WordPress, the thing which supports most of the websites today. Almost anyone who wants to build their own website for any sort of use mostly goes for WordPress.
The reason behind their action is the simplicity that they get from choosing WordPress. Using WordPress is an easy task. And just because of that reason most of the website owners tend to go for WordPress.
Even if you are a total beginner in the field of websites, using Word Press is comparatively very easy than other platforms.
Millions of users worldwide depend on Word Press for using their websites. And as a matter of fact, that 30% of active website users are using live WordPress.
But before installing WordPress you need to make sure of some of the things that are very essential for using WordPress.
Fully online Utility of WordPress
- Most of the new people sometimes think that they do not need an active internet connection to run and install WordPress. But that is totally not right.
You must need to have an active internet connection. This is due to the fact that WordPress is totally as online software.
Must meet minimum requirements of WordPress
- Just like any other online application, you must meet the minimum requirements to run it properly on your pc or server.
Just to clarify that it is not such a heavy software to run on your pc. Most of the modern-day computers are easily able to run it properly.
Good Internet Connection
- Internet is one of those things which are very essential to run this software. And having a good internet connection is also required.
If you have an internet connection which give high ping to or give high latency is bad to have. And general recommendation according to most of its users is to have a proper Broadband connection.
Basic Knowledge about Computers and websites
- To run any unknown software, you must learn to operate it well. And the same goes for WordPress as well. You are required to have a basic knowledge of computers and websites to run this software.
And if you don’t have the knowledge, you can always learn online, which is how most of the internet users learn today.
Now let’s come to our main topic of how to download and install Word Press in your system. To be true installing and using Word Press is a simple task, which can be performed by almost anyone with some basic computer skills.
Download a local server
The first step to actually download and run Word Press in your system is to download and install an environment to run it in. And the environment in our case is a local host server.
Now you have to go online and search for a local host that is suitable for you needs. And if you have already in your mind some local server to download and install, just go ahead and do it.
But before installing your server you need to make sure that our host should support Word Press to be actually installed and run natively. Because if there is some issue running it then it might not be worth it.
Install your server
Now the next thing you need to do after downloading your server environment it to actually install it. And if you are not actually sure how to properly install your server you can always go online and find out how to do it properly.
A great way to finding out will be to go on YouTube and watch some tutorials on how to install you desired local server software. Once you have installed you desired server you are ready to proceed ahead.
Run it on your computer
Now the next thing in our list is to actually run it. By running it the mean is to start that software to do some further work on it.
Because we have just installed the environment to run our WordPress in, we actually need to do some things before that.
Creating a Database
Before actually downloading Word-Press and installing WordPress we need to create space in our environment to install it. So we need to create a database for this reason.
Download WordPress
Now you need to actually download WordPress in to your system to get it installed. To download and run install I prefer to use official Word Press website to download it from.
Don’t go for third party Word Press versions. They might actually compromise your data.
Put WordPress in your server
Now before installing your Word Press in your system, you need to move the installation files to the desired location of your server host. We are doing it so that your host can read your files in your database.
Now install WordPress on your local host
Now the last part in our list comes, which is to install Word Press in your system. So, to actually do it you need to just initiate the process of installation and just fill in all the required information that is needed to install WordPress on your system.
Once you have completed all these tasks you are good to go. And finally, you have completed your installation process in just simple 7 steps.
Now we have talked about how to install Word-Press on your system. So, to summarize it all for you, all you need to do is to first install a local server host for yourselves.
After you have finished downloading and installing your local host the next part comes into place. Now you need to do some actual work. Now you have to run your host and create a database that suites your needs and requirements.
Once you are done finishing all these tasks, you need to actually download WordPress in your system. Once you have finished downloading WordPress in your system you have to move it to your server host’s required location to install.
Now you need to install your Word Press in your server host. While installing you need to provide all the required information that are necessary to complete the installation. And after providing all the information you are ready to go.