Climate Change: Causes and its Impact on Education

Climate Change or global warming encompasses a rise in global average temperatures. Natural occurrences and human actions are the primary causes of higher average world temperatures. Global warming can result in significant changes to our civilization. These effects may be beneficial or harmful. However, the overall influence on our society is yet unknown.
According to forecasts, frequent storms might demolish cities within the next decade. Meanwhile, these effects are likely to be more quickly apparent for Gulf nations than the rest of the world.
Global warming is a result of an increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen. A warming globe causes climatic changes, which can hurt weather in a variety of ways. Written below are some of the most notable indications of global warming:
- The temperature fluctuations on land
- Hills with snow cover
- Hills with Glaciers
- The heat content of the ocean
- The sea ice
- The sea level
- Alteration in the sea surface temperature
- Humidity
- The temperature changes at Tropospheric Levels
Causes of Global Warming
These are the natural signs of future global warming. Let’s talk about the artificial causes of global warming in detail:
1. Industrialisation
Industrialization is damaging the Earth in several ways. The garbage generated by this industry is all disposed of in landfills or our surrounding environment. Chemicals and minerals used in industrialization can damage the atmosphere and the land underneath it.
One such example is the papermaking industry. Therefore, the world has made several efforts to go paperless. For example, now students can ask for UK Assignment Help online. Since the entire procedure is paperless, it won’t cause much harm to the environment.
2. Farming
Farming consumes a lot of green lands, which often translates to the destruction of local habitats. When you clear vast lands, the result is the emission of many greenhouse gases, such as methane and large trash. Because of these additional pollutants, factory farming contributes to even more climate challenges.
3. Consumerism
Customers may now buy any goods because of technological and industrial advancements. It indicates we are manufacturing more and more items each year and overproducing them. Most of the products we buy are not sustainable, and because of the shorter lifespan of gadgets and apparel, we are producing more garbage than ever before.
4. Transportation
Most of the transportation is done by vehicles, aircraft, boats, and trains – practically all of which operate on fossil fuels. When these vehicles burn fossil fuels, carbon and other pollutants are released. As a result, transportation contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The invention of electric automobiles is supposed to mitigate this to some extent.
5. Oil Drilling
Oil exploration is responsible for 30% of the gas and 8% of carbon dioxide pollution. Companies use oil drilling to extract petroleum oil hydrocarbons. As a result, additional gases are discharged into the atmosphere during this operation, contributing to climate change. It is also dangerous for wildlife and the environment.
6. Power Plants
Power plants need fossil fuels to run, and as a result, they emit a range of pollutants. The pollution they create ends up not just in the atmosphere but also in the waterways, contributing significantly to global warming. Coal combustion in power plants accounts for around 46 percent of total carbon emissions.
7. Wastage
Because of the quantity of packaging used and the short life cycle of items, humans produce more garbage than ever before. Many things, such as the packaging material, are not recyclable. Therefore, they end up in landfills. When rubbish decomposes/breaks down in these landfills, it emits toxic gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
8. Deforestation
Harvesting timber forests and clearing woodland or making room for farms or ranches is the process of Deforestation. Because of this process, humans are on the urge on losing years of their average life span. When trees are cut-down, the stored carbon gets released into the environment. Natural Deforestation can also occur, which has a significant impact on the environment due to the gases emitted by the fire.
9. Oil and Gas
Oil and gas are ubiquitous in practically every business. You will witness their use in automobiles, buildings, manufacturing, and power generation. When we burn coal, oil, and gases, we contribute significantly to the climate crisis. The usage of fossil fuels also poses a hazard to animals and the surrounding ecosystem due to the toxicity that destroys plant life and renders regions uninhabitable.
While we often discuss the effects of climate change on the environment, did you know the phenomenon influences our education system too? No? Let us enlighten you on the subject in this post.
The Influence of Climate on Education
Climate change or global warming has impacted the education industry big time. Extreme weather disasters such as tropical cyclones, heavy floods, and rainfall can demolish or damage school buildings. Children are temporarily unable to attend school due to this.
Those who have accepted online education find it difficult to adapt to the new system and even wonder: “Those who have accepted online education find it difficult to adapt to the new system and even wonder: “can someone write my assignment for me.” Meanwhile, others may never return to their studies.
Agricultural households experiencing financial and food security, droughts, and heatwaves can sometimes result in people being unable to pay school fees or withdrawing their children from school to help generate more cash. Furthermore, entire families may travel in search of food, water, and jobs, causing their children to miss school.
In underprivileged countries and remote areas, climate change may impact education indirectly. Extreme weather in gestation and early life can have a long-term influence on children’s mental capacities by influencing birth outcomes and child health and nutrition. Because the brain grows most rapidly during the prenatal period and the first few years of life, sufficient diet during this time is crucial for children’s health.
According to a study in Vietnam, exposure to heavy rainfall during the prenatal stage can affect the cognitive abilities of a child. Furthermore, lower birth weight and undernutrition in childhood are linked to poorer brain development and thus to poorer academic performance later in life.
To sum up, extreme weather affects every human being, impacting our environment and education. For example, many students may face extreme weather conditions like floods, heatwaves, and heavy rains. Others may find themselves in the clutches of malnutrition, which is usually a result of global warming. The new generation is our asset, but we need to protect it, and we can only do this by guarding the Earth. Waste less, save education!