Health and Fitness

Perfect Push-Up

Perfect Push-Up
While push ups are one of the most well known and popular exercises,

many people do not actually know how to perform a perfect push up.

I’ve seen people cheating on push ups countless times. Most people

just don’t know any better, but if you want to maximize the man

y benefits of one of the most versatile chest exercises, you shou

ld learn how to properly perform a push up.

But before we discuss proper form, why should I even care about

push ups? What makes them so great? Well, first of all, they are

essentially the only effective chest exercise that can be done in the

comfort of your own home, without the need for expensive equipment.

In addition, push ups are a compound exercise that helps develop

the pectorals, triceps, deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis,

and the midsection as a whole. Also, push-ups epitomize manliness.

Perfect Push-Up
While push ups are one of the most well known and popular exercises,

many people do not actually know how to perform a perfect push up.

I’ve seen people cheating on push ups countless times.

Most people just don’t know any better, but if you want to maximize the

many benefits of one of the most versatile chest exercises, you should

learn how to properly perform a push-up.

But before we discuss proper form, why should I even care about push-ups?

What makes them so great? Well, first of all, they are essentially the only effective

chest exercise that can be done in the comfort of your own home, without the

need for expensive equipment. In addition, push ups are a compound exercise

that helps develop the pectorals, triceps, deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis,

and the midsection as a whole. Also, push ups epitomize manliness.

So onto perfect form. To start out, lie prone with your hands at shoulder

level and slightly more than shoulder width apart. Keep for feet together

and parallel to each other. Keep your entire body straight during the exercise

and look ahead of you, not at the ground. Extend your arms while keeping your

hands fixed on the ground. While extending and raising yourself up, keep your

body straight and try not to arch your lower back. Exhale while lifting yourself.

Once your arms are fully extended, you’ve finished the hard part of a

push-up. Woohoo!

Now for the easy part: going back down. After pausing for a brief

moment at the top of the push up, bend your arms to slowly lower

yourself back down. While lowering yourself, inhale and make sure to

maintain your form and keep your legs and back straight. Keep lowering

until your chin or chest touches the floor. Once your chin/chest touches

the ground, you have officially completed one push up! Now extend your

arms again to do even more (I know you can, tough guy).

Now that I’ve mastered the push up, there is nothing left to challenge me,

right? Wrong. There are many different and challenging variations to the push up

. First and foremost, there is the so called “diamond push up.” In this exercise

, the hands are placed together to form a diamond shape, which shifts the weight

from your chest to your triceps. By mastering this variation, you could get ripped triceps,

which make up 2/3 of your arm mass (in other words, ripped triceps give you buff looking arms)

. Another common variation is the “explosive push up.”

To perform this variation, “explode” up when extending your arms

, lifting yourself off the ground. This variation takes the

intensity of a push up to a whole new level.

Finally, there is the most difficult push up modification of all: the

planche push up. In order to even attempt this push up, you must first be able to do 50+ consecutive,

good form push ups. This is such a difficult push up because

it is performed with the feet off the ground and only the arms lifting oneself.

To do this variation, the body’s center of gravity must be kept over the hands

while performing the push up by leaning forward while the legs are elev

ated in the air, which requires great strength and a high level of balance.

Well, good luck with your push ups, and if you want a good plan please visit Hundred Pushups, it has a good plan to help you succeed in doing 100 push ups.

So onto perfect form. To start out, lie prone with your hands at shoulder level and slightly more than shoulder width apart. Keep for feet together and parallel to each other. Keep your entire body straight during the exercise and look ahead of you, not at the ground. Extend your arms while keeping your hands fixed on the ground. While extending and raising yourself up, keep your body straight and try not to arch your lower back. Exhale while lifting yourself. Once your arms are fully extended, you’ve finished the hard part of a push up. Woohoo!

Now for the easy part: going back down. After pausing for a brief moment at the top of the push up, bend your arms to slowly lower yourself back down. While lowering yourself, inhale and make sure to maintain your form and keep your legs and back straight. Keep lowering until your chin or chest touches the floor. Once your chin/chest touches the ground, you have officially completed one push up! Now extend your arms again to do even more (I know you can, tough guy).

Now that I’ve mastered the push up, there is nothing left to challenge me, right? Wrong. There are many different and challenging variations to the push up. First and foremost, there is the so called “diamond push up.” In this exercise, the hands are placed together to form a diamond shape, which shifts the weight from your chest to your triceps. By mastering this variation, you could get ripped triceps, which make up 2/3 of your arm mass (in other words, ripped triceps give you buff looking arms). Another common variation is the “explosive push up.” To perform this variation, “explode” up when extending your arms, lifting yourself off the ground. This variation takes the intensity of a push up to a whole new level.

Finally, there is the most difficult push up modification of all: the planche push up. In order to even attempt this push up, you must first be able to do 50+ consecutive, good form push ups. This is such a difficult push up because it is performed with the feet off the ground and only the arms lifting oneself. To do this variation, the body’s center of gravity must be kept over the hands while performing the push up by leaning forward while the legs are elevated in the air, which requires great strength and a high level of balance.

Well, good luck with your push ups, and if you want a good plan please visit Hundred Pushups, it has a good plan to help you succeed in doing 100 push ups.

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