Parsvakonasana Yoga and Mahamudra

Parsvakonasana Yoga Method, Benefits and Precautions
What is ParsvakonasanaYoga?
‘Parsvau’ means side and ‘Kona’ means angle. In the final posture of the asana, the body makes a lateral angle, that is why it is called Parsvakonasana. The benefits of doing this posture while standing are many. Parsvakonasana is a great yoga practice for health and wellness. With its regular practice, you can get rid of many health problems.
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Method of ParsvakonasanaYoga:
- First of all, stand in palm posture.
- Take a long breath and keep a distance of about one meter between the legs.
- Raise the arms up and bring them to the shoulders.
- Rotate the right leg 90 degrees to the right and while extending the left leg out, rotate it (the left foot) to the right by 60 degrees.
- Bend the right leg at the knee, so that there is a right angle between the thigh and the shin and the thigh is parallel to the ground.
- Exhale and bend from the waist to the right and bring the right hand down to the ground with the toe.
- Now your left leg and left hand should be in a straight line and while bending at 60 degrees, the hand should be completely adjacent to the head.
- The spine should remain straight in the posture.
- Breathe in and lift the right palm off the ground, raise the torso, straighten the right leg and raise the arms and come back to the starting position.
- Repeat this asana on the other side with the same process.
- Thus it became a cycle.
- You do 3 to 5 cycles.
- To get the most out of this yoga practice, try to maintain it for a longer period of time.
Benefits of Parsvakonasana Yoga:
- For Weight Loss: By practicing this asana, you can reduce the weight of the body and get a caudal look.
- For waist fat: By reducing waist fat to a great extent with this yoga practice, you can make the waist beautiful and thin.
- Reduce Thigh Fat: With this, you can increase its beauty by reducing the fat of the thigh.
- Healthy Heart: This asana strengthens the heart muscles.
- Digestion: It improves digestion.
- Ankles and Knees: It plays an important role in strengthening the ankle and knee.
- Chest expansion: It is helpful in expanding the chest and reduces chest-related problems.
- Arthritis: By doing this asana, it is beneficial in arthritis.
- Constipation: Helpful in reducing constipation.
Precaution of Parsvakonasana Yoga:
- Parsvakonasana yoga should not be done when there is pain in the knee and back.
- Patients with sciatica should practice it in front of a specialist.
Mahamudra Health Benefits – Remove stomach related diseases and reduce obesity
In Sanskrit, maha means great and mudra means a feeling. Let us tell you that better postures are considered in yoga than asanas and pranayama. This is because asanas make you physically flexible, while postures develop physical as well as mental powers.
At the same time, it is helpful in providing peace to the mind. Mahamudra asana removes the excess fat stored in the body. After knowing so many benefits, let us know how to do Maha Mudra.
How to do Maha Mudra:
- First of all, sit on a seat.
- After this, spread both your legs, keeping in mind that there is a distance between both feet.
- Keep the spine straight and then place the hands on the knee.
- After this, bend the right leg from the knee and touch the heel with your thigh.
- Keep in mind that the sole of the right foot should be attached to the thigh. After this, raise your hands up and breathe.
- Then put the head on the left side knee and hold the leg with the hands. This is the full state of Mahamudra.
- Now while exhaling, get up straight and straighten the right leg.
- Now come back to normal.
- Practice this asana again by changing legs.
Benefits of Mahamudra Asana:
- By doing Mahamudra posture regularly, obesity is reduced and the stomach becomes thin.
- By doing this asana, diseases like piles, asthma, caries, leprosy, etc are cured.
- The thigh part, spine, shoulders, waist, and lungs become strong with the regular practice of Mahamudra asana.
- By doing Mahamudra daily, the pain of the back and legs goes away.
- If you do this asana daily, then soon the problem of dream defects goes away and your body also gets energize.
- Laziness also goes away with its regular practice.
- By doing this asana, the problems related to the menstruation of women are removed.
Take these precautions:
- Mahamudra should be done on an empty stomach, then it is more beneficial.
- Also, eat and drink something only after 30 minutes of doing this mudra.
- People who have slip disc problems should not do Mahamudra.
- Heart patients should also not do Mahamudra.
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