5 Future Technologies That Will Change the World as We Know It

Future technologies may seem like science fiction, but they’re on their way to us right now! Whether it’s augmented reality or self-driving cars, new technology is emerging every day that will change the world as we know it in big and small ways. From robotic assistants to 3D-printed organs, read on to find out more about the futuristic future of technology and how it will alter our lives forever.
1) Anti-Gravity Machines
Anti-gravity machines are a technology that has been in development for many years. The idea of anti-gravity is one of those concepts that is so far out there, it’s hard to imagine it becoming a reality. But, scientists are close to making this technology a reality, and we could be using these machines in our everyday lives sooner than we think! Here are five future technologies that will change the world as we know it
Future Technologies
1) Self-Driving Cars. I no longer need to explain this future technology because it’s already here! There are already self-driving cars being used on the roads.
2) Unlimited Electricity from Thin Films. Unlimited electricity is closer than you think! Scientists have figured out how to make thin films (sheets of material) that produce electricity when placed on top of any surface (not just conductive surfaces). Think about how amazing that would be if every home had an unlimited supply of clean electricity right at its fingertips. And
3) Long Distance Travel Without Leaving Your House. Wouldn’t it be great if you could travel long distances without leaving your house? Well with virtual reality headsets, VR devices can do just that. With VR headsets, users wear goggles that display digital images through screens in front of their eyes. Users wear headphones or earbuds to complete the audio experience. Virtual reality uses head tracking technology so users can move their heads around inside the virtual environment and look around from different perspectives. Another future technology is AR glasses. These glasses use a projector to beam images onto lenses – kind of like little movie screens for each eye. Unlike VR headsets which completely engulf users into a digital world, AR glasses allow users to see their surroundings while also viewing a computer-generated image at the same time – hence augmented reality!
2) Flying Cars
Flying cars have been a dream of many for years, but recent advancements in technology have finally made this concept a reality. What was once a figment of the imagination is quickly becoming our reality. So how does it work? A flying car is piloted by an operator from either inside or outside of the vehicle (depending on which type you choose). The design of these vehicles is such that they can take off and land vertically like helicopters. So there’s no need for a runway to be constructed. Sure, it might not seem like much now, but keep in mind that we’re talking about the future here and anything can happen.
For all we know, flying cars could one day replace conventional ones. Imagine never having to worry about traffic again! These cars would also come equipped with safety features, such as parachutes and autopilot software. They are predicted to cost anywhere from $200,000-$300,000 when they hit the market sometime next year. Of course, not everyone will be able to afford a flying car due to its hefty price tag. But if you do decide to invest in one, don’t forget your propeller hat!
3) The Internet of Things
Basically, anything that has an on/off switch is able to connect to the Internet through the internet of things. The connection then lets these things send and receive data so that they can be monitored and controlled from a remote location. These technologies are already emerging in some fashion, and their popularity will only grow in time. Here are five future technologies that will change the world as we know it:
-Smart Homes: Smart homes are built with an intelligent backbone that allows homeowners to control anything from lights, doors, heating, air conditioning, security systems, etc. There’s even a system called Nest that learns your habits over time and adjusts accordingly. Nest also connects to other services, such as Dropcam or Philips Hue bulbs, so you can turn on a light or lower the thermostat when you get home.
-Driverless Cars: If there was ever a future technologies I was excited about, this would have to be one of them! Driverless cars have the potential to make our commutes faster and less stressful because robots don’t need bathroom breaks or meal breaks like we do. Plus, driverless cars could save millions of lives each year by taking human error out of driving completely. Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk has estimated autonomous vehicles could reduce traffic accidents by up to 90%. And Google is leading the way for driverless car innovation with its fleet of self-driving Prius and Lexus SUVs that have logged over 1 million miles on public roads without incident. But what if my car gets hacked? Or what if my insurance rates go up? Who pays for all those traffic accidents caused by faulty self-driving cars? Stay tuned for more developments in this exciting future technologies!
4) 3D Printing
in 3D printing, solid objects are printed in three dimensions. Various methods may be used, such as stereolithography, selective laser sintering, and fused deposition modeling. 3D printing is quickly changing the design and production of items. Previously designers were limited to two dimensions (the x-y plane) when creating their prototypes. But now they can print out a three-dimensional product in order to see how it would function in real life without having to manufacture it first. This also reduces manufacturing costs by eliminating unnecessary production steps such as mold making. Nowadays, 3D printers are available for purchase on sites such as Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba just to name a few.
These future technologies will change the world because of its potential applications ranging from medicine to space exploration and even architecture! NASA recently tested an airplane wing design that was printed with 3D printer parts instead of more expensive aluminum sheets. The wing’s intricate structure made it perfect for use in flight tests where typical materials like aluminum sheets would have failed under extreme pressure. Another example includes doctor Tariq Farid who designs prosthetic limbs and other body parts using 3D printers. He uses computer data to map out a patient’s limb or organ so that the end product matches their body size, weight, height, etc. with little room for error!
5) Quantified Self Movement
The Quantified Self Movement is all about taking control of your own data and understanding how you live. The movement emerged from a need to find better ways to manage health and wellness, which has been a long-standing problem for many people. In recent years there’s been a surge in interest in wellness self-tracking, often referred to as self-tracking. A number of wearable devices such as FitBit, Jawbone Up, Nike+, and Fuelband have popped up on the market.
These devices monitor activity levels, food intake, sleep patterns – anything that might affect your physical well-being. As more people become interested in self-tracking their own habits and behaviors. It’s sure to have an effect on everything from fitness trends to healthcare costs. While some argue this trend will only make us more obsessive with what we eat or do. Others point out that with such easily accessible information at our fingertips, we are able to make informed decisions about our lives.
There are other future technologies that will change the world as we know it too. Take nanotechnology for example. Tiny molecular structures will be used in innovative ways like these:
1) improved energy production
2) anticancer drugs
3) water filtration
4) solar panels