Pets are so purchased with minimal consideration for their behavioral qualities. Yet this is often one of the fundamental aspects of dog ownership. People so often bring a new fluffy bundle of joy into the family home with little. If any, foresight about what the animal might develop into. As a dog owner you, and not your dog, become responsible for its actions. So it is of course essential that you are able to exert some level of control over it. As it matures, for a whole host of reasons.
But Dog Training Ipswich is much more important to your dog’s quality of life than you realize. Training equips canines with the skills they need to get along with other dogs. And with their human counterparts. They are of course instinctively conditioned to live in the wild. So establishing the rules of what, and what not to do, enable a dog to cope with the pressures of living in your home. Training your pet where to go to the toilet, to be patient when food present. Where they can and cannot be in the house and so, on help to create a framework of rules. Which dogs can abide by, but which also helps to cut stress on them by knowing right from wrong.
Obedience is but one essential part of being able to manage your dog. Dogs are in fact complex animals and going through a training process. With them will also help you to understand their behavior better. As with humans, when you identify the needs of a dog. This can go a long way to helping you get the response you need from them in times of need. A popular method of developing obedience in dogs is something called reward-based training. Using regular and repetitive drill training. Dogs trained and conditioned to succeed and when good behavior is proving. The dog rewarded with a pat, a treat, a cheery ‘good-boy’ or ‘girl’. An enjoyable response to their actions. Which helps them to repeat the performance. And gain further recognition next time the opportunity arises.
Being able to cut fearful behavior, reduce canine aggression. And ease stress upon an animal comes with experience, both for them and for you. Through a careful process of obedience dog training Brisbane. Socialization with other animals and other humans too. Can help prepare your dog for the unexpected. So minimizing surprise and fear and helping to avoid conflict.
Training and obedience help to make your dog safer. When a dog is unresponsive to its owner’s commands then it is a potential danger. This does not mean in an aggressive way, it could for example be that. Your dog has escaped from the yard onto a busy road and if it is not responsive to your commands to stop. And heel, it could end up in the road and be a danger both to itself and to car drivers. It is so excellent practice to make sure that every time you encounter a road with your dog. That you instill the correct behavior of sitting and waiting. Before given permission to cross. Dogs can of course also be a danger, and often incidents arise in unexpected situations. Again, being able to make your dog STOP, SIT and COME are key controls. Which can help to divert their attention and prevent something bad from happening.
Younger dogs are often quite exuberant and excitable. And tend to jump up when new people enter the yard or the house. Whilst this is fine with a small fluffy pupped. It is a different matter when your small bundle of fur is maturing into a 40 kilogram German Shepard. Jumping up at people when they’re this size is less of a nuisance and more of a threat. So it’s good practice in the early stages to train and condition. Your dog to be calmer with people when they first arrive.
Dog obedience training also helps prepare your pet for things like trips to the vets. Meetings with other dogs and owners when out on walks. And other challenging scenarios such as meetings with loud machines, children, and skateboards. The posited and more. Preparing your dog for the unexpected, and how to respond. Is both an engaging and enjoyable mental stimulation for them, and useful for you. Training equips dogs with their very own set of life skills. And enables them to live both and with minimal stress.
Meet Rob Morton
- Rob is Zen Vet’s Dog Training and behavior specialist.
- He has been involved in extensive dog training studies with Brisbane’s Delta Society.