Are You the Right Candidate for Liposuction? Find Out Everything Here
Are You the Right Candidate for Liposuction? Find Out Everything Here

We all have our share of stubborn fat deposits that just don’t seem to go away. No matter how many miles you run and calories you cut, you can’t seem to get rid of them. Also, sometimes, there are some features of our face that we would like to improve or change altogether. This leaves us emiratis with no other option than to resort to some procedure of plastic surgery in Dubai to achieve their desired looks. When it comes to eliminating stubborn fat, liposuction does the job and does it well.
Liposuction has become increasingly popular. It is ideal for candidates that are in good health with a normal BMI. Ideal candidates are those who are not overweight but have an area with fat deposits. It can be their arms, cheeks, stomach, thighs, or buttocks. However, you should know that liposuction is not a weight-loss technique. Rather it is for removing localized disproportionate fat deposits from the body. These deposits are called stubborn for a reason as they do not respond to healthy eating or a regular exercise regimen.
The procedure could be a good motivator when it comes to people choosing a healthy lifestyle. People regain their confidence after seeing a toned body.
What Happens in a Liposuction Procedure?
Liposuction aims to remove the adipose tissue only. It is the fatty connective tissue that comprises the lingering fat cells in the body. The procedure does not do any internal repair or tighten anything like a tummy tuck. But, in some cases, it can be used to take out small amounts of fat deposits. Basically, liposuction removes bumps, bulges, and lumps from the body to give it a more sculpted appearance.
Many a time, liposuction is performed along with other cosmetic procedures as mentioned above. When deciding to go for a liposuction procedure, the patient should bear in mind that the results cannot be seen overnight. It can take about three months for the results to fully show.
Also, one should strictly follow the after-care instructions as provided by the cosmetic surgeon. After the procedure, the patient is required to wear a pressure garment for a particular amount of time. There might be some swelling or discomfort. The incision site might leak as well. This can continue for several days and eventually subside.
Having talked about what is liposuction and what it involves, let’s take a look at who is considered as an ideal candidate for liposuction.
Ideal Candidate for Liposuction
Liposuction is opted by both men and women. Nonetheless, women are greater in number as their body goes a massive change during and after giving birth. Following are some of the conditions that make one an ideal candidate for liposuction:
- Those within 15% to 30% of their ideal body weight as per BMI calculations.
- People with fat deposits in their necks, abdomens, arms, back, thighs, and buttocks which were unresponsive to both healthy diet and exercise.
- Non-smoking people
- People with good physical health and no critical or chronic health condition.
- People with strong and firm skin elasticity.
- Women who have no plan to get pregnant again.
- People with firm determination to maintain current health and weight.
Reasons That Disqualify You from Getting Liposuction
Liposuction happens to be a surgical procedure. Therefore, some physical and medical conditions might be dangerous or even fatal, depending on the severity of course. When liposuction is coupled with other cosmetic procedures, general anesthesia is used sometimes. Depending on the severity and extent of these problems, these health conditions can prevent patients from going through the procedure safely.
Here are some of the problems that arise, making one ineligible to go for a liposuction procedure:
- Those suffering from depression. Depression is a possible side-effect of any surgery. This includes liposuction. Also, if a patient is suffering from preoperative depression, it can worsen the situation. When combined with anesthesia, some anti-anxiety and antidepressant medication can be very dangerous.
- Overweight and obese people are also not suitable to get liposuction. The reason being that skin elasticity is lost with stretching that happens after a major weight loss. This reduces the chances of getting the desired results of liposuction in Dubai.
- Women with extreme stretch marks and those who had acne and were using Accutane six months before surgery.
- People diagnosed with collagen/scarring or some other connective skin diseases.
- People suffering from lupus, heart or lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, endocrine problems, vascular and circulation issues, and blood clotting disorders.
If you are thinking of going for liposuction, hope you found this article helpful in knowing if you are a good candidate for the procedure or not.