How to Install Concrete Driveway Pavers

When it comes to DIY projects, installing paver is not a swift or easy task, but when you see the results after installing paver, your hard work does pay off. Whether you’re performing small improvements to your property or looking for artificial turf for the garden or just trying to install a paver to give your home entrance a decent look, reliable and the best Pavers Service is the right option for you. However, DIY is not a bad thing at all and it is always a good thing to learn new skills and add a little extra to your portfolio. Here is a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know to install concrete driveway pavers like pros. Be sure to read every step before beginning your installation.
It Starts With A Plan
A proper and complete plan is crucial to the success of paver installation. Draw your paver and get prints of it. You will need to play around with your drawing a bit, so be sure to use a pencil and keep your drawing neat. You will also want to make sure that there is no breaking of the walls of the home and other structures. Having your paver sketch on paper allows for more detailed preparation and development. Get help from Pergola Contractors to sketch a plan. Leave an opening width of at least twelve to fourteen feet according to your vehicle’s parking area to provide enough space to walk around cars.
Lay The Foundation
After planning and taking the right steps, it’s time to lay the groundwork for installing your concrete paver driveway. You can start paver driveway installation by digging a base about ten to eleven inches deep and using gravel to fill it in. Make sure it is compact and push the gravel in a dense layer. You can also add water for a good combo to settle the paver blocks. Check the slope and keep the edges together using materials like wood, sand, or concrete. Now, you can fill it with a layer of sand and smooth it evenly.
Get Your Paver Material
You have many options in the pavers you use. Most are brick blocks or concrete, but you can find a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Find a style that works for you and fits your budget. You can find many good options online or at a local builder’s hardware store.
In general, if your project area isn’t too irregularly shaped, you can safely calculate how many concrete driveway pavers you need just by measuring the square footage of the footprint and adding about six percent. If your design has a lot of curves, get an extra twelve percent off your best estimate square footage. You should ask for a little more, as you’ll end up having to cut some of the pavers to get the right fit. The more sophisticated your outline, the more pavers you will need to cut. So, it is good to keep some extras when you need them.
Interlock The Pavers
With the foundation laid and the selection process complete, it’s time to figure out how to install the nested paved driveway. It is best to start at the lowest corner and start laying the pavers on the base layer. Make sure the pavers wrapped are tightly together and around the edges. If necessary, cut the pavers to fit the spaces. If you live in a place with a colder climate, a special system installed to melt the snow under the paving stones. This would help prevent snow from entering your driveway, working the same way as radiant indoor heating systems.
Sweep The Sand Around The Joints
So, fill the joints between the pavers with grainy sand as you used above, or use slightly finer sand. Pour out on the pavers and sweep in the cracks until they are filled. This sand locks the pavers in place. Make sure the sand is dry. Seal your pavers for durability and low maintenance, seal the concrete driveway pavers with a suitable sealant. The sealant also helps to protect the sand from getting out of the joints.
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