Health and FitnessServices

FUT or FUE: Which one is the best cheap hair transplant in the UK?

Are you thinking of getting hair transplant treatment soon? Then you are absolutely in the perfect place. This blog has brought you all the necessary information about hair transplant that you will need to know. Hair fall is a very common problem for many people. Hair transplantation is one of the best medical surgeries to get relief from the excessive loss of hair. Since it is a very common problem in today’s world, there are cheap hair transplant procedures available. However, we have often found that people get confuse about FUT or FUE. This blog is going to clear all your doubts.

What are the FUT and FUE hair transplant processes?

There are two kinds of processes for hair transplant – FUT and FUE.

What is FUT?

Follicular unit transplantation is very often called FUT. Sometimes it is also known as Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). It is a kind of hair transplant where your surgeon is going to remove a strip of your skin from the area where the hair growth quality is good and restore it back to the bald section of your scalp. For each and every hair strand, there are micro-incisions present. After the grafting has been done, for about twelve days you have to pay a visit to your surgeon as the stitches are to be removed. The FUT surgery is much quicker. FUT is a cheap hair transplant process.

What is FUE?

Follicular unit extraction is commonly known as FUE. It is a kind of hair transplant that involves plucking a single hair follicle from your scalp and restoring it back to the place where there is an absence of hair. A micro-punch tool is used by the surgeon for every excision. FUE has become a quite popular method of hair transplant nowadays as compared to the FUT. It even does not leave behind any kind of large scars as the FUT does.

How much does it cost for a FUT hair transplant in the UK?

The FUT hair transplant surgery in the UK will be costing around £4,000 to £10,000. It usually depends upon how much treatment and what kind of procedure is to be done. And the most essential is the quality of the clinic that you are choosing for your hair transplant. The location also plays a vital factor as in many cities the cost of FUT hair transplant surgery is more as many times the experienced surgeons charge much higher rates. The cost of this FUT surgery is much more cheap hair transplant process.

How much does it cost for an FUE hair transplant in the UK?

The initial start-up for the FUT hair transplant is about £3,000 and the cost can extend up to £15,000. But the major cost of FUE hair transplant actually depends upon the amount of hair that is being uprooted and restored back. And also upon the characteristics of individual hair.

For average hair loss, you can suppose the cost is near about £3,000 to £8,000. But if you have an extensive fall of hair, then you have to opt for the high cost of a hair transplant. For 1500 hair grafts, you will be required to pay an amount between £5,000 and £8,000.

Which one offers the best value for the money? 

When it comes to the best and cheap hair transplant process, then you can easily go for the FUT hair transplant process. It will really be beneficial for you. The FUT process is implied when a large section of the scalp area is to be implanted with hair. The appearance of a FUT hair transplant is more precise and fuller in contrast to the FUE. The procedure takes about four to twelve hours and it does not extend for several months. But the procedure for FUE is time-consuming. This FUT hair transplant surgery is ideal for those who desire long hair. The scars that are caused by surgery can hardly be noticed and they can be easily covered up with hair. FUT is usually considered cosmetic surgery. Due to this, if you lose your hair from any trauma or burns then many insurances cover this cost in their packages. You will be saving a huge amount in this case.

Final Note

If you are looking for an ideal process for cheap hair transplant in the UK then do pay a visit to the Want Hair LTD. clinic. It is one of the best hair transplant clinics in England. You can acquire all the essential facilities and best hair transplant in the UK.

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