My Journey of Online Quran Memorization – Mistakes & Tips

It is the true blessing of Allah SWT that we are Muslims. Following the teachings of Islam is compulsory for success in this life and the life hereafter. So it is our moral duty to follow all the directions given by Islam and spread the message of Islam in the whole world.
Quran is the Divine book that is also the source of guidance for Muslims. Being Muslims, we have to recite Quran regularly, and it is the most appreciable act if we try to memorize it. Every year countless Muslims memorize Quran, and they adopt different ways to retain it. For example, going to the mosque at a specific time daily or staying in a madrasa to memorize Quran and visit your home on weekends only.
It is challenging for the students to get familiar with the new environment of madrasa to stay there and memorize the Quran. With the help of advanced technology, it is now no trouble to memorize the Quran while staying at your home. You can memorize Quran online by just paying a small amount monthly.
Today, I am going to share my journey of online Quran memorization with my Muslim brothers and sisters. They can get a better idea if they are also interested in memorizing the Quran online. I will share my personal experiences about the mistakes and tips that will help you a lot.
Beginning of my journey:
Alhamdulillah, I memorized the whole Quran seven years ago, and I learned many things from my experience. It was not like a smooth sailing experience because seven years ago, there was no trend of online Quran memorization. People used to send their children to mosques and Madrasa for Quran education.
The first thing that you should keep in your mind while entering an online Quran memorization course is that it is a spiritual, physical, and mind-changing journey that will lead you towards the path of success by enlightening your mind, heart, and whole life. One important thing to remember is that not all the students who enrolled in this course can complete it successfully. So before starting the course, pray to Allah SWT for your success, courage, and patience throughout this journey.
Once you have entered an online Quran Memorization course, you should remember that Quran memorization is like a lifelong journey. After memorizing the Quran, people think the hard work is over. It is actually the other way around. Retaining what you have learned is more difficult. It is a lifelong journey because you have to revise the Quran regularly. If you lose the consistency, then it will slip away.
Still, I read Quran daily to retain my knowledge throughout my life, and it is just like a long life journey with the words of Allah, so I always enjoy it.
Selection of online Quran memorization website:
Secondly, you should select a website from the internet that has qualified faculty. You can get guidance about all your weak points and fulfill all the requirements for the students while memorizing Quran online. Several websites provide the best services for the benefit of Muslims, and I took free trial classes of different websites before finalizing the institution.
Time table of online classes:
The students make a huge mistake while enrolling themselves in an online Quran memorization course, that they choose the evening classes for the learning process. But it is wrong according to my point of view as I chose the early morning schedule for it. Early morning is the best time because you have a fresh mind that enables you to memorize the Quran quickly. So you can save your time by scheduling your time in the early morning because you have the freedom to choose any time of the day for the learning process.
Repeat what you have memorized throughout the whole day:
Once you have finished your online Quran memorization class in the morning, now do you think you are free till the next day? Not at all, because you have to repeat what you have memorized again and again the whole day, and you can repeat your lesson after each prayer daily. Consistency is the key here and you have to get yourself into the habit of daily practice no matter how little.
Learn about the meaning of Quran verses:
If you are a non-Arab, you should learn the meanings of Quranic verses in your mother tongue. It was the principal point for a better understanding of the Quran that resulted in my successful journey. Quran memorization became easy and fun after I learned the Quran with Tafseer.