Manage your expectations together

Manage your expectations together
You need to realise that long-distance can be a test to see how far love can travel. If you are apart from your other half and don’t know how to deal with this physical separation, try to use these tips and you’ll see that distance can become a little more bearable and your relationship can grow and become (even) stronger.Chocobo Names
1. Be interested!
Always ask for their day. Always say ‘Good morning’ and ‘Good night’, even when you almost didn’t had the opportunity to speak during the day. Try to talk about the mundane and almost irrelevant things of your new routine and let him speak about the little events that happened to him during the day. Life happens every day, even if it’s not that thrilling all the time. However, to worry and to know those small details of each other’s day, will keep you close to each other.
2. Stay honest. Always.
Along with trust, honesty is fundamental for a long-distance relationship to work. People sometimes say that what the eyes don’t see, the heart doesn’t feel, but that’s not an excuse to lie to the person that you love. Never lie… Never, ever lie. Be honest, even if it hurts, because that way at least you are being truthful. Always stay true to yourself and to your relation.
3. Be patient!
It’s easy to find the most stupid or minimum things to argue when you are apart from the person that you love. You can be tired, upset or annoyed with something and throw that to the other person. That’s not fair… But sometimes it’s going to be stronger than you. Try to be patient. Your person doesn’t deserve to put up with unnecessary arguments just because you’re distressed. And, when the opposite happens, think that maybe he’s having a bad day. Patience is one of the secret keys to happiness.
4. Manage your expectations together
Expectation is the root of all heartache, William Shakespeare once said. And he was right. From the moment you expect something above the reality that you have, you start to be disappointed, even though it’s not even your other half’s fault. It’s important to have rules and to talk about this, since disappointment normally leads to arguments, sometimes ones that can be hard to forget. Your level of commitment needs to be settled out, from both sides. Honesty is important on this stage, since you guys probably don’t want to promise things that you can hold on to.
5. Visit each other!
When you’re finally together again, it’s heaven. It’s the high point of any long-distance relationship and it remembers you how your love can be so good, even if you forget that sometimes. After months of abstinence and yearning, you can finally compensate. Cherish the little things, the particular things that ‘normal’ couples can enjoy every day and, finally, you can enjoy again, even if it is for a little while. You’ll feel a whole zoo inside you, but don’t worry, that’s normally called euphoric happiness.
6. Plan a future together
You need to have a goal. If you want to stay together, it’s not going to be apart from each other forever. If you decided to stay together being apart, it needs to be for a good reason. And maybe that reason is that you believe that that can be the person you are going to settle down with. If that’s so, for the relationship to work and to be strong enough to overcome the long-distance, you need to be on the same page and plan a future that includes one another. The present is only bearable if it’s for the right cause.
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7. Surprise your other half once in a while!
Love letters and post cards, especially if the other person isn’t expecting it, can sound lame and old fashioned but it’s always lovely to see someone’s hand writing, with something special written just for you. Little things like this can really put your moods up and bring a smile to your face, just by imagining the long way that that little piece of paper needed to travel to reach your hands. In a couple of years time, those letters are going to remember you a hard phase of your relationship but, trust me, it’s going to be fun to read them side by side.
8. Trust, without unnecessary jealously…
This is an important issue in long-distance relationships. You are going to meet new people, both of you. When you see him on a Facebook picture with another girl, you need to think, is it really worth it to argue about something as irrelevant as an image? Trust is the base of a long-distance relationship, period. Of any relation, actually, but especially when you can be apart for months. You are still together for a reason. If he gets jealous because he also sees a picture of you with your new friends, don’t argue, just breathe and be truthful. If he doesn’t believe in you, it’s he’s problem. The same goes to you, if you don’t trust him. Don’t let your confidence get destroyed because of social networks.
9. Try to see each other everyday, even if it’s just for a little while
It helps more than you think. Of course you’re not going to have tons of things to talk about all the time, since life is not particularly astonishing every day, but it helps to see his eyes and to listen to his voice, when you can Skype for a while. It’s important if you at least try to be virtually present, when you can’t give a hug to your other half after a long day.
10. And, above all, don’t let each other forget why are you still together!
In the beginning it’s easy to know the reasons why are you fighting to stay together. However, time goes by. New people appear in your life, you experience new moments… And you need to remember not only to each other, but to yourself, why are you still together. Tip: it’s worth it! Remember those … The love that connects you and the reason you’re still together, even being apart.
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