Health and Fitness


Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

World Hepatitis Day, a day announced by the World Health Organization.HOW AWARE ARE WE OF THE REALITY OF HEPATITIS? And the World Hepatitis Association, where efforts to raise awareness of hepatitis are intensified.This is not seen as a great danger today. Hepatitis has been one of the deadliest diseases throughout human history.  today, it is estimate that 1.3 million people die annually from hepatitis.

In this sense, vaccination activities have been accelerate both in our country and in the rest of the world. And this has greatly benefited. While the rate of hepatitis in children under the age of 5 was 5% at the end of the nineties, today this figure has fallen below 1%. The biggest share in this success, of course, is the countries, including our country. That carry out a determined vaccination policy.Doctor Ali provides the best Priapus shot in the USA. In addition to the inclusion of compulsory childhood vaccinations in Turkey in 1998. Periodic vaccination of individuals in the risk group is also given great importance. The ultimate goal announced by the World Health Organization is to completely eradicate hepatitis, and this is only possible with public awareness and a determined vaccination policy.

Do your part as an individual in this regard and go to the nearest health institution and get information from your doctor about the subject. If necessary, have your tests and vaccinations done without delay.

What is Kidney?

The kidneys are located on both sides of the abdominal cavity in the spine, and their most important task is to separate the urea, that is, the urine, from the blood, and to ensure that the blood becomes clean.It can be said that it is our excretory organ that helps to remove harmful substance in the body.

Your kidneyouter edges are convex and inner edges are concave

. With this appearance, it resembles a bean. This organ, which seems very small in weight and structure, is very important for the functioning of our body.  a longitudinal section is taken from a kidney, the membrane, cortex (shell region), core (medulla) region and pool (pelvis) region are seen. HOW AWARE ARE WE OF THE REALITY OF HEPATITIS?The membrane is a thin but solid protective layer located in the outermost part of the kidney. Just below the membrane is the cortex, which consists of red particles. These particles are calle nephrons (Malpighi particles) and are the part that performs the blood filtering process. Malpighi pyramids, consisting of urine collection channels, are located in the core region. The pool is located in the innermost part. Urine collection channels open into the pool. Urine collected here


  • One of the most important tasks of our kidneys is to filter harmful and waste materials (such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine) in our body and to excrete them through the urine.

These minerals; salt, potassium, magnesium, water, glucose and protein.

It keeps blood pressure in balance with the help of the hormone renin they secrete.

Again, with the help of the erythropoietin hormone they secrete, it stimulates the bone marrow and helps blood production. By ensuring the use of vitamin D taken into the body, it balances the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the blood and contributes to a healthy bone structure.

Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment

It is a dialysis treatment method apply when our kidneys become completely or largely inoperable. Peritoneum: It is a membrane in the abdominal cavity of our body that surrounds the abdominal wall and organs. Peritoneal Dialysis: (PD) It is perform by means of a permanent tube (catheter) make of thin, soft, silicone that can be bent, insert into the abdominal cavity with a minor surgery, and with a special cleaning fluid given to the abdominal cavity.

The cleaning fluid call dialysate, which has different types, is given into the abdomen through the peritoneal dialysis catheter. In the peritoneal membrane, harmful substances and excess fluid in the blood in the capillaries pass through this membrane to the fluid called dialysate fluid. After a certain time, this liquid is draine and harmful substances are remove from the body. Then, a new dialysate is fill into the abdomen and the dialysis process continue. There are 2 types of peritoneal dialysis treatment applications.

Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)

  1. Instrumented Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (SAPD): It is the most widely use form of peritoneal dialysis. It is apply without the help of any machine. Dialysis covers exchange processes at certain intervals. An exchange process consists of discharge, filling and holding phases. The fluid administer into the abdomen through the peritoneal dialysis catheter is draine after being in the abdomen for a few hours.

Instrumented Peritoneal Dialysis (APD)

It is a dialysis treatment method apply with the help of a machine. The machine automatically gives the liquid to the abdomen. Allows it to empty at the end of the set time and fills it again. The machine is connect to the patient at night and provides dialysis while sleeping.Doctor Ali provides the best acoustic wave therapy in the USA. During the night (8-10 hours) while the person is sleeping. The machine delivers the dialysis fluid to the abdominal cavity, keeps it waiting and empties it.

The treatment can be change according to the condition of the person.HOW AWARE ARE WE OF THE REALITY OF HEPATITIS? Advantages of Peritoneal Dialysis: After being traine by the peritoneal dialysis nurse, the patient can do the treatment himself, and the patient’s dependency is reduce. Its training is simple and its duration is short. Food fluid intake is free. Blood pressure control can be achieve better. No blood loss is observe during the procedure.

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