Are Cats Really Magic?

Are Cats Really Magic?
Within literary and film culture cats have often been portrayed as magical mystical creatures,
often being used as the vessel for transformed witches or wizards or acting as a magical familiar.
They have always been an animal that presents somewhat of an enigma, Pool Team Name
but are our furry little friends actually more mythical that we could have imagined,
here in the real world?
Scientists seem to think so. It is now thought that cats can see more than we could ever imagine.
Cats visual processes work very differently to ours, they can’t see objects close up
because they don’t possess the muscles to change the shape of
their lenses and they are effectively colour-blind,
but they do have few tricks up their sleeves that humans do not.
Anyone that has ever owned a cat could agree that they are
excellent as seeing in the dark, but do you know why?
Cat’s pupils are shaped like slits and this actually allows them
to control the amount of light that enters their eyes and reaches their retina,
their pupils also dilate more meaning that they only need
about 15% of the light the humans need to see so they can see in the dark with no problem at all.
Now, that’s cool but you’re probably thinking seeing in the dark isn’t all that mystical.
Well how about this? Cats miss out on the reds in the spectrum of colour that humans see,
but they may have something better. They are extremely susceptible to ultraviolet light and this allows
them to see colours, patterns and shadings that
we couldn’t even imagine, such as a trail of nectar on a flower
or even residual blood or urine that is invisible to humans (gross I know).
So it is possible that some of the enigma of cats may be explained by this,
when your cats looks like their seemingly staring at nothing their not you just can’t see it,
and you probably never will.
Appreciate the mysticality of cats and sit back and think just how amazing it is that the world they see is so different to the world that we see.
Soul Salvation
Can soul salvation be the cure to depression?
With a seemingly surprising statistic of one in every five p
eople in the UK being affected by depression, it see
ms that the stresses of everyday life drive people into chasms of despair.
Anxiety and depression are the most com
mon mental health disorders in the UK, wit
h many health professionals attributing internal and external stresses as the main pain to the brain.
So then what can we do to help ourselves from feeling low or defeated?
According to, anxiety and depression are the most common mental health disorders in the UK, with many health professionals attributing internal and external stresses as the main pain to the brain.
However, rather than producing a definitive answer to this question as many have attempted before, the key steps towards salvaging the soul are many a myriad. There are steps that one can take when aiming for inner peace such as taking time out of a busy and hectic schedule to focus on you. Whether it’s that fifteen minutes in the garden for a cup of tea, going for a fresh and breezy walk, or turning off your phone and relaxing in a bath for half an hour, there are many ways to slow down the process of stress and inner restlessness.
Dr Cynthia Taik, author and cardiologist from UCLA School of Medicine, emphasises the importance of sleep in the process of health and overall wellbeing.
She states that getting enough sleep helps to improve the overall mood which in turn helps us to face life’s stresses.
Yet, when the mind is spinning and you’re awake tossing and turning at night, sleeping can be the last thing on our minds.
Regular sleep patterns can be aided by extra steps such as hot warm milky drinks and lavender on the pillow to calm senses and help the mind and body unwind. Researchers have even suggested that light reading before bed can help.
So, in order to better equip ourselves towards soul salvation, the key isn’t in one simple solution. Implementing the steps above can really make a noticeable difference in the long term, not only to our minds but to our overall health and wellbeing. So why wait? It’s time to put the kettle on a sit outside and allow the gentle cool breeze to carry your worries away.
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