
How to Ensure You Get a Response From Your Cold Email

Have you ever faced the frustration that comes with writing cold emails that never get replies or even pass through the prospect’s inbox? Probably, you did everything you know but haven’t seen any improvement. 

Numerous email programs permit auto filtering of the newsletter into separate folders – let alone the spam filters cutting out many legitimate emails due to improper structure. 

Thus, it’s high time to know how to write cold emails that land in the prospect’s inbox and get replies all the time.

What is Cold Email Marketing?

Cold emailing is a type of email marketing used to achieve business goals such as acquiring leads, promoting your service/product, etc.

It is simply a form of communicating via emails with targeted individuals. With cold email marketing, the goal is to hold a business conversation with a prospect.

Cold emails are not like spam emails. Cold emails are tailored to be directly useful to the individuals or businesses that receive them. Consider this; cold emails are primarily personalized and suitable to the recipient, while spams are not.

But how do you really know that your cold email outreach is effective? When you get enough interest from your prospects, consider it a valuable response that will kick off and give birth to a flourishing business relationship. Further, your cold email is deemed to be successful when you get an outcome that drives profits to your business.

What Does the Research Say about Cold Email Marketing?

The average individual gets 147 emails per day, which are spammy promotional and sales deals. Here are some more stats:

  • Every $1 spent on email yields approximately $42 in ROI.
  • The average open rate is 20.81%.
  • And emails with personalized titles/subject lines generate 50% higher open rates.
  • Sending three consequences abandoned cart emails impacts about 69% more orders than one email.

Cold emails increase sales, helping you network with more people and get you more subscribers.

People make quick decisions on how useful each email is. They’ll delete most of the emails within a second of reading the subject line. That’s barely sufficient time to give them a good impression and let alone read your content.

Thus, about 80% of effective sales require at least five follow-up emails, yet 44% of all salespeople easily give up after a single attempt!

It states that there are two significant issues with cold emailing:

  • People give up too easily and quickly
  • The emails they generally send are absolute garbage

However, cold emails can help you achieve your goals only when you apply the right tactics while crafting them. 

Top Reasons Why You’re Not Cutting through the Clutter 

Occasionally, even when you are careful with writing cold emails, you don’t get the desired outcomes from your email marketing campaign. The reasons can be the following: 

  • You are talking more about yourself
  • You’re not backing up your claims
  • You’re asking too much
  • Your email has typos
  • Your offer is not relevant to them
  • You don’t test your emails

6 Effective Ways to Cut Through the Clutter in the Inbox

Cutting through the clutter in your prospect’s inbox is a challenging task. Therefore, here are six highly effective ways to cut through the clutter in the inbox.

Know your prospects

Before you start composing cold emails that bypass the spam filter and get replies, you must do some research. The aim is to find out their business and understand their likes and dislikes. You must create a personalized cold email for the prospect, which will increase the probability of grabbing their eyeballs and closing the deal.

You can do research on Google, social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, websites, and press or media releases. In this modern age of the Internet, you can quickly get information related to professionals and businesses.

Keep Your Subject Line Interesting

Another essential element of your cold email script that will tell your potentials the very first thing they should know about you is the title/subject line of the email. You should keep your subject line professional yet exciting and catchy.

Personalizing your subject lines additionally increases your chances of getting your cold emails opened. Simply writing your prospect’s name to your email’s subject line can boost your email open rates by almost 20%. Don’t miss out on that number.

A nicely written subject line increases a prospect’s interest. Your subject line must give your prospect an idea about what the body of your email contains. If your subject line is not catchy, then your cold email might end in the trash bin or remain unopened.

Customize and personalize your email

Speaking of responses, you can almost double your reply rate by personalizing your cold emails. 

The key here is to adopt advanced personalization. You need to include several components that show you’ve written the email exclusively for your recipient instead of sending them a generic message from a big blast.

Ideally, your template should contain variables such as the name of their company, their geo-location, their industry and should be customizable for each recipient. By customizing these components, the prospect feels you’re sending them a one-to-one email. That also positions you as human (and not bot). What’s more, humans are far more likely to earn a human reply.

Make sure you add social proof

By using social proof in your sales emails, you can prove your credibility. Mention other individuals or companies you have worked with or those who have benefited from your product/service. You can stand out from other salespersons by showing social proof. 

You often pay attention to every tiny detail of your cold email but forget to add social proof. Thus, your email looks less impactful.

You can mention to the prospect how they can accomplish their goals with the help of your solution. The other things you can utilize as social proof include the following: 

  • The number of users utilizing your product or service at present
  • Customer testimonials
  • Customer reviews
  • Celebrity endorsement
  • Certifications and online courses your company created

Keep it short and simple

Nobody wants to read an email that is too lengthy, mainly when it is from a stranger or a spam bot.

Hence, when writing a cold email, you should keep it short, simple, and easy to digest. The rule of thumb is don’t try to sell your products and services from the start. Your goal should be first to lay the foundation for a relationship.

Further, make sure the cold email includes all details about them and not about you. Indeed, no one is interested in knowing how fabulous you are, but they want to know what value you bring to them.

Show your audience why you think they should work with you. Avoid the use of a lot of words. Get to the point and let them know how you can help them. Keep in mind that the goal is not to hard-sell. Instead, it is to establish a lasting business relationship.

Use CTA properly

A cold email should have a clear CTA (call-to-action). You have to ask some relevant questions to the prospect that will help them understand how beneficial it would be for them to utilize the product/service you are offering. For instance, “Is it possible for you to schedule a 10-minute call anytime this week? Simply get an answer in a yes or a no from the prospect and inform them what action they need to take.

If you pay special attention while personalizing CTAs, the conversion rate can be 42%. Additionally, when you make tailored-made content, nearly 31% of consumers make a purchase. 

Scan your email before sending out

Besides ensuring that you send your cold emails to the right prospect, you must review them thoroughly. A misspelled word, for example, won’t look good to your potential.

Make sure that your cold email is free of errors. Proofread everything and make corrections wherever required.


Cold email marketing is an effective marketing strategy that businesses often utilize to reach out to potential customers. When your emails are not getting enough responses, you have to find out where you are lacking.

The above-listed tips will help you cut through the clutter in your desired audience’s inbox. Use the right approach in your cold email marketing, and you’ll likely nail your cold emails.

At LeadsProspex, we provide efficient Email Appending services and cross-check the data in the repository. Ultimately helping achieve your email marketing goals. 

Learn more about our email appending services by getting in touch with our experts today!

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