the newer version of our bespoke neon signs.


Traditional neon signs are rigid in terms of functioning, with no way to customize the visual experience other than turning them on or off.

LED custom neon signs t provide you with a lot more creative freedom because they’re made up of hundreds of small single lights that can all be programmed to be ‘active’ independently. Neon lights can change color, fade, and flash.

LED bulbs come in a variety of sizes, allowing for more imaginative graphic designs regardless of the space being illuminated Signs.

When you compare this to tubes that are tough to bend into complicated shapes and just have the ability to blink on and off, it’s clear to see which will attract more attention


While we’re on the subject of aesthetics, it’s worth noting that LED neon signage has a uniform brightness, making them easy to see up close and from afar.

Traditional Neon signs can be difficult to discern in detail from a distance, especially at night when the signage appears blurry. LED neon lights in Toronto may be dimmed to suit your needs, whether for day or nighttime display, allowing you to control your energy use.

Our individualized neon lights are both more energy-efficient and brighter. The ability to adjust the brightness allows for greater display flexibility.

Branding That Goes Together

The number of colors available for LED custom neon signs is nearly infinite. Because of this, it is easier to express the brand image more clearly while keeping brand integrity.

There’s always something that can do for your business to brighten up your work or leisure place with our variety of various bespoke neon signage solutions!


Individual, long-lasting bulbs make it simple to maintain LED custom neon signs without having to deal with heated components.

A moist towel is all that’s needed to clean LED neon signs, whether they’re on or off. Before cleaning custom neon signs, they must be turned off and allowed to cool.

This means you’ll have one less thing to worry about, and because of its safety and sturdiness. You’ll be able to expose it to people even if it falls.

LED signage also requires little to no upkeep. Custom Neon signs eventually lose all of the neon gas contained within the glass tubes. Which must be replaced by a professional neon sign manufacturer or by purchasing new signage.

Although it may take ten years or more, your old indications will gradually fade over time.

LED bulbs retain their brilliance over time and are less susceptible to weather events, allowing you to use your custom neon sign outside without fear of water damage, as well as being easily replaceable.


LED signs have an average longevity of 100,000+ hours (11 years) when they are continually brightly lit compared to a neon sign’s average lifespan of 30,000 hours. During which time their strength deteriorates significantly.

Traditional neon signs are made of fragile glass tubes; however LED bulbs are extremely durable. LED custom neon signs are also waterproof and less prone to weather damage. Which means they could save you money in areas where the weather is harsh.

We frequently encounter a partially ‘burned out’ sign, which makes a business appear tired and shabby.

It’s simple to replace LED bulbs. They don’t detract from the quality of your business or the space you’re using. To maintain impact, LED custom neon signs do not need to be changed right away. Whereas neon failures must be replaced right once.


Unlike old neon signs, which get extremely hot when turned on, custom LED neon signs to emit very little heat and are safe to touch.

LED bulbs are also more durable than classic neon lights. So if the sign is shattered, broken glass does not pose a hazard unlike the delicate glass tubing of traditional neon signs.

Installation Time and Cost: Due to the flexibility and lighter weight of LEDs, LED neon signs are easier and faster to install than their outmoded counterparts.

While LED equipment has a greater initial cost, this is offset by labor and long-term cost reductions. The components of traditional neon signs make them heavier and more dangerous to move. And more time-consuming to install, raising expenses.

LEDs have become more affordable thanks to technological advancements, and they currently make up the majority of modern signs.

Savings on energy

Traditional neon signs run hotter and consume more energy than LEDs. Which can save you up to 70% or more in energy expenditures.

Glass neon requires 15,000 volts, whereas LED lighting only requires 24 volts. LEDs are also low voltage (12 volts) as opposed to high voltage neon (120 volts). So LED signs utilize a fraction of the energy that neon signs do.


LED neon signs are the more environmentally friendly solution for lighted signage because of their low energy usage and long lifespan.

LED bulbs are getting more and more recyclable. However, poisonous trash is classified as obsolete neon signage. There are no gases, glass tubes, argon, or mercury issues with LEDs.


For businesses looking to save money on eye-catching, creative signage, LED custom neon signs are the way to go. Saving money on advertising doesn’t have to mean sacrificing adaptability or visibility.

When the characteristics and benefits of LED and old neon signs are compared. The short- and long-term advantages of LED are clear.

A properly designed LED sign’s clarity and creativity are incredibly enticing, leaving a stronger impression in the mind’s eye. For footfall-based advertising, LED custom neon signage is a great and proven instrument.

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