Setu Bandhasana Pose: Method, Advantages, and Precautions

The Setu Bandha posture is also called the bridge pose, in which the body feels like a bridge. For this reason, the name of this posture is Setu Bandhasana. In Sanskrit, ‘Sethu’ means ‘Bridge’, Dam means ‘bind’, and ‘asana means ‘Position. This asana is effective in relieving lower back pain and strut of the ankle, hip, back, thighs, and shoulders. Setu Bandhasana should always be taken on an empty stomach. If we do it in the morning, it is more beneficial. If you are going to do it in the evening, keep in mind that do it 5 or 6 hours before eating. Know how Setu Bandhasana is performed and what are its benefits. And there are also many health benefits of doing yoga asana that you can get by joining 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India.
What is the way to do Setu Bandhasana:
- To perform Setu Bandhasana, first of all, place a mat or dari in a quiet place.
- Now lie on your back on this mat.
- Now bend both your knees and place your feet on the ground at some distance from each other. That is, keep your feet 10 to 12 inches away from your pelvis. It should be in a straight line with knees and ankles.
- Keep both your arms close to your body and your palms facing down.
- Now pull the breath inward and slowly raise the lower, middle, and upper parts of your waist. Relax your shoulders in the meantime. Bring the chin down and do not touch the chest with the chin.
- With the help of shoulders, arms, and legs, balance the entire weight of your body. Try to get your hips and body in this posture. Your thighs should be parallel to each other and the ground.
- If you want to be able to do more, you can hold the fingers together and support the floor with your hands to raise the torso a little more, or you can support your back with your palms.
- During this, keep breathing comfortably.
- Stay in this position for a while and when coming from this position to the normal position, breathe out.
- Repeat the ‘Setubandhasana’ again.
Tips to do Setu Bandhasana:
- If you are doing this easy for the first time, then make sure that you do not stretch yourself too much because it can damage your neck.
- Also, make sure that your axes are firm when you are in the bridge posture.
- When you are not aware of this posture, your purpose of performing Setu Bandhasana may be in vain as it will not cause any stretch in the lower back or back.
Benefits of doing Setu Bandhasana:
- Increase digestive power:
Setu Bandhasana is helpful in increasing digestive power. Which can relieve stomach problems like constipation, gas, indigestion, etc. That is, this yoga asana is very beneficial for the stomach.
- Stress relief:
Yoga is effective in removing both physical and mental problems. Similarly, this Yogasan is also helpful in relieving stress, depression, and anxiety, etc. Doing this calms the mind and brings positive thoughts to the mind.
- Back muscles are strong:
This asana proves very beneficial for the back. By doing this asana, the chest, neck, spine, hip all dilate. Due to which the muscles of the back, hamstrings become stronger.
- Blood pressure remains balanced:
Performing Setu Bandhasana improves blood circulation. Which relieves the problem of high blood pressure. Along with this yoga, asana is also beneficial for asthma patients.
- Increases body’s flexibility:
It is easily effective for increasing the flexibility of the body and keeping the body active. By doing this asana, the lungs are fully opened, which also relieves the problem of the thyroid. So if you have a thyroid problem, make a habit of regularizing Setu Bandhasana.
- Setu Bandhasana is beneficial for women:
It is helpful in relieving the symptoms of pain during menopause and the menstrual cycle. Performing this asana is also very beneficial for women. If you are troubled by any problem related to periods, then do Setu Bandhasana and get rid of the troubles occurring in those days.
- Pain reliever:
If you have back pain or headache problems, you can benefit from performing Setu Bandhasana as this yoga asana is helpful in reducing headaches and back pain.
- Reduce belly fat:
Increased body weight can damage your smartness. Now whether this extra weight is full body or abdominal fat. To avoid these troubles, do Setu Bandhasana daily and keep the weight balanced along with the fat of the stomach.
Some Precautions to be taken while doing Setu Bandhasana:
- Setu Bandhasana should always be taken on an empty stomach.
- If you have a back injury, avoid doing this asana.
- If you are doing Setu Bandhasana, do not turn your head and right or left.
- If you have pain in your knees, then take care while doing this Yogasan.
- If you are doing Setu Bandhasana for the first time, then it is necessary for you to take guidance while doing it.
When should one not perform Setu Bandhasana:
- People who have neck injuries should not do this asana or seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist before doing it.
- Pregnant women can do this asana, but the information about how safe it is for them must be sought from the doctor. If you are pregnant and doing this asana, then you must also understand with a yoga expert.
- Do not perform this asana even in the event of backache.
- People with severe migraines should avoid performing Setu Bandhasana.
- Those who have stomach problems or if you have intestinal problems, do not do this asana in such a situation because doing this asana puts pressure on the stomach and intestines.
- Do not turn your head backward while doing this asana in the condition of cervical spine problem, hyperactive thyroid, high blood pressure.
There are also many health benefits of doing yoga asana that you can get by joining 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India.