Drinks to get relief from the heat

Peace comes from within when you hear about the juice in hot weather. A pair of sherbet matches to relieve the feeling of exhaustion throughout the day. However, the drinks must be made at home. Market soft drinks contain excess sugar and chemicals which are harmful to the body and excess sugar increases weight. Homemade juice brings peace at the end of a tiring day. Let’s find out what drinks you can put on the food list in hot weather.
Mango drinks: Mango has a variety of nutritional values. Which is very important for our body. Ripe mango and even raw mango medicine to prevent night blindness and blindness. You can eat mango in different ways, one of them is juice. The perfect combination of raw mango-mint-fried spices is outstanding in terms of taste. Burn the raw mango, take out the shell and apply it to the skin. Mix a few mint leaves with it. Use beetle salt instead of ordinary salt. Add sugar molasses and add sweetness to the syrup.
Cumin water: Many people suffer from digestive problems in hot weather. The magic drink for them is cumin water. Cumin is very useful to keep the body of pregnant women. This is the time when expectant mothers have constipation and digestive problems. Cumin is very useful to reduce these two types of problems. It also plays a special role in reducing dizziness and all other symptoms related to pregnancy.
Wood apple:
can’t wait to tell you how beneficial it is for the body. Wood apple drinks have a magical role in curing constipation. In this heat, a glass of cold Wood apple juice is instantly breathtaking. Besides, there are many qualities of Wood apple. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Lassi: Lassi is the comfort of summer. At the same time, this Lassi is made with many beneficial yoghurts for the body.
Coconut water: If you drink coconut water every day, your body will get rid of many problems. Coconut water will rejuvenate the body in hot weather. It lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood and eliminates heart problems. The fatty acids in it do not raise cholesterol but reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and help keep the heart-healthy. Regulates insulin. Coconut controls blood insulin levels and helps prevent damage to the body due to diabetes.
Sugarcane juice: Delicious sugarcane juice is made by cutting sugarcane into pieces, peeling it and blending it in a blender.
Lemon-sugar drinks:
You can’t fully understand how delicious a basic sherbet can be if you don’t taste homemade lemonade. Lemon has many vitamins and nutrients. Which eliminates many diseases of the body and helps in reducing obesity. Lemons contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc, Folate, Copper, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin Thiamine and many more proteins. These nutrients are very beneficial for health.
Mango Milkshake: If the mango is ripe and sweet, there is no need to add extra sugar, just blend it with milk. Serve chilled.
Cold coffee: It is made by blending full-fat milk, a little sugar and coffee powder with ice. You can use a pinch of cinnamon powder and a little dark chocolate powder to enhance the taste. Studies have shown that during stress, 200 mg of caffeine in the body increases concentration. On the other hand, there is evidence that caffeine is a particularly beneficial substance in Alzheimer’s disease. With or without caffeine, any type of coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Coffee also reduces the risk of some cancers.
Barley drinks:
It can be your ideal breakfast in summer. Ingredients little – whey, sour yoghurt (can be omitted), a little lemon juice, salt, sugar (can be omitted) and water. Mix everything together. Sprinkle little fried spices on top.
Tamarind juice: Ripe tamarind is sour-sweet. It contains high levels of acid, sugar, vitamin B, and calcium, although not commonly seen. High blood pressure is immediately relieved by eating raw or ripe tamarind. Tamarind contains tartaric acid which helps in digestion of food. Tamarind juice is very useful for flatulence and burning of hands and feet. The Tamarind is also being used in modern times to reduce cholesterol in the blood. This fruit is used to reduce the weight of the patient suffering from fever. It is also used to reduce the incidence of skeletal furosis. Soaking ripe tamarind and drinking only water in the morning reduces the irritation of hands and feet.
Chocolate milkshake: Full fat milk is the main ingredient in this milkshake. Chocolate shakes require very good quality cocoa powder or chocolate syrup or melted chocolate. Blend milk, a little sugar or honey, a little cinnamon, chocolate. If the mango is ripe and sweet, there is no need to add extra sugar, it can be blended with milk.