“Secret” to Sculpted Abs

“Secret” to Sculpted Abs
I’m going to start this post off by letting you I,
n on a little secret: there is no “secr
et” to getting six-pack abs. There are no magic wo
ising sculped abs in under a month, just remember it’s bullshit.
But while there is no magic way to get abs, it is possible to get great abs, it just takes time, dedication, and self-discipline. Many people believe that the best was Female Names Meaning Death
y to get abs is by doing 500 crunches every day.
This belief is simply wrong and you will not get ab
s following this philosophy because you will give up from boredom in a week. In reality, the “secret” to powerful abs is a clean diet supplemented by abdominal exe
rcises and high-intensity interval training . In addition,
weight training is also highly recommended.
In the simplest terms, the reason why doing thousands of crunches is an ineffective way to get a six pack is because no matter how ripped your abs are, unless your body fat is less than 10%, there is no way you are going to be able to see those abs. For women, this number could be slightly higher, but still, you can’t have much flab and still have a six pack. So how can one achieve such a low body fat? With 3 basic steps.
1. Nutrition
In order for most people to get sculpted abs, they need to have an extremely disciplined diet. So if you want to get serious about washboard abs, you are gonna need to get serious about avoiding junk food. There are tons of diet plans out there, so pick one and stick with it. Just make sure that the plan doesn’t involve starving yourself, as that is the WRONG way to lose weight. I repeat, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Diet plans I recommend are the abs diet and the 3 hour diet. In addition, there are surely many free diet plans around the internet that you can find.
2. Abdominal Exercises
While not as important as not having a clean diet, working our your abs 3-4 times a week can also help develop your six pack. But what exercises are the best? Well, for starters, the standard crunch is a decent exercise for beginners. For a more advanced workout, you can do crunches on an exercise ball or the bicycle maneuver . And for even more exercises, click here . But whatever you do, please don’t buy into any products you see on infomercials . You can exercise just as well without equipment.
3. Cardio (High-Intensity Interval Training)
With the help of an excellent diet, a well thought out cardio plan can help get ride of any stubborn body fat while retaining muscle mass. Although it is very possible to get slim by running 5 miles a day, a much more effective solution is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With HIIT, one can condense a 20 minute standard cardio session into 10 minutes . In essense, HIIT involves doing any type of aerobic exercise in intervals of very intense periods followed by moderate recovery periods. For more details and information, read my post about HIIT here .
So as you can see, for most people getting a six pack is quite an involved effort. But on the brightside, it really is possible for almost all people to have a good set of abs. But if you want abs, you are going to have to eat right and get moving because nobody who sits around all day has amazing abs. To motivate you even more, here is a little quick fact for you: in the Netherlands, nearly one in five men can see their abs. This number coincides with the number of men that ride their bikes to work . So get up and exercise, and you will be able to see your six pack too.
“Secret” to Sculpted Abs
I’m going to start this post off by letting you in on a little secret: there is no “secret” to getting six-pack abs. There are no magic workouts, diets, or pills that will get you a six pack like this guy’s in under 2 weeks. So if you see a magazine promising sculpted abs in under a month, just remember it’s bullshit.
But while there is no magic way to get abs, it is possible to get great abs, it just takes time, dedication, and self-discipline. Many people believe that the best way to get abs is by doing 500 crunches every day. This belief is simply wrong and you will not get abs following this philosophy because you will give up from boredom in a week. In reality, the “secret” to powerful abs is a clean diet supplemented by abdominal exercises and high-intensity interval training . In addition, weight training is also highly recommended.
In the simplest terms, the reason why doing thousands of crunches is an ineffective way to get a six pack is because no matter how ripped your abs are, unless your body fat is less than 10%, there is no way you are going to be able to see those abs. For women, this number could be slightly higher, but still, you can’t have much flab and still have a six pack. So how can one achieve such a low body fat? With 3 basic steps.
1. Nutrition
In order for most people to get sculpted abs, they need to have an extremely disciplined diet. So if you want to get serious about washboard abs, you are gonna need to get serious about avoiding junk food. There are tons of diet plans out there, so pick one and stick with it. Just make sure that the plan doesn’t involve starving yourself, as that is the WRONG way to lose weight. I repeat, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Diet plans I recommend are the abs diet and the 3 hour diet. In addition, there are surely many free diet plans around the internet that you can find.
2. Abdominal Exercises
While not as important as not having a clean diet, working our your abs 3-4 times a week can also help develop your six pack. But what exercises are the best? Well, for starters, the standard crunch is a decent exercise for beginners. For a more advanced workout, you can do crunches on an exercise ball or the bicycle maneuver . And for even more exercises, click here . But whatever you do, please don’t buy into any products you see on infomercials . You can exercise just as well without equipment.
3. Cardio (High-Intensity Interval Training)
With the help of an excellent diet, a well thought out cardio plan can help get ride of any stubborn body fat while retaining muscle mass. Although it is very possible to get slim by running 5 miles a day, a much more effective solution is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With HIIT, one can condense a 20 minute standard cardio session into 10 minutes . In essense, HIIT involves doing any type of aerobic exercise in intervals of very intense periods followed by moderate recovery periods. For more details and information, read my post about HIIT here .
So as you can see, for most people getting a six pack is quite an involved effort. But on the brightside, it really is possible for almost all people to have a good set of abs. But if you want abs, you are going to have to eat right and get moving because nobody who sits around all day has amazing abs. To motivate you even more, here is a little quick fact for you: in the Netherlands, nearly one in five men can see their abs. This number coincides with the number of men that ride their bikes to work . So get up and exercise, and you will be able to see your six pack too.
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