Health and Fitness

Swimming: 25 reasons to make it the best sport

Although swimming with Lifeguard Course is often associated with summer, it is a physical activity that anyone can do at any time.
Although swimming is often associated with summer, it is a physical activity that anyone can do at any time of the year, especially if there is an indoor pool or if the temperatures are not particularly low in the area where you live. Of course, when it is hot, we often go into the water and keep talking to our friends, without swimming. However, swimming is a type of exercise that does not cost much and does not require special equipment. There is no limit to age or ability. So maybe we should take advantage of our time on the water, whether it is on the beach in the summer or at the pool in our area. And this is because:

1. Swimming is a popular sport

Not that we suggest you do it, because everyone else does – if everyone else fell off a bridge, it does not mean that it’s something we should do, right? Swimming with Lifeguard Course is popular for a good reason or more specifically for many good reasons, as you will find as you keep reading. According to a recent US study, swimming ranks third in the sport of choice.

2. Enhances flexibility

The activity of swimming opposes the force of gravity, turning it into an ideal form of exercise that puts minimal stress on the bones and joints. If it is a heated pool, the muscles relax, increasing flexibility and allowing you to do stretching exercises as well. In fact, if you do intense exercises to strengthen muscle mass – such as running, cycling or weights – swimming helps remove toxins, preventing stiffness and pain the next day.

3. Burning calories

Swimming is one of the easiest and best ways to burn unwanted calories. With one hour of swimming, you burn about 500 calories. And obviously, these myths about athletes and calorie intake are real. Swimming increases your metabolism, continuing to “burn” for a while even after you stop swimming.

4. Swimming helps you quit smoking.

Seeing how little strength you have in the beginning, due to smoking, will convince you to quit. If this does not work, there are “Do not smoke” signs on several beaches and even more in swimming pools. If you also know someone who is trying to quit smoking, you know that they can be very frustrating. So dive and swim – it works.
5. Improves body synchronization.
Swimming develops the motor coordination of your body. More than two thirds of your muscles are involved in this activity. The upper and lower body, head, legs, arms are forced to work together for a balanced effort.

6. Swimming improves posture

Our mother or grandmother always told us not to squat. It’s never too late. Swimming strengthens the joints and improves the posture of the body, correcting the posture of the spine.

7. Suitable for everyone

The elderly are swimming. Toddlers swim. Everyone can swim. Swimming is good for all ages. Once you come in contact with water and start moving, your body remains intact over time. I wish we felt the same beautiful the rest of the hours!

8. Swimming is a holistic exercise

You hear some forms of exercise that involve the whole body. Maybe, but swimming is a genuine complete exercise: it targets everything from supporting your waist to stimulating your arms. No heavy equipment or weights. So instead of buying a lot of different fitness equipment for your muscles, just dive into the sea or the pool.

9. Minimum equipment required

Be careful, this does not mean that we swim naked. Unless of course you are on a nudist beach or in your personal pool. For the average person, swimming does not require special equipment. All you need is a swimsuit. The only additional accessories are the towel, the glasses, the earmuffs and the hat.

10. Swimming is the best aerobic exercise

Exactly. You no longer need to sweat on the instruments, hit and squash in the gyms. Also, compared to running, it requires more control of the breath, which creates a growing demand for oxygen, hardening the muscles without you realizing it. Swimming also strengthens the heart, enlarging it and leading to better blood circulation.

11. The solution in the heat

It is no revelation that swimming is refreshing: when the temperature rises dangerously, the only relief for the body is in the water. It is a pity that most of the time on those hot days, everyone goes to the beaches and the space is limited to swim. Therefore, some people prefer to enjoy swimming late in the afternoon and evening in a swimming pool, under the stars. The world is gone and you do not need sunscreen. Just magic!

12. Swimming boosts self-confidence

This is true for any sport or exercise. They build confidence and confidence. Okay, you may not be a champion or you may be winning trophies, but regular swimming can do it too. You will feel more energetic, ready to face the daily difficulties.
13. Has no expiration dateSwimming is one of the few sports you can do for a lifetime. Unlike football, baseball or skiing, you do not need to stop swimming. You will always have this opportunity.

