
Obtaining the professional card of Security Guard

In order to exercise the profession of private security agent or Security Guard

In order to exercise the profession of private security agent, it is necessary to hold the professional card issued by the CNAPS (National Council for Private Security Activities), except for fire agents who do not need it. This is obtained by obtaining the pre-registration certificate provided by the training center, and above all by following the training successfully. Once the exam has been passed, the application for the professional card must be made on the CNAPS website .

The CNAPS will verify that the diploma has been obtained, and that the candidate’s criminal record is clean. The card is renewable and valid for a period of 5 years. The CNAPS is a state body responsible for supervising private security activities. It was created in 2010 and is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. In particular, it is responsible for issuing professional cards to agents, authorizations to practice for private security companies (legal persons), as well as executive approvals for managers or presidents of security companies (natural persons).

The risks of loss of the professional card Security Guard

Initially, with a view to moralizing the profession, having a clean criminal record is a prerequisite for becoming a security guard. If subsequently, an agent commits an offense or a crime ,

he will theoretically lose his professional card, the CNAPS having the power to withdraw his card at any time.

In practice, unless there is a denunciation, the problem only arises when applying for renewal of the professional card from the CNAPS, which will check the criminal record of the agent during the examination of the renewal request.

When the CNAPS finds that the agent has been implicated in a criminal case by consulting the Taj file , the renewal will be refused. CNAPS teleservices , an employer or a client can check the validity of the agent’s professional card.

An agent therefore has every interest in behaving well in order to keep his professional card, which is essential for him to practice his profession.

The working conditions of security guards

The working conditions obviously depend on the employing structure. If the latter is serious and allocates the budget, the personnel, and the means necessary for the proper performance of the services, the working conditions will be satisfactory.

If, on the other hand, the structure is economical, the working conditions can become difficult, with consequences for the morale of the security guards. For example, if the agents are understaffed and poorly equipped, their morale will be undermined and security poorly ensured.

security officer working conditions


Isolated work with very few outside contacts can lead to stress and a feeling of insecurity. These risks can be reduced by providing a PTI \to the agent. This is a device that automatically alerts the emergency services if the worker loses verticality .

It is also necessary to define the possible contacts for the agent, such as a colleague or an on-call manager, for example, in order to reduce the feeling of isolation.

For certain missions (for example guarding a marquee), it may happen that the customer does not make premises available to the agent, who must then spend the night in his car, with the only heating being that of his vehicle.

Being a roundsman intervening on an alarm can also involve difficulties. For example, a roundsman can be contacted several times during the night to carry out verifications, following false alerts. It can happen that there are ten in one night, requiring to travel hundreds of kilometers.

The two missions with difficult conditions above have been mentioned only for the purpose of illustrating examples of difficult cases. They should not be ignored or generalized, as some security guards work in very good conditions.

Certain postures can lead to long-term back or foot pain. For example, mall security guards have to stand all day for a Gated Community Security.

Officer attire is normally provided by the security company. It is reserved for hours of service and should not cause confusion with police or fire department uniforms. Few agents have designated changing rooms at customers’ premises.

Some agents work nights and weekends. To find out more about the possible difficulties of the job of security guard , you can read our dedicated article.

Occupational risks of security guards

The risk of aggression, especially verbal, is high for a security guard:


In 2018, 36% of agents said they had been the victim of verbal aggression.

In 2018, 2% of agents suffered a physical assault

These attacks are very rarely followed by a complaint. Only 2.5% of assaults resulted in a complaint. Even if the violence is mostly verbal, these situations of tension due to hostile behavior can be stressful and exhausting in the long run. In the most serious cases, threats of retaliation in private may be carried out.

Advantages of a good security guard

Punctuality : this is an essential quality for this job. In order to start a mission on time or to take over from colleagues, it is very important that a security officer is always in advance. This is an essential basis of this profession.

Introduction : The security guard is often the first person a visitor meets. It must therefore reflect a professional image. His dress, his posture, and his attitude must be irreproachable.

Mastery of the  language : in crisis situations, an agent must be able to communicate very clearly orally. Some agents must also write reports and must therefore also be comfortable in writing.

Calm and diplomacy : a good security guard must know how to defuse conflict situations by remaining calm and demonstrating psychology.

Endurance : In order to remain vigilant when the days or nights are long, an agent must demonstrate endurance.

Respect for rules and hierarchy : an error that can have significant repercussions for the end customer and the employer, a good agent must rigorously respect the instructions given by his hierarchy, as well as the prevention plans over time.

Strong nerves : a security guard can be confronted with crisis situations such as an intrusion or a fire. It is important for him to keep a cool head and make the right decisions without panicking.

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