Web Development

E-Commerce Product Sheets: What they Are and How to Make Them

The product sheets of an eCommerce website Dubai perform a crucial function: in addition to providing all the necessary information.

They convey the values of the brand and if well done .They can convince the user to proceed with the purchase. Here’s how to best structure them

Product sheets represent the heart of an eCommerce web design Dubai as well as one of the cornerstones of the user experience . In fact, they describe the object for sale and can prompt the buyer to complete the purchase process .

A product sheet must first provide all relevant information . But not only. The product sheet can also become a vehicle for a broader narrative, capable of transmitting values and thrilling.

For this reason, eCommerce website development Dubai , particular attention must always be paid to the contents of each individual card.

What are the Product Sheets

The product sheets contain descriptions , with text and images , of the individual products for sale on an eCommerce website Dubai. They naturally contain the name of the product. And a technical data sheet when necessary, or in any case all the practical and basic information.

Along with a more discursive explanation of the item for sale. Each product sheet is unique : it must be comprehensive but not too verbose, effective and engaging .

The product sheet must also be clear and in line with the communicative style website design Dubai. Its role is fundamental because it is when the user reads it. That the decision to proceed or not with the purchase takes place.

How to make a Product Data Sheet

Each sheet must contain all the technical characteristics of a product, such as measurements or ingredients, depending on the sector. When necessary, instructions must not be missing : attention, even for a simple shampoo it is useful to insert a few lines on its use and perhaps some extra or curious advice .

The card must highlight the strengths and elements that make it unique . Avoid generic and useless sentences: try, on the contrary, to go into detail , using words that are meaningful and linked to the senses , but also clear and concrete .

Don’t forget thereviews : the opinions of users count more than the beautiful words of those who have to sell a product.

Some eCommerce website development company Dubai choose a particularly flattering review and put it in the foreground , like an opening quote that introduces the description.

Particular attention must be paid to the images : they must be professional and of quality, show the product from all points of view , highlight the details . They must be able to “ zoom in ” but they must also provide a good overview , better if contextualized.

One photo is not enough, ten are too many: find the right middle ground, also in relation to the complexity of the object in question. Finally, at the bottom of the sheet, it is useful to add links to the related product sheets and all the practical information on shipping .

Optimize Product Sheets

The data sheets must contain the keywords related to that particular product or brand, so that they can be easily identified by search engines . In particular, in the presence of a well- known brand it is always good to highlight it .

The text must never show duplicate content , because it would be penalized by Google , as well as not enhancing the uniqueness of the product.

Furthermore, it is better to avoid using the same content, even if original, within the same website design Dubai: if the products are similar, just find some synonym . To verify its effectiveness, an a / b test can be applied to the various technical data sheets , in order to identify the version preferred by the target audience .

Speaking of target: knowing your audience is essential even before starting to compose the product sheet. Otherwise you risk going astray.

From description to narration

The data sheets can become real stories . Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it or “lengthen the broth” just for the sake of it. At the same time, limiting yourself to two lines of description would be a waste.

The data sheet can be used as a business card not only for the single product on sale, but also for the brand as a whole. Effective product sheets are able to attract the attention of potential customers thanks to their original content .

For this reason, while providing all the essential information, in some cases it is better to show rather than say. Offer suggestions , make sure that the reader can identify with. A storytelling operation , therefore, which could be decisive eCommerce website development Dubai and to invite visitors to browse other products as well.

Product sheet examples

Fruity Drinks produces natural drinks with lots of fruit. This brand stands out for its fresh and colorful style , for its informal and sparkling tones .

The product sheets, as is right, are therefore perfectly in line with this tone and style. Look at the description of the strawberry and banana smoothie in the image below to realize it.

Apparently we are talking about something else: instead, it is the style of the brand that emerges.

In addition to this funny description , there is no lack of “classic” information and always necessary, like the ingredients, the nutritional intake and also a focus on sustainability.

Clearly, this particular style does not suit every brand and every type of product: you have to find your own .

However, it offers a clear idea of how product sheets can be safely used as a communication channel and a fundamental part of social media marketing Dubai strategy.

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