
Coaching To Achieve Greatness

Top Mindset Fitness Coaches

How we overcame our pessimism and created a coaching framework to assist our employees (and ultimately our company) succeed.

Coaching, Cynicism, And Silver Bullets

We used to be a skeptic when it came to coaching. Various coaching for greatness / mentoring initiatives was introduced in a blaze of managerial jargon. And, in most cases, they were quickly forgotten (or, at best, poorly implemented) as the stresses of day-to-day business took their toll.

Before joining Brightest, I worked for a training company exposed to various coaching approaches and training courses. All claimed to be the silver bullet’ required to instill motivation and convert teams into extraordinary productivity engines.

In actuality, I watched several systems that destroyed people’s drive, fostered mistrust, and eventually grew cumbersome to the point that they were abandoned at the first chance.

Coaching Should Not Be Used to Achieve a Corporate Goal

These solutions had one assumption: coaching should be directly advantageous to a specific business requirement. But, unfortunately, these experiences made me a skeptic when it comes to coaching.

Coaching Should Not Be Brutal.

Personally, my disdain for coaching for greatness resulted in much internal conflict. What’s the reason? I have a natural desire to help individuals grow.

I’m passionate about recognizing and developing others’ potential. I get much satisfaction from recognizing others’ growth in even the slightest ways.

Concentrating On the Individual

Our coaching method is around focusing on the individual. We don’t have to answer that person’s queries or provide a 10-step strategy for them to succeed. Instead, we have pledged that we will be ready to assist in their progress, in whatever shape that may take.

We tell our coaches to speak from experience; our experiences can never be ‘wrong’ since they are unique. Even if they aren’t the solution someone is searching for, sharing our own stories is powerful, and it also helps us avoid any doctor/patient mentality.

Everyone Should Be Coached.

All of our employees are trained. Everyone, including our MD, has someone watching out for them and assisting their development. We’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter who is coaching who; for example, we don’t coach across job titles; instead, we select our coaches based on personalities and connections. Similarly, a professional production manager can successfully manage designers, developers, testers, and various other job positions by maintaining adequate communication with them. If we focus on the individual rather than the work, the same production manager can instruct those people.


Everyone is encouraged to keep a running record of their coaching for greatness sessions. This may be useful for looking back and ensuring that each session can be taken up where the last one left off.

We also made it clear to everyone that there is no obligation to act on whatever they learn during their coaching sessions right away. Instead, they may be sorted out through time; the important thing is the relationship.

Coaching Session Ideas

Is this a private matter? — Coaching is non-private and informal. However, request that they inform you directly and plainly if they have something they wish to keep confidential.

What brings them here? — It’s fantastic to go through people’s experiences with the firm. Why did they decide to join? What have they accomplished? What is their significance to the company’s future? We frequently require a moment to recall and re-center ourselves.

What has brought them here? — It’s fascinating to read about people’s interactions with the company.  We frequently need to recollect and re-center ourselves.

What is your ambition? (Don’t forget to share yours) — Allow them to dream large and think about their future and what they want to achieve. Then we’ll speak about them.

What could they possibly do? — Either from the dreams or from the everyday conversation. If possible, guide them toward their solutions.

What’s getting in the way? — Inquire if they have any immediate or future needs.

We are establishing a sustainable organization, and in doing so, we recognize that longer, more substantial change is preferable to quick, unsustainable solutions. With this in mind, we recognize that coaching may not provide immediate benefits (at least not sensational results). During that time, though, we will have developed more profound, more essential connections. Because of these relationships, we can better assist people’s progress and help individuals during difficult times.

That’s not just a hiking anecdote; it’s a very accurate depiction of what a coaching trip may feel like. You must be curious about what coaching is and the benefits of establishing a mindset coaching might have for you? Then continue reading.

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