Food and Drink

Crash Diets are Not as Healthy as You Think – Here is Why

A lot of people have favoured crash diets – it has become the most popular and the quickest method to trim down. Whether you want to do it to fit in your wedding gown or bulk up, this seems to be the last resort. Wide popularity in communities has sugar-coated it.

It is genuinely not overstating that people are concerned about their looks rather than about their health. When it comes to being fit, the first thing that crosses your mind is being in shape.

Even though you are looking to lose weight, you should not rush to this diet. Instead of aiming at abs and hourglass figure, you should emphasise your overall health. Here are the reasons why you should avoid a crash diet.

What is a crash diets?

A crash diet is a short-term food plan to lose weight as fast as possible. This diet is generally a low-calorie diet.

It drastically cuts back on your calories that your body begins to feel deprived of energy. Following a crash diet can lead to nutritional deficiency.

Reasons why you should avoid it

  • Lowers down the metabolic rate

If you have been following a crash diet for a long time, it will lower down your metabolic rate. With prolonged dieting, muscle breaks down at a faster rate that leads to a lower metabolic rate, and as a result, your calories will be less burnt. It leads to weight gain.

Some people achieve their goal with crash diets, but they begin to gain more rapidly when they remove all restrictions. A crash diet can affect your metabolism that can impose a greater threat to your overall health.

  • Weak immunity

You may not be aware of this fact, but your diet indeed plays a paramount role to boost your immunity. A crash diet is generally devoid of all nutrients. You need antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.

Cutting down on fat will ultimately lead to poor absorption of fast-soluble vitamins, including vitamin D and the deficiency of vitamin D, leading to poor absorption of calcium. For strong immunity, your body must need all vitamins and minerals.

When you are following a rigorous diet, you often feel irritated and stressed. This is because your body needs a proper meal to store energy. As a result, your antibodies start being affected, playing a significant role in fighting off viruses and bacteria.

  • It does not burn fat

Most people think that it leads to weight loss because it burns fat stored in your body, but the reality is not what you think.

When you eat food, your body breaks down carbohydrates into blood glucose that supplies your body energy, and the excess is stored in your liver and muscle.

Glucose, also known as sugar, is the primary source of energy. When you stop eating food or your diet does not provide your body with sufficient glucose, it accesses the stored one in your liver and muscle to use it as energy to fuel your body.

It means it is not your fat that breaks down but the glycogen. This is whey when you start taking proper diet. You start to gain weight.

  • It disturbs intestinal function

A proper diet is necessary to keep your intestinal function in order. If you do not take in the right amount of nutrients through your diet, it can affect the balance of good and bad bacteria in your intestines and as a result, you may have a problem with irregular bowels. Some people may feel constipated. It varies from person to person. It can either harden or loosen the stool.

  • It will make your skin dull

Your diet has a direct impact on your skin. For instance, vitamin C and E make your skin luminous, supple, and bouncy. If your diet is missing such essential vitamins, your skin will start to look dull and dry. You will start feeling early ageing signs. Having wrinkles, fine lines and paleness due to a crash diet are not surprising at all.

The final word

Whether you are young or old, you should avoid a crash diet. This can affect your overall health, and as a result, you will end up meeting your GP on and on. If you do not want to spend your money on consultation fees, you should avoid this type of diet.

Many people fund their medical expenses with payday loans for bad credit with no brokers because their medical budget is shattered due to innumerable consultations. If you are looking to maintain a healthy weight, you should consult a dietician. They may be able to recommend you the correct type of diet to help you achieve your goal.

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