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SaaS Writer- 6 Steps to Find and Work with One Successfully

Before getting on with the topic we would like to address the elephant in the room first, what is SaaS writing? Software as a service. 

Although We’re sure that almost most of our readers know it, that is why you’re giving a read to this blog, we would like to express it in our way. 

SaaS writing is an example of smart work and not hard work, which is quite essential in this modern era where everyone is running a rat race in their respective fields. An excellent answer to what SaaS writing is- it’s the kind of writing writers or writing agencies adapt when they don’t want to waste two most precious things- time and money buying a disk or a license key. Long story short, it’s more like an art to express and show how fast and rigorously one can use a particular software through an easy-to-access online portal to solve their problems. 

Well for starters, there are keys three steps that you should consider when adopting this technique-

  1. Express and show yourself through your writing,
  2. Learn more about your software so you can easily and quickly learn how to solve your problems using your software only 
  3. Stop wasting your time and money unnecessarily on buying a desk. 

Now getting back to the main topic.

6 SaaS writing tips to Find and Work with One Successfully

  1. As a SaaS marketer, you should know that 
  2. compelling, high quality copywriting is 
  3. essential for the supereminent generation and 
  4. deals. You also probably know that searching for  astral SaaS content can feel a bit like 
  5. chancing a needle in a haystack.
  6. The good news is that finding, onboarding, and working successfully with your coming 
  7. the pen doesn’t have to be a headache.


  • Knowing when to use an external SaaS writer vs an in-house writer

In-house writers indeed have the most potential to develop a very strong knowledge of your company by the process called osmosis but you also cannot ignore the fact that along with their all other priorities, dedicating time to your writing projects can be a challenge sometimes. 

Whereas external SaaS writers are so used to holding their skills and have years of practice that can and will benefit you in multiple ways and they can easily hop on to writing projects whenever needed. 

Another factor to keep in mind is that we writers are well aware that outsourcing sure enables marketing teams to delegate which works in favor of agencies as they help avoid the cost of new employees. 

  • Finding your next rock star SaaS writer

In the above point, we mentioned and proved how hiring an external SaaS writer can save you time and save your sanity by completing your to-do list that is a mile long. And How it’s a cost-effective way that helps your company build a team of marketing content writers. 

But for that you need to build your team, will need an extra set of hands to help you with all the growing work. 

  • Nailing the writer interview process

The third step speaks for itself, nailing the writer interview process. Taken from an experienced company/agency like ours, there are 19 important questions that you need to ask when interviewing for a writer. And again let us make it very clear that all these points are going to apply to an in-house writer, an agency, or a freelancer. 

And trust us when we say and just going through a few writing samples isn’t good enough to give you a rock-hard thing to gauge whether the writer will be a good fit for your company/agency or not. 

Include some writing exercises to find out the perfect match for your company, to find out that one. 

  • Onboard your new SaaS writer quickly but also painlessly

Bingo! You’ve hired a SaaS writer, but now you needn’t worry about getting up to speed, it’s such a simple process. 

The very first step for this point includes familiarizing your new writers with the rest of your team, your company/agency, and most importantly the product via all the background material. The next step involves giving them a brief about your writing style and SEO terms and making sure that they understand it all. These all steps are kind of important as they ensure that your writer hits the ground running. 

  • Give your writer clear and brief details about the comprehensive content creation

As mentioned in the above point, you must give a brief about every new and past project and writing criteria to your new employees. This is simply because a brief will ensure that the writer is doing his/her work according to your expectations for the content and they hit a home run the first time.

Now let’s discuss what all a brief should include?

  • information on the purpose of the content
  • target audience. 
  • housekeeping items like word count, deadline, and sources for the piece. 
  • Providing a constructive feedback

Now you guys know how to provide feedback but do you know how to deliver it effectively?

Follow these steps to more about how to deliver feedback effectively-

  • The first step is to organize the feedback into themes
  • To avoid all the confusion, give positive and negative feedback separately
  • Ask more questions that can help your writers where you want them to go.

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