How to add SSL to C Panel Hosting

SSL is commonly referred to as SSL certificates, which are small data files that attach digitally encoding keys to an organization’s description. When an SSL certificate is installed on a web server, How to add SSL to C Panel Hosting enables HTTPS lock and protocol, enabling secure connections from the webserver to the browser.
Browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices maintain a valid list of CA root certificates. The root certificate must be present on the end-user device to validate the SSL certificate. In the case of e-commerce, the appearance of such error messages may lead to an immediate lack of trust in the website, and organizations are at risk of losing the trust and business of many customers.
SSL certificates are locked:
- A Domain name, server name, and hostname.
- Organizational identity or company name and location.
- Protects data between servers.
- Increases your Google rankings.
- Builds and enhances customer trust.
- Improves the exchange rate.
An organization must install an SSL certificate on its webserver to initiate secure sessions with browsers and much more.
The public key for your server is known and available in the public domain. It can be used to encode any message. If Alice sends a message to Bob, she locks it with Bob’s public key, but the only way to encode it is to unlock it with Bob’s private key. Bob is the only one who has his own private key, so Bob is the only one who can use it to open Alice’s message.
According to various search engines like Google, secure websites are very important when ranking. This means that if your site starts with an “HTTPS:” precedent, it can rank higher. This is because secure socket layers protect visitors from many types of schemes by encrypting data transfers.
This makes it very difficult to “prevent” and steal information. Installing a WordPress SSL certificate is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to keep your users at bay while improving your page’s search rankings. Recently, we published an article that explains when moving your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS / SSL. Setting up SSL for a WordPress-hosted website is much easier than with other web providers. Here are some steps you can take to begin the process of adding SSL to your WordPress host:
- Get SSL: Companies like GlobalSign are recognized as accreditation authorities.
- This is because of browsers and vendors of operating systems such as Microsoft, Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Blackberry, Java, etc.
- If you have a hosting account with unlimited domains.
- If you have more than one website, you must choose which website domain will receive the new SSL certificate.
- To change WordPress settings after installing the SSL certificate, go to the “Settings” section of the WordPress dashboard.
- There will be a text box that lists the “Site Address” option.
- Another thing to note is that it shows the domain abbreviation “HTTPS”
- It helps guide content protection and fixes some issues by displaying posts and pages properly.
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Setting up a WordPress SSL certificate is less difficult than running it on static websites. For starters, this may seem like a daunting task, but it really isn’t. Additionally, having SSL on your WordPress host has many benefits. Having SSL on your website can help your visitors feel confident about your website and at the same time, your site is being visited by search engines. Think about cost as a way to increase the marketing capabilities of your website. Just by installing SSL on the domain and making it more secure and reliable, your content will be more accessible than competitors.
Select Web Hosting, and then select Manage for the cPanel account in which you install SSL. Select the cPanel admin. In the Security field, select SSL / TLS. In the Certificate (CRT) field, select Find, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.
- Select Web Hosting, and then select Manage for the cPanel account in which you install SSL.
- Select the cPanel admin.
- In the Security field, select SSL / TLS.
- The Certificate (CRT) field, select Find, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.
- In the New Document Upload section, select the file and go to the .crt file that you downloaded in step 1.
- Select the file and then select Open.
- If you wish, enter the document description in the description text box.
- Select the upload certificate.
- Select Go Back when you confirm that the certificate has been saved.
- At the bottom of the SSL Certificates page, select Return to SSL Manager.
- To install and Manage SSL for your Site (HTTPS) section, select Manage SSL Sites.
- In the Install SSL Website section, select the Browse Documents option.
- Select the certificate you want to activate and choose to use the certificate.
- This will automatically fill in the document fields.
- At the bottom of the page, select Install Certificate.
- In the successfully installed popup, select OK.