Often people have to seek for emergency dentistry and tooth abscess is the main reason of it. Without early treatment it can create severe repercussions for both overall physical and oral health. Knowing the triggering signs of tooth abscess can assist in narrowly escaping of long-term and severe oral problems.
Keep on reading this blog post to know some secret facts of tooth abscess and how you can restore your beautiful smile.
What is meant by dental abscess?
Dental abscess is referred to the condition of serious and painful dental emergency. It can develop around or in the tooth’s root containing connective tissues, nerves and blood vessels. Sometimes it also occurs within the tooth and gum.
Advanced dental damage or tooth decay leads to the development of this infection. It origins from infected broken or chipped tooth whose enamel wears away letting the bacteria to make it way easily into the teeth causing underlying cavity. Untreated and long-term gum (periodontal) disease occur abscess to an advanced form called periodontitis.
In many cases, it becomes so severe that it spreads from tooth root to jaw bones that support the teeth. As a result, the infection can spread to the whole body and leads to complete tooth loss as well.
Symptoms and signs of dental abscess
One should treat the tooth abscess on an early basis to resist the spreading. Certain warning signs you will experience while developing an abscess are given below:
- Bad breath
- Fever
- Severe tooth pain or toothache accompanied by sharp pain, throbbing and aching and dull pressure
- Painful mouth during chewing
- Swelling and redness of gums
- Jaw swelling for advanced infection
- Tooth sensitivity with temperature change – cold or hot
- Draining open sore in gums causing bitter taste into your mouth
Treatment options for dental abscess
Tooth abscess treatment is customisable as per the individual requirements. Many times, instead of using mono-treatment, dentist has to use a combination of the available options.
Draining of the abscess
Abscess cleaning or draining is probably the most efficient method to clear the infection. For this a small incision is cut into the abscess and let the pus to drain out completely. Most of the times, dentist irrigates or debrides or washes the infectious site using saline. Dentist uses debridement procedure to remove the non-healing necrotic or dead tissue.
Antibiotic therapy
Sometimes the infection is so penetrative that it becomes almost impossible to clear out the abscess. Even it can nullify the local anaesthesia effect making is really tough to numb infectious site.
Due to the serious infection, lower infected molar is tough to numb. So, the dentist gives the high dose of antibiotics to their patients to alleviate the infection resulting in making the local anaesthetics more powerful and comfortable to numb and carry out the treatment.
Root canal
Root canal is referred to the process in which vein, arteries and nerves are removed from the pulp of the tooth. It is really helpful in removing the infection to drain the whole abscess. After healing, crown is used to restore the tooth and increasing its strength and preserving the tooth in the long haul.
Tooth extraction
In case it is impossible to save the infected teeth, extraction followed by draining the abscess is the better choice to promote recovery from it.
Irrespective of obtaining treatments and taking antibiotic if still the fever and swelling persist then hospital setting might need for the patients. In such cases, you have to find dentist with hospital privileges to continue the treatment. Yet you must be smart enough to tackle the situation in the emergency room as physicians don’t usually have much experience to deal the condition.
Is dental abscess regarded as dental emergency?
Always remember that dental abscess is a condition of emergency dentistry which needs immediate medical attention. For any dental abscess, you must seek treatment on an urgent basis. If left untreated for a long time, an infection can result spreading to every corner of your body. Even it can create serious life-threatening effects. So, it is always better to treat the issues soon.
When should a person visit the dentist to treat dental abscess?
If any symptoms of the above listed are observed then wait no time to see a dentist on an earliest basis. The clinic facilitating emergency dentistry service offers same day appointment for the convenience of such patients.
Due to the severe complications linked to dental abscess you may be invited to visit the clinic out of the normal hours. Seek help immediately rather than wasting time to spread the infection and pain.
Meet the dental group at Emergency Dentist in London
The dentists of Emergency Dentist in London ensure proper care of the patients by providing immediate treatment to emergency conditions at our own office. You can visit your nearest clinic to get same day emergency dental care for tooth abscess to deal with the irritation and pain from occasional oral infections.
Every day we welcome many new patients having dental infection deeming for emergency solutions. Either you can walk in to the clinic directly or visit at www.emergencydentistinlondon.co.uk to book a same day appointment.