How To Draw A Vampire Girl From The Back In Stages With Step By Step

How to draw a vampire girl from the back in stages with step by step
We drew an anime vampire girl and you can easily find several different lessons in the section on cool drawing vampires. And now we will watch how to draw a vampire girl from the back.
Everyone liked the drawing of a falling angel in earlier lessons and the same drawing topic, I would like to suggest that you try to draw a vampire girl in a new look, one might say, in a gothic gloomy style. To do this, we will draw traces of blood on her body, make her long black hair, and maybe you can add something from yourself. So, drawing in the gothic style of a vampire girl, you will love it. Enjoy guys.
Abstract the steps of how to draw a vampire girl from the back
Step 1.
Let’s create guidelines for the shape of the body and head so that we can outline all the parts of the vampire. Start with the simple auxiliary shapes for the head and torso that you see in the picture:
Step 2.
Since the vampire is in front of us from the rear vantage point, her face is turned just enough to see her profile. Let’s define with a simple line the shape of her face using the basic drawing shape that you drew in the first step, starting with the forehead, nose, and mouth or lips.
Step 3.
Finish the shape of the head, for this we sketch out the long hair, then draw the border that forms the face.
Step 4.
We can’t see anything from the vampire yet. We are drawing just an ordinary girl, which, in essence, any vampire should seem to be. Therefore, draw the girl a simple ear shape, a closed eye, an eyebrow, and long eyelashes. Also, let’s add a nose definition to draw the nostril.
Step 5.
Now let’s outline the shoulder of the vampire, draw a hand that is just about to peek out from behind the back.
Step 6.
We draw a simple breast cup, add the visible parts of the phalanges of the fingers that lie on her hand.
Step 7.
I would like the vampire girl to be beautiful (check out this drawing lesson of a dancer girl from the back), so her body will be long and thin to give a sense of grace and beauty. To do this, sketch out the shape of the back, and then shape the waist, hips, and folds at the waist for her dress.
Step 8.
All you need to draw in this step is the back of her dress with a zipper line. Let’s add the definition of the scapula bones and the line of the spinal column.
Step 9.
And finally, add a long, thick, and straight lock of her hair on the front side, which falls against the background of her face. Erase mistakes and unnecessary lines.
Step 10.
Now take our color drawing as a basis and complete all the details so that we can confidently say that the girl is related to vampires.
Source: Jet Posting