Eradicate Microsoft Office Error Code 0x426-0x0 Quickly

The Microsoft Office error code 0x426-0x0 is caused because of incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be resolved by repairing the corrupted registry files and tune-up system settings to restore stability. Windows 10 users have reported an issue or error regarding Microsoft Office versions 2013, 2016 & 2019, where products like word, excel, or powerpoint will not open and return no error or prompt. In the reports submitted by Windows 10 users, Microsoft office suite worked well for a period of time, and for no apparent cause, the shortcuts of the different Office components stopped launching the program by generating an error code.
This article offers details on the error and the ways to fix it;
What is Microsoft error code 0x426-0x0?
The “error code 0x426-0x0” as the name recommends it contains the specific details of the error, comprising why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with few other information. When trying to start an Office app, you might receive this error. The numerical code in the error name helps the manufacturer or the user to detect the component or the part of the application which has malfunctioned. The error using this code may arise in many different locations within the registry files of the system, so even though it carries details in its name, it is still hard for a relatively new user to pinpoint and resolve the error caused because of lack of specific technical knowledge. All our Microsoft Office Courses in Singapore do not have entry requirements. As classes are in high demand, please sign up early. If the class you are in is overbooked you will be given prior notice before we reschedule you.
Reasons of error code 0x426-0x0 in Microsoft
If you have received this error, it means that there is a malfunction in your system operation. This may be because of
- Wrong or failed installation.
- Uninstallation of software which may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry.
- Results after effect of a virus or malware attack.
- Unsuitable system shutdown because of a power failure or another factor.
- A person with relatively less technical knowledge mistakenly deleted registry files.
- Failure of an application component.
Ways To Eradicate error code 0x426-0x0
For a more instant resolutions PC users should manually edit the registry files as given below. However, since any manipulations with the Windows registry always carries a danger of rendering the operating system unbootable, whenever a user is in any doubt of their technical skills or knowledge. The extent to which the level of success rely upon the rate of recovering of corrupted registry files. Here are few ways you can try to resolve the issue when Microsoft Office didn’t return any error or give any prompt message when this issue presented itself. But, by following the underneath steps, let’s hope that you will be able to fix your problems.
- First open Task Manger.
- Now go to the source.
- Use safe mode.
- Repair or re-install.
- Install Windows updates.
- Disable Add-ins.
- Confirm that Microsoft office is activated.
- Remove word registry keys.
- Remove old printer drivers.
Usually, when a program fails to start it returns /notify an error message to the user that something is happening. In few cases, users are not recieving any information regarding why Microsoft Office is not opening.
If you’ve tried to open any of the Microsoft Office suits from your Windows and it’s not opening, try to open with the Task Manager ( Ctrl + Shift + Esc or right click on the Taskbar and choose Task Manager) and take a glance either through the opened apps or under the “Details” tab, where you will find it as winword.exe.If you see the procedure there, this means that Windows 10 thinks the program is opened and will not do anything about it. In this situation, try to create a new document and right click it and choose “Edit.
Step 2: Go to the source
If your Microsoft Office shortcuts do not work when you try to open them, then there might be a communication obstruction between the shortcut itself and the actual executable file. Depending on the version of office you’ve installed, you must find them in one of these locations:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14
Try to open the tool you need from here, if it works, then your shortcut is to blame. Create a new shortcut for the Office components which you use and replace the corrupted one. Even after in this case, if the office shortcut is not responding on Windows operating systems then try executing safe mode.
Step 4: Repair or Reinstall
If you’re left with any other method, try using the Repair feature. You can access this by opening Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> find Microsoft Outlook and select “Change” from the top menu. In the window which appears, select Repair and follow the wizard. If this does not resolve your issue, then you must uninstall Microsoft Outlook and perform a fresh install.
Step 5: Install windows update
Microsoft regularly updates Microsoft office and other in-house features and programs through Windows Update. Thus, if your current version of Office is disrupted in some way, there’s a possibility that a new update will resolve it. And it doesn’t need to be an Office update. This may be because of some other features installed on your computer which are interfering with Office, preventing you from accessing it. In both cases, installing latest updates can fix the problem.
Step 6: Uninstall windows update
Now, let’s do the total opposite of the earlier solution. If the issue started to manifest after you’ve updated your Office suite, then you can easily uninstall the latest updates and check if this resolves your issue. To uninstall an update, follow below instructions:
- Open the Settings.
- Then, go to Updates & Security > Windows Update
- Open Update history > Uninstall updates
- Find the latest Office update installed on your system (you can sort updates by date), right-click it, and go to Uninstall
- Reboot your computer.
Step 7: Disable Add-Ins
In very less cases damaged add-ins may block your Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook from opening any document. As you can’t recognize for sure that add-in is creating issues, we suggest uninstalling all of them and then re-installing one by one. By doing so, you’ll be able to find out the one causing issues. Again we remind you the task is time-taking, but you don’t really have too many preferences. Here’s how to add-ins in a troublesome Office app:
- Open the troublesome app
- Go to File > Options
- Tap Add-Ins, and then disable entire add-ins
- Reboot the program, and run it without any add-ins enabled
Step 8: Confirm that Microsoft Office is activated
If you are using pirated Microsoft Office Suite or it’s not authentic, you won’t be able to open any Office application technically, i.e., you’ll be able to open any program normally, but you can’t do anything with it. You can’t create new documents, or open and edit current documents. It’s just an empty shell. Thus, confirm that your Office is suitably activated, and try to run in once again.
Step 9: Remove old printer drivers
Ultimately, many users have also reported that having old printer drivers installed on your Windows operating system prevents Microsoft Office from working. If that’s the case, we suggest deleting your old printer drivers
We certainly wish at least one of the above solutions helped you to fix the problem with Microsoft Office error code 0x426-0x0. In case if issue still persists then simply consult tech savvy geeks at Uspcsolutions for quick and best resolutions.