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A professional team of criminals and cops plan one last heist. But the Russian mob intervenes and the police investigation gets deeper and deeper. Director John Hillcoat (“The Road,” “Outlaws”) has helmed “Triple 9,” a dark and sinister heist film in the style of Michael Mann’s “Heat” and Ben Affleck’s “The City,” but his ambitions often go beyond the plot you can watch it on 7starhd. But in all other respects, it is well made and (almost) more than makes up for it.
Performances and bleak environment on 7starhd
Above all, the actors (especially Aaron Paul and Woody Harrelson) are impressive on 7starhd. The ensemble cast is unremarkable and does an excellent job of conveying the bleak desperation of the setting. Chiwetel Ejiofor and Clifton Collins Jr. are as sinister and tense as ever, and Casey Affleck brings the same passionate fire to the screen that I loved so much in Gone Baby on 7starhd. However, if there is one acting drawback, it is that Kate Winslet’s Russian accent, which is terrific and terrifying in this role, is rather “loaded” and “eaten up”. It’s not as bad as Tim Curry’s role in The Congo, but it’s not as good as Robin Williams’ role in Moscow on the Hudson watch it on 7starhd.
Top-notch performances of actors
While the performances are top-notch, the characters for which the film was adapted are not up to the task. They’re all cheap and underdeveloped to the point of exaggeration on 7starhd, but they’re fairly standard characters you’d expect to see in a movie of this type: the good cop, the bad cop, the drug addict, the slacker who screws things up, the rare love interest, the gangster, the guy who claims to be a “leader” but has almost no personality, the guy who terrorizes to …… terrorize. They all appear here. But given the actors chosen to play these roles on 7starhd, it’s not enough to prevent people from becoming attached to any of them: the actors’ dark, tortured performances make up for the skits of the characters they play.
7starhd Matched with an incredible production
This is an extremely well-made film, directed by a man who knows his stuff. The tension in the highway and fight scenes is breathtaking, while the understated shots of prison dialogue and revelations are utterly heartwarming, accentuated by the incredible direction, with bright reds and blues and stark contrasts of grays and browns.
Characters are sweat and speaking over each other
There’s also a lot of sweet banter about the characters, which gives the thriller an unsettling sense of what could (and should) have been an epic heist. Combine this with the perfect use of varied music, and you get a great product that shines in the climax. Ultimately, these techniques create a graphic, atmospheric feel and an energetic (though unfocused) tone. The director succeeded, but he was let down by the script.
Introducing crucial characters and information
Unfortunately, this is where the film suffers: like Black Mass, the film desperately needed more time to reach the epic scale of its predecessor Heat, and in an attempt to cram so much into just over two hours, the story is unfocused and chaotic. These plots are by no means gratuitous, however, and the film struggles to organize its main story. The haphazard introduction of important characters and information without explanation makes it seem like two different films that have been merged into one to make them stand out.
A fair analysis
The film would have benefited from another half hour (at least) to explain certain elements in more detail and clean up the damage the editors have done to this flawed film. In the final act of the story, the film slows down and doesn’t rush, which is both good and bad. It’s good because it makes the story more compelling; it’s bad because it makes the first few acts of the film seem more rushed and unfinished. However, in the final minutes, when the pace finally picks up, the film 7starhd ends with an open ending that leaves many unanswered questions.
End Thoughts
I’ve been waiting for this film for over a year, so naturally, I’m more disappointed than most. This movie was supposed to be great plot-wise, but I still enjoyed it a lot. Despite the weak script, the film turned out to be a dark, fascinating, well-shot, and (very) well-acted piece of entertainment on 9kmovies, unlike anything I’ve seen in years. Triple 9’s strengths slightly outweigh its weaknesses, and fans of the genre and non-fans alike will find value in this action-packed, thrilling, but dirty film. I give this film three and a half stars out of five.