Online Medical Card Review Scams and How to Avoid Them

Marijuana usage is becoming more popular day by day due to its surprising medical benefits. It can help with slowing down cancer and tumor development and even help with pain and sleep management.
If you are someone who has a medical condition that requires marijuana usage, then you should opt for a medical card. These medical cards are strictly regulated and allow patients to purchase medical marijuana.
After you get a Medical Card, you must get it reviewed after a certain amount of time. Your medical marijuana card could expire if you do not do so. Fortunately, you do not need to go anywhere and get your medical card reviewed online.
However, there are a plethora of websites that employ different tactics to scam people. Their primary goal is to rob you of your assets, so how can you identify and avoid them? Keep reading to learn how.
Though if you do have a medical card, then you can purchase all marijuana products. That includes things like ointments, cannabis leaves, etc. You can also purchase them in bigger amounts and of higher potency.
Benefits of Reviewing Your Medical Card
Before anything though, you must be wondering if there is any advantage to getting your medical card reviewed. The answer is yes, and the following are some of those benefits:
No Re-registration:
If you have not gotten your medical card reviewed and it expires, then you will no longer be registered as a medical marijuana user. This might not seem like much, but it means that you must apply for the registration all over again.
You would have to get a new recommendation letter, pay extra fees, and wait longer to register as a medical marijuana user once again. That is why if you plan on continuing your usage, then you should get your medical card reviewed on time.
Ease of Access to Marijuana:
Medical marijuana must be purchased from state-authorized dispensaries only. These dispensaries are highly regulated and will not allow anyone with an expired medical card to purchase any marijuana products.
Though if you do have a medical card, then you can purchase all marijuana products. That includes things like ointments, cannabis leaves, etc. You can also purchase them in bigger amounts and of higher potency.
Low Prices and Taxes:
Another great benefit of a medical card is the incredibly low prices. Recreational users of marijuana must pay a higher price for the drug, but medical users do not. They can purchase cannabis-related products for a much cheaper price.
Additionally, taxes on marijuana are incredibly high. These taxes range from 10-15%, but in some states, it is as high as 45%. Medical users do not need to pay such high taxes making marijuana very affordable for them.
Online Medical Card Review Scams
Several predators on the internet thrive off scamming others. These scammers also run online medical card review scams to take people’s hard-earned money. Following is a list of some common scams:
Too Cheap to Be True:
After you submit the required documents, you must pay a certain amount of fee. This fee varies depending on the state and can range from $50 to $200. It is required to complete the review process and is legit.
Usually, websites take some part of the money as payment for their services while the state receives the rest. However, scam websites do not need to pay the state any money because the services they provide are fake.
They keep their prices incredibly low and wait for unsuspecting customers. As soon as someone pays them the money, they tell them to wait for their review and take all the money.
Fake Letters and Emails:
This is a very common scam. People send other people fake letters or emails posing as the Department of Health (DHE). They tell people that they must get their card reviewed even if a lot of time is left before its expiry.
They lure people in by telling them to pay a small amount of money for review and they will even ask for your information which they later sell. After you give them the money, they bail, never to be seen or heard from again.
Unqualified Doctors:
Some scam websites employ unqualified or even fake doctors for consultation. They usually offer services like online consultation and recommendation letters. Since these letters are required for the review process, and it is hard to get a doctor’s appointment, people end up falling for them.
The letters they provide are completely fake and hold no value. Their doctors are either not authorized to work in your region or they are not doctors at all. They may even hire medical students to fake things.
Insurance Information:
This scam has been growing in popularity recently. These scammers tell you to provide your insurance information alongside other unnecessary information. They can later sell this information and take some insurance money for themselves. Your insurance company may or may not authorize the transfer, so it can be hit or miss.
How to Avoid Medical Card Review Scams
Even if you know what scams there are in the market, you may not be able to avoid them. That is why we have compiled a list of ways you can avoid online medical card review scams and be safe:
Verify Doctor’s Qualifications:
As soon as you get in contact with their doctor, ask for their qualifications. Each doctor has credentials that they can provide. These allow you to check whether they are listed in your state’s list of authorized doctors.
If the doctor refuses to provide the necessary credentials to prove his legitimacy, then the website is likely a scam. You should opt out immediately and notify the responsible authorities so that they may take action.
Check Reviews Online:
You must check the website’s reviews. Now, websites can most certainly fake their reviews which is why you should use different platforms. Go to forums on Facebook and other social media platforms and ask their opinion of the website’s services.
If the majority of people give negative reviews about the website, do not sign up with them. This can prove to be a bit of a hassle, but it can save you time and money making it worth it.
Knowing What’s Required:
If you know what’s required, then they cannot scam you out of important information. If you want to get your online medical card reviewed, then you only need a handful of documents that include:
- A state-issued ID or Driver’s license
- Doctor’s Recommendation Letter
- In some cases, reports of your medical history
Once you provide all these documents, you should not need to submit anything else. If the website is legitimate, they will not ask for additional information and your medical card will be timely reviewed.
As a medical marijuana user, you must get your medical card reviewed on time. If you do not, it will expire, and you must go through a lot of hassle to re-register. Though, getting it reviewed can be quite inconvenient.
Fortunately, you can get your medical card reviewed online. You can even talk to a doctor and get through the whole process from the comfort of your home. However, online scams are quite common these days which is why we prepared this guide. Now, you can confidently sniff out any scams and avoid them keeping you and your bank account safe.