5 Easy Yoga Poses For The Non-Yogis

Yoga has been a part of the Indian culture for more than 5000 years. It has also found mention in various cultures around the world. This ancient art goes much deeper than sitting cross-legged with both eyes closed to the outside world. Whether you want to improve breathing, get rid of a headache, or just want to stay fit; yoga poses has something for everyone. You should join a Yoga Alliance certification to know more about this sacred art.
However, not everyone has an interest in sitting on the mat in one pose for longer periods and trying to connect with their true self. There is nothing to fret about, if you are not able to touch your toes without bending the knees, as stated above, yoga has something for everyone.
With that said, let us check out some of the yoga poses you can do even when you don’t yoga.
5 Yoga Poses For Non-Yogis
Given below are some of the easiest yoga poses you can do even when you are not that deep into yogic arts.
1. Lunge
Lunges are the best yoga asana, these strengthen your legs and give them a good stretch. Practicing lunges gives you more energy and tones your thighs, buttocks, arms, abs, and hips.
Steps To Practice Lunges
➢ Start with the Mountain Pose. Bring your left leg back and keep it straight as the length of your right leg.
➢ Bend your right knee till it is over your ankle. Make sure it does not go past your toes.
➢ Stretch your back leg completely straight. Lift your arms alongside your ears.
➢ Suck your abdominals in and up.
➢ Keep your shoulders down and back.
➢ Take five to eight deep breaths.
➢ Come back to the starting position and change sides.
Read More – 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training: Things to Consider Before Enrolling
2. Table Top
The best yoga asana to strengthen your back and stretch the front body. This yoga pose is not that complicated and offers you some amazing benefits. The best part about Table Top is you can do this at any time of the day.
Steps To Practice Table Top
➢ Sit tall on the yoga mat and bend your knees. Your feet should be hip-width apart and flat on the floor.
➢ Bring your hands at least 10 to 12 inches behind you with fingers forward.
➢ Press into your hands and feet. Lift your body up till it is parallel to the floor.
➢ Try lifting your hips as high as your shoulders.
➢ Contract your hamstrings and buttocks.
➢ Squeeze your shoulder blades and engage your core.
➢ Hold this position for 8 to 10 breaths.
➢ Lower down and rest.
You should enroll in 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to learn more easy-to-do yoga asanas under expert guidance.
3. Staff Pose
Staff Pose is the Mountain Pose for those practicing seated yoga postures. It helps you learn how to engage the pelvic floor muscles and abdominals to lengthen the spine. This yoga pose gives your hamstrings a good stretch, helps you sit tall, and lengthens the spine.
Steps To Practice Staff Pose
➢ Sit on your sitting bones on the yoga mat. Press them firmly into the mat.
➢ Keep your hands alongside your hips. Press them firmly into the floor.
➢ Draw your belly button to your spine and lengthen through the sides of your body.
➢ Try sitting tall so as to lengthen through the back of your legs.
➢ Flex your feet a little and press the back of your thighs against the mat.
➢ Hold this position for 8 to 10 breaths.
4. Mountain Pose
The basis of Mountain Pose is to help you stand tall and develop a good body posture. You can do this yoga asana anywhere and anytime to bring your focus back to the present moment.
Steps To Practice Mountain Pose
➢ Stand tall on the yoga mat with both feet together.
➢ Press your feet firmly into the mat. Lengthen your spine through the crown of your head.
➢ Bring your shoulders down and back.
➢ Engage your abdominals.
➢ Lift yourself above the kneecap by engaging your quadriceps.
Note: Do not lock your knees during the Mountain Pose. Take eight to ten deep breaths through your nose. You should enroll in Yoga Alliance certification to learn more about this yoga pose.
5. Bird Dog
The best yoga asana to improve your stability, and concentration is Bird Dog. It strengthens your entire body and you can do it right before bed, or the first thing in the morning.
Steps To Bird Dog
➢ Come onto all fours on the yoga mat. Keep your hands under your shoulders and knees under the hips.
➢ Press firmly into your hands and contract the abdominals.
➢ Extend your right arm in the forward direction while stretching your left leg back.
➢ Make sure you keep both the arm and leg in line with the torso.
➢ Hold this position for five deep breaths.
Yoga is a holistic way for you to possess great mental and physical health. Enroll in Yoga Alliance certification to learn everything about this sacred art.