
Online To Offline Curriculum: How Primary Schools Are Coping with Change?

Ultimate guide on primary schools

The Covid 19 pandemic has turned things around for the education sector, not to mention children who never got an opportunity to go to school due to the health restrictions. Overall, the transition to online education and back to offline was smooth? Or was it? Just like students, teachers also faced several structural and functional challenges while going offline to online and vice versa. Fortunately, with the help of innovation and technologies, primary schools stood up to all the challenges and catered to the needs of children.

Now that the situation is back on the track and schools are reopening, it makes us wonder how our teachers will continue to shape the growing demand of tomorrow?

Simply following the CBSE curriculum will do nothing as we have to focus on the other learning aspects as well. Here are some ways to help your children to cope with back-to-school anxiety.

Focus on child’s mental and physical health

The decline in Covid-19 cases means schools are eligible to reopen with safety provisions such as wearing masks and maintaining physical distances. Even though one-on-one learning in the physical environment is important, it can certainly take a while for them to adapt to the situation. We also need to understand that many children are not used to staying away from home for such a long time.

Therefore, both schools and parents need to come together to make sure children are feeling comfortable in their learning environment. You can also have a healthy conversation with your child where you can explain how back to school offers more fun and learning opportunities for them.

Help them understand what to expect?

Be it a playschool, or primary school, as a parent, it is important to be informed about the risks and benefits of returning to school. If necessary, refer to reputable sources to understand if sending your child back to school is safe or not.

Even though schools like Global International School take extra caution to ensure the safety of your child, be prepared to take extra caution especially if you have younger kids. A runny nose, slight fevers, and cough are indicators that your kid needs to stay home until he is feeling well. The risk is still out there but rather than teaching your kid to be fearful help them practice basic hygiene habits.

Teach organization skills 

The majority of the kids that are returning to school have spent plenty of time wandering here and there rather than focusing on their studies. “During the school from home, many parents were promoting an often wrong answer instead of letting their children think it through,” said Saluja, a primary school teacher in Mumbai.  

Teaching organization skills to your children can help them to focus on their studies rather than spending time on other activities. What does being organized mean at the elementary level? For students it means having a homework copy, separate CBSE curriculum sheet, assignment book, and project files to keep the track of ongoing homework, projects, and extra-curricular activities. As a parent, it is your responsibility to have a daily conversation with your child to learn how he is organizing things at school.

Help them prepare for tests

No matter how much every child hates tests, it is a crucial part of the overall learning process. While things were different during the online classes, your child now actually needs to study and take the exam without your interference.

On the top, the majority of schools also assume parents will help their kids to prepare for exams. In elementary schools, students usually take weekly tests for different subjects. Be sure your kid is following the CBSE curriculum and preparing for each test accordingly. Also, you might need to remind your kid to bring down notes, guides, and books to prepare better.

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Many parents who are part of the back-to-school transition often teach their kids to break down their overall tasks into smaller parts so they don’t feel overwhelmed by the whole testing situation. Remember if the testing is becoming a stressful scenario, then discuss it with your kid and school authorities.

Take attendance seriously

If your kid is sick- feeling feverish, nauseated, or vomiting then, they need to stay home until they feel fine. Otherwise, they must go to school every day to learn something new. If your kid is skipping school a lot then, make sure they are catching up with all the school work. If possible, please check the school’s attendance policy to ensure they are meeting the required attendance.

Summing it up

The back-to-school transition is indeed challenging but with your constant help and never-ending support of schools like Global Indian International School, children can easily overcome this phase. As the initial years of schooling is significant for children to develop and grow as young learner, you need to put extra effort to ensure they are adjusting to this change with the least difficulty.

Moreover, if you are looking for a reliable school to help your children with this transition then, look no further than Global Indian International School (GIIS). Visit their website to learn more.

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