7 SEO plugin for WordPress that will take you to number 1

If your website is designed on a WordPress template and you want to take full advantage of the possibilities offered by this content manager, you cannot miss this post. Working on the SEO Positioning of your page not only implies carrying out a correct study of keywords and enhancing them to appear in search results. There are a multitude of factors to take into account and for which it is better for you to have all the help possible. This is where SEO plugins for WordPress come into play . We know that there are many and that it is difficult to decide on one or the other. Therefore, we put at your disposal this list with 10 of the most important, which can give a good boost to your online marketing strategy.
7 SEO plugin for WordPress that you cannot miss
1) Yoast: The SEO plugin for WordPress par excellence. It allows you to see and optimize all the SEO factors of the page in question. In addition, it will provide you with a series of tips to improve the web positioning of your article or internal content page of your website. These tips are presented in the form of a traffic light. Those that you comply correctly will have the green light, those that you have half, orange, and those that do not follow the guidelines of the plugin, red. Thanks to him, you can edit:
- SEO title: We refer to the one that appears in Google for each website when we perform a search. With this SEO plugin for WordPress, you will be able, in addition to editing it, to know the appropriate extension of it. This is important since, if we go overboard, we run the risk that our entire text will not be seen, appearing the well-known ellipsis, which we must avoid at all costs.
- Url: The slugs that the content manager generates by default do not necessarily comply with the premise that they must be friendly. With this SEO plugin for WordPress, you can change this aspect, avoid meaningless signs, letters and numbers and bet on the keywords that will help you position your website. Remember that having an address that includes keywords is a way to gain ground in terms of natural positioning.
- Meta description: These are the descriptive lines that appear when we do a search in Google after the SEO title and the url. Thanks to Yoast, you will be able to edit it and bet on more attractive content that encourages users to click on your page.
- Index and de-index pages : It is possible that you have pages that you do not want Google to index, as they are content that you consider irrelevant for your organic, preferring that the search engine robot focuses on others that you do really want to position. You can do it by going to configuration and pointing to the option ‘no index’.
2) Wp Smush: One of the determining factors when improving our web positioning strategy is the loading speed of our page. In this sense, wp Smush is one of the best SEO plugin for WordPress, since it will allow you to optimize the images on your website, if you have some that weigh more than recommended. In addition, it has the advantage that it will allow you to optimize all of them in one go without wasting your time, going one by one. As if that were not enough, the program will optimize any image you upload to the web. Try not to be much larger than what you need. The plugin can help you, but it doesn’t work miracles. If you upload an image that weighs 6Mb, it won’t go down to 100Kb thanks to Wp Smush.
3) BJ Lazy Load: The loading time of a website depends to a large extent on the size of the images or videos that include it. The more we have, the longer it will take to load, being a factor that can put us behind other websites in search results. Thanks to this SEO plugin for WordPress, you will get your page to only load those as far as the user navigates. In this way, you will significantly reduce the loading time of your website.
4) KK Star Ratings: Very useful if you want to improve the CTR of your internal pages or articles. Remember that the CTR is the percentage resulting from clicks on your website in relation to the times they see you (Impressions). The higher this number, the better position you will have within the Google ranking. Having understood this, let’s go back to this SEO plugin for WordPress and understand how it works. Basically it is a rating scale with stars in the style of Google my Business reviews that can attract the attention of the user, so that he clicks on you when having positive evaluations. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the rest.
5) Broken Link Checker: Did you know that broken links are something that has a very negative impact on your SEO Positioning strategy? For this reason, it is essential that we identify them and solve them, how? With this SEO plugin for WordPress you will be able to know which ones quickly to solve them with the other program that we indicate after this point.
6) 301 redirects: If with the previous SEO plugin for WordPress we could identify the broken links, with this one we will solve it by redirecting to a page that does work, solving the problem.
7) Monarch: Social networks are an element that is not circumscribed within SEO positioning as such, but they can help us a lot to vitalize our content in order to give them more impact. This plugin can help you improve your social media strategy. We present its characteristics:
- It is compatible with most of the social networks.
- Shows a count of shares (the times our article has been shared)
- Statistics of the same.
- We can change the styles of our social media buttons.
- Responsive design.
The only drawback is that it is not provided separately and we must purchase the elegant themes pack.