14. Swimming makes you taller and tighter

Swimming makes us taller. In addition to adding height, where genetics could not, swimming has the ability to build bigger and tighter muscles. And these muscles (of the swimmer), in combination with aerobic exercise will help stimulate your metabolism, as calories will be burned more easily and for a longer period of time.

15. Joints

For example, you may be recovering from an injury and want to rebuild your strength. Swimming will fulfill this need of yours. Swimming is a mild sport for the joints, it relaxes the stiff and tired knees and the legs as a whole.

16. Weight loss

For some, just the idea of ​​having to wear a swimsuit in public can be the driving force behind the effort to lose a few pounds. People who swim regularly and with such capacity that they pant, when they stop and their heart rate has increased, burn calories and lose weight. The key is to push your stamina a little harder.

17. Socialization

Everyone wants to hang out with someone who has a pool and / or a seaside cottage. And certainly the process of summer bathing, brings parents-children and friends, relatives closer to each other. So swimming promotes socialization – there is a specific culture around it.

18. Swimming is both an individual and a team sport

If you have a competitive spirit and you are an athlete, then you should know that swimming is enjoyable, both as an individual and as a team sport. Just think of the Olympics and how enjoyable their games are. Especially for us spectators, the spectacle through the shots from inside the pool is one of the most impressive elements of the sport. Starting in childhood, joining a group will give your child the necessary strength, confidence and ability to work with others – something that will definitely benefit him later in life.

19. Reduces the chance of drowning

This is quite simple. If a person knows how to swim, he is much less likely to drown. Start swimming lessons for your child at an early age and continue until he or she feels confident in the water.

20. Improves mental health

Physical activity has been shown to improve mood in children and adults. For people with problems such as fibromyalgia, swimming can help reduce stress and anxiety, while relaxing in the water strengthens and tones the muscles. But the exercises that are done in the water achieve something else; they improve the mood of both men and women, and especially of pregnant women and their unborn babies.

21. Helps people with chronic diseases and postoperative discomfort

Exercising in the water helps relieve chronic diseases. For those suffering from arthritis, swimming improves the use of the affected joints, but without aggravating the symptoms. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have noticed an improvement in their health after hydrotherapy. In addition, exercises in the water reduce the feeling of pain from osteoarthritis and after surgery on the legs, especially the knees.

For asthma

Swimming also offers its benefits to people suffering from asthma. In fact, if you suffer from exercise-induced asthma, swimming in the water will relieve your symptoms, as swimming allows asthmatics to exercise in a humid environment. In addition, as swimming requires respiratory control, the health of your lungs is enhanced.

22. Relieves stress

Have you ever felt the need to just get in your car and drive away from all your problems and obligations? We all need some relaxation and rest – and there are weekends for that, after all. During the week, we accumulate stress from work, school and family. If you were now able to simply dive into a pool and swim, you would immediately feel intense relief from the pressure.
The benefits of this particular aerobic exercise contribute to the better functioning of your circulatory system, improving blood circulation to the brain. And when your brain receives more blood and oxygen, it starts a process called hippocampal neurogenesis, in which hippocampal cells that have been lost to stress are replaced by new cells.
Besides, there is another well-known reason that we feel better when we swim. Swimming triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, chemicals that cause a feeling of euphoria and relief.

23. Swimming boosts the immune system

Did you know that swimming can boost your immune system? When the cells in your body regularly receive enough oxygen and blood, they function better and more efficiently, removing toxins such as carbon dioxide. Swimming also has a positive effect on the lymphatic system , keeping it at a standstill, to distribute white blood cells in our body, to fight diseases and infections.

24. Suitable for families

Where there is a beach in summer, the happy voices of children are heard playing in the sand or splashing in the water. The sea, but also the pool, are reference points, around which the family gathers and various activities are created. In fact, swimming is the best choice for children with developmental difficulties or socialization problems, as they spontaneously create bonds and relationships based on activities.

25. Suitable for lonely moments

Although the rules say that we always prefer to swim with a friend for safety, this does not mean that you should always make an appointment with someone, every time you want to go swimming. The right thing to do is to always have someone to oversee the sea and the pool, so choose places where you know there are lifeguards. So you can swim alone as a good opportunity for introspection and rest.

Sydney, being considered as the most popular city in the world

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