Health and Fitness

Lifeguard Certification Online

Lifeguard Certification Online

Swimming in the morning is a great way to start the day fit and healthy. Last week we already paid attention to coach Anneke and her morning ritual to swim in the Waal early in the morning. Besides that you feel wonderfully fit and refreshed afterward, swimming in cold water has a lot of advantages.

Curious what those are? We have listed them for you:

1. You get energy from it (and you lose weight)
It sounds crazy, but it really is. When you go into cold water, your body reacts immediately with Lifeguard Certification Online. Your heart rate goes up, you breathe faster and your blood gets pumped faster. This gives your body a boost and you feel nice and fit. Because your body wants to keep you warm, it starts to produce brown fat. This is (unlike those well-known swimming pools) fat that helps your body to stay at the right temperature. So you are less cold in the winter and swimming in cold water also becomes a lot easier. So hold on!

Plus, brown fat keeps your metabolism high, which can help you lose weight (if that’s your goal).

2. your immune system gets a boost

The cold water activates your immune system. Your body will make more white blood cells. So you literally swim healthier!

3. it’s good for your skin

The cold water makes your blood vessels and muscles contract and because your blood is pumped around faster, your skin will become smoother and tighter. It also works against cellulite. In addition, cold water dries out your skin much less than warm water.

A swimming pool in the garden sounds to many as something that is only reserved for the elite. However, this is not the case; anyone with a garden can build a swimming pool! A swimming pool has many advantages.

In the summer you don’t have to go to another busy pool or recreational lake to enjoy a nice swim with Lifeguard Certification Online. You just walk to your backyard!
A refreshing dive is wonderfully relaxing after a hard day’s work. In addition, it automatically invites people to sit in the garden by the pool!
Swimming is of course very healthy. In fact, it’s one of the healthiest sports out there. Swimming a few lengths every day in the summer can do a lot for your overall health. While swimming you use almost all muscle groups and you also train your endurance. In addition, you hardly have to deal with pressure force in the water, so you do not feel any shocks in your joints, tendons, and ligaments.

How do I make a swimming pool in the garden?

If you would like to have a swimming pool in your garden, then you naturally wonder how that all works. If you are handy yourself, you can of course do some things yourself. Still, it is smart to call in a professional company. We can also advise you on the different types of pools and which one best suits your needs and your garden.

One of the most popular garden pools is an architectural pool. This pool offers endless possibilities and can therefore be placed in almost any backyard. Every size is possible; so you can have the pool made to measure for your garden. In addition, you can opt for concrete blocks or Isostone blocks, which are both very durable and strong options. If you prefer not to have an architectural swimming pool, there are many more different options!

How much does a pool in the garden cost?

Of course, you wonder how expensive a swimming pool in the garden actually is Lifeguard Certification Online. This of course differs per pool and garden. Every garden and every swimming pool is different, so the prices also vary. It is, therefore, best to have a custom quote made so that you know in advance exactly where you stand. Of course, a swimming pool does not only entail one-time costs. You also have to charge for maintenance and power. What does a swimming pool in the garden actually cost per year?

  1. In principle, the electricity costs are the largest cost item, as the pump is often switched on for at least 8 hours a day, which amounts to costs of about one euro per day.
  2. To keep the bath warm, it is best to opt for a heat pump. This achieves a good return and is a lot cheaper than heating with an electric unit.
  3. In addition, chemicals are needed to keep the water of good quality. Think of chlorine and pH-correcting agents. If you check these values ​​regularly, you also don’t have to spend large amounts of money to correct them. In addition, you can also choose to purchase devices such as a dosing unit or salt electrolysis to keep everything in balance.
  4. All in all, the cost of a swimming pool in the garden fluctuates a lot every year. It depends on several things.
  5. However, on average you have to count at least 1000 euros per year for the maintenance of your swimming pool and water.

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