Top 5 Eco-Friendly Flooring Options

Sustainable living is the key factor if we are to grow as a society. Never before has the bond between humans and nature been highlighted more and obvious. While the topic of climate may seem broad and global, every one of us can do our fair share to help Mother Nature. Being the change, you want to see in the world starts with our home havens. Making our homes eco-friendly with the latest technologies available open up options to pick and choose from as we have made numerous improvements in the area. With ample choices to be made you only have to sit back and google your fancy flooring choice. And we are here to help you along the way.
1. Wool Rugs
Plain and simple, made from one hundred per cent natural wool material, this timeless classic can be an easy choice. Soft, warm and practical, they come in all shapes and sizes imaginable, with prints and colours that will easily fit into any of your interior designs. An added benefit here is that they are very durable and lasting, so much so that they last from generation to generation. And not having to buy a new carpet every once in a while, is contributing to less waste and fewer materials used overall. The only con to this option is a bit more regular maintenance in the form of regular vacuuming since we are being honest.
2. Linoleum
What was once frowned upon is making a big comeback today. Linoleum uses up and creatively implements, what many consider waste and by-products. Waste not want not is the main guideline here. Linoleum is made from a concoction of linseed oil, cork dust, tree resins, wood flour, pigments and ground limestone. All of these would, in other circumstances, be discarded and lead to more garbage, but with linoleum, they are being put to good use and, create less waste. Linoleum is extremely easy to clean and maintain so, it’s ideal for damp and moist areas. Design options have also followed modern trends, and the price makes it hard to say no.
3. Traditional hardwood floor
Going with traditional wooden floors hardly seems like an eco-friendly thing to do. May would argue against this as the picture of forests getting cut down to make a floor is hardly green. But refurbished and reclaimed timber and wooden floors are here to help. With the motto of using all that’s already available, reclaimed timber flooring can help you achieve that classic and timeless look without damaging the environment. More so, as you are using timber that’s already been cut down. Thus, are preventing new trees from being destroyed.
Modern technologies have made it so that this type of flooring is indistinguishable from the freshly cut one, has the same properties and durability. If you simply must go with brand new there is also a plan B. Your Logging department has regular forest maintenance and planned to trim done, and you can use the wood from there. These are usually marked with a certain certificate, and you can find out more by reaching out to them or googling.
4. Bamboo
A cornerstone of eastern style building, this versatile material is slowly but surely making its way across the world. Bamboo is easily grown, and its tensile strength is almost unmatched. Cheap, eco-friendly and durable, bamboo also grows very fast and is self-sustaining. With over five times faster growth rate than regular trees, it’s easy to see why this alternative is getting more popular by the day. One bonus to this ever-growing list is the ease of installation.
5. Stone
If you are looking for the material that will last you a lifetime, with resistance to pretty much anything, then stone and marble are the way to go. As you are probably thinking, this material will last for generations to come and, as such, they add to the sustainability of the building. It adds that a natural look to any room can be used both outside and in and can withstand anything you put on it. The only downside to stone would be the installation. Working with heavy slabs of stone and marble require skilled workers and a lot of elbow grease. But this investment will surely pay for itself in the years to come.
Starting any project regarding your home, with Mother Nature in mind, is worth every praise. Extending that mindset to the rest of your life is the goal to strive for. While all of this info dump can seem overwhelming at first, it gets easier the more and sooner you start. Step by step, floor tile by floor tile and soon you will be able to see the fruits of your labour come to reality. It’s never too late for you to start. Contributing your fair share, to the well-being of our planet can begin now. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.