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How much time does Google take to index the pages of a brand new website?

Have you created or your client has a brand new website and you want Google to index the pages of the brand new website and also how long does it take for Google to update?

Then, you have redirected to the most informative page as in this article we are going to touch all the aspects of Google Indexing the pages of the new website from the indexing phase to Google indexing issues that you may face, and lastly is there any way to perform instant indexing Google?

Shall we commence?

For those who are already aware of Google indexing or heard of this before, it is well and good for you but for those who are still unaware of Google indexing, it becomes our moral duty to introduce Google Indexing to them.

What is Google Indexing?

In simple words, Google indexing is the procedure of including web pages into Google search.

Google crawls your website according to the metadata you have used, index or not index.

A not index tag displays that the page is not included in the Web search index.

Here’s a tip for you, if you want to rank higher your website makes sure you let only a crucial fraction of the website be indexed.

Avoid needless indexing archives such as categories, tags, and other needless pages. 

That’s the short note on Google indexing.

Now, to understand the insight of how much time does Google takes to index the pages of a new website, we have to go through the indexing phase to get what we are seeking.

Google Indexing phase 

Here is the Google indexing phase that will help us to get to know what happens in the indexing phase.

Make sure search engines will discover your website aka Discovering

First, you have to make sure that you keep your website lenient and straightforward so that search engine crawlers can find out your website and all of your URLs.

It is very significant for you that the Search engine discovered your website so that it could index your brand new website as fast as possible.

You can make it happen by attaining backlinks with the assistance of an XML sitemap and lastly, If we talk about Google’s case, you can issue a request to index your website to Google with the help of Google search console 

Google Crawling 

Now Google will crawl all over your new website and Google bots exchange all the information which it finds suitable for indexing the website.

Keep in mind that Google bots will not have to encounter any hurdle in the crawling process so that it doesn’t miss any significant fraction of the website.

Google Indexing

Lastly, Google will perform indexing of your website and analyze your website content.

So, you have to make sure it won’t slow down.

For your better understanding, we have a few factors that could slow down Indexing.

Here are the few factors that affect Google indexing:-

  • Bad Content Quality.
  • Inadequate internal link format.
  • Dependency on JavaScript.

Now is the time to go through some of the most common Google indexing issues that you might encounter.

  • Discovered but yet to be indexed.
  • Crawled but not indexed
  • Duplicate content
  • Trouble in website crawling
  • Soft 404s

 Now you must be wondering is there any way to get instant indexing to Google?

This is the most common question that arises in the reader’s mind to get an answer to the above question you have to go through the below instant indexing Google section.

Instant indexing Google

You can perform instant indexing Google through several ways which we have listed below, check them out to know more about instant indexing Google.

  • Deliver XML sitemap to Google
  • Take the assistance of Google search console.
  • Look out for backlinks.
  • Concrete internal links.
  • Facilitate your Content 

These are some of the ways that may help you in faster indexing of your website or index your updated website.


Ultimately, we have reached the closure, we hope that the research we have done in the Google indexing sector has cleared your doubts and answered your questions and now we have the answer to our title.

By analyzing the Google indexing phase, 

It has been seen that Google indexing takes 3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages.

2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages.

4–12 months for websites with more than 25,000 pages.

As we mentioned above, if Google fails to discover your website, you can also issue a request with the help of Google search console to index your pages and also if still feel puzzled or have a related query, we advise you to contact a Battersea web expert for better assistance and accurate information regarding this or any SEO related where.

Also Read: Google People Card

